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Here's something a little too close to home...(NIU Shooting)

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Shooting reported at Northern Illinois University

DeKALB At least two people have been shot at Northern Illinois University, according to information heard Thursday afternoon on a police scanner .

Shortly after 3 p.m., calls started coming over a police scanner about a white, male shooter with a shotgun and pistol.

Reports have said the shooter is down, but an alert on the university's Web site instructed people on campus to take cover.

"There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus. Get to a safe area and take precautions until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all buildings in that vicinity," the alert states.

Rescue crews from surrounding villages and cities, including Maple Park, Burlington, Geneva, Hampshire, Sugar Grove and Kaneville, have been called to the scene.

A university spokeswoman said at 3:10 p.m. she had just heard about the shooting and could not immediately comment on the situation.

This happened just now. JUST NOW. My mother got a call from my sister (Who if you may or may not know goes to NIU) and came up to tell me. She and her boyfriend who live together at their Dekalb apartment are fine, since they didn't have class at that moment. But that was a close call. I mean the two just yesterday stopped over here to say hi before leaving to go back for their night classes. I repeat, they are both fine but still.

Update: Two people have been reported dead so far, and the gunman is said to be dead as well. Somewhere like 12 to 15 people greatly injured, lot with serious head wounds. All this is just being told by students in the area to the newsgroups so nothing is official yet. Here's some more information and be sure to keep an eye on this.

Posts: 2915
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Wow. I'm glad to hear they are alright.

Damn though, what is with all these university students going on shooting sprees?

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The shooting is all over the news now. WGN 720 CHICAGO is currently reporting it, with NIU students calling up to tell to talk about their stories and that they are alright to their parents.

Edit: HA! Fox News (the general channel one, not the local Chicago one) mispronounced Dekalb as the southern "Dekab." Every other news station is pronouncing it right. I was told that some people in the south do that Never heard it in person. And on TV no less.

Yeah, but everything updated above ^^^ has been confirmed. =( And the gunman's death was a suicide.

Posts: 1694
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I'm starting to wonder if I should even go back to college after my co-op session is finished. I'm glad your sister and her boyfriend are okay.

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still, these things are pretty rare.. and i'm glad of that. it's horrible that these things have to happen, i wish they could've somehow caught him alive and found out why he did it. ox; i hope the worst of the wounded survive.

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After an hour or so of making frantic crying phone calls and text messages, I found out everybody I know who goes to NIU so far has been confirmed safe. One of my friends is worried about her roommate whom she can't get in contact with and she hasn't heard anything from.

But yeah. Campus shootings are terrible... and on valentine's day, of all days... and I've gotta agree with GT; it's unnerving when they're this close to where we are. **hugs**

They'll be in my prayers tonight.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1567
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Far too many twisted jerks out there...

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Seems it made Google News's front page.

6 dead total, 5 victims and the gunman. Turns out he was a graduate of NIU and actually drove there to do the shooting.

My Dad has it the worst, since he graduated from NIU (along with my mother) and feels great pride with the school. I mean a lot. He would take us to Dekalb, mostly to just tour the campus. He was too busy in work to properly hear about it until he was coming home and had a short talk with me just now. One thing he said that stood out was:

"When I was your age or even younger and something bad like this would happen, I would connect with the victims or even the perpetrator...and that disturbed me."

My dad also talked about Lee Harvey Oswald and how Oswald "felt that he was more important than everyone else" and tried to make change but he couldn't do it socially. He also talked on how the Virgina Tech shooter became popular and said its no use to him because he is dead.

Posts: 43
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According to Yahoo, a sixth victim has died, bringing the total to 7.

I'm glad to hear that your sister and boyfriend are okay. I'm currently waiting to hear if a former coworker is aright.

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It's my sister and her boyfriend. You completely change the context if you mistype it like that o.o;

(It would be so easier if I could just give their names, but you know, internet)

My sister is on the NIU paper like I said before, so she had to work last night.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

I noticed they've also started releasing some of the names of the victims who died, and a couple are still waiting for the parents to okay it (which I guess makes sense, but technically they're adults, so why they need parental permission is beyond me).

I hope your coworker is okay, Citidel Moe **hug**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3468
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It's getting to the point where people hardly talk about it anymore...I never heard about this in school today. oO All the last ones, we even watched news on the TVs.

Oh, and, nice avvie, Sage.

Posts: 1396
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I heard about this on the radio at work, they played a clip of the Principle who was saying how proud he was of the students supporting each other afterwards, sounded like he was on the verge of crying, and I don't blame him.

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Wow. I was waiting for what the "experts" that get brought into the news stations say on what was the evil scapegoat motivation for the shooter, in which my guess they would say video games again. But I was actually wrong, get this...THE INTERNET.

Violence and killing that young people love and "are desensitized by it" that can be found with a click of a mouse, by anyone. They also said "like there are terrorist madrassas in the Middle East, there are also internet madrassas." They exclaimed that the way the gunman quickly executed the shooting was "like a movie scene, like he was in his own fantasy world." Also, they said "steps should be taken." Make of this what you will.

Posts: 432
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Do they even know if he was, like, on the internet a lot? Cuz, like, ya know, if that is'nt like, the case, then they should like, ya know, not blame it on the internet.

Anyways... does anyone else find this weird? Cuz' GT`s sister is like, always close to some type of disaster yet she like always seems to narrowly avoid it. I mean seriously, first she was caught in a flood and now this. It's like some type of supernatural force is trying to kill her or something and it keeps messing up.

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Bad news. My parents got a call once again from my sister, this time they got in a car crash driving back to Dekalb right now. From what I overheard, the coordinates are State Route 47 and Plank Road. Apparently they think they are fine, but the condition of the car is up in the air. Which is bad, since it was supposed to be my hand-me-down car soon since I am the younger sibling. Both my parents left to help them.

Update: They are back home. Apparently they were off on the side of the road stuck in the snow and got hit in the back by a swerving car. The thing is her boyfriend was outside at the time near the trunk and almost got killed. My sister was inside the car and got hit in the head. Right now she's concerned of the bumps and bruises on her forehead and cheek. The car got back here safely, so I was able to see the damage to the car in the garage.

Posts: 432
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X_x Your poor, poor sister...

Maybe she broke a bunch of mirrors when she was a kid. >_<

Posts: 2191
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The reason the shooter was like that is because he couldn't get his medications. I'll find the article of that.

Edit: Found it.

however, I think it would have been avoided if America didn't drugged you for every damn thing. For all we know, a simple confrontation could have been what he needed.

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CT I still haven't told you about the time many years back when my sister almost died due to an allergy shot gone wrong. The people treating her were "idiots" and made her worse. Only when she got to the hospital she got proper help but still...she almost literally died. She said she felt "at peace" and everything.

In other news, I talked to my sister and apparently Westboro Baptist Church came all the way from Kansas just to protest at the NIU shooting victim's funerals and now plan to protest at a later memorial. She showed me on facebook that one of the funerals made a snowplow blockade just so people at the church couldn't see the protest. Later other pictures showed a tarp wall being put up for other places. Westboro claims NIU is corrupt, supports gays, yadda yadda.

Posts: 308
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So much for showing respect for the dead. :

It's good to hear that everyone's safe (relatively speaking). Hopefully reason will start to settle in.

Posts: 955
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GT: About the WBC being their typical d-bag selves, I'll be there anti-protesting. They are not taking their agenda to our backyard. I didn't know any of the victims, but I want the people who did to mourn in peace.

There's a huge group on Facebook who'll be joining me, and you and your sister are more than welcome to join us.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage
