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How'd you get your screenname?

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Posts: 3468
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I'm pretty sure this has been done before, but if it has it was a long time ago, different people are around. 😛

"SX" is short for a Latin phrase, "Semper Excelsus," which has some relevance to a story said character is from.

However, the phrase fit the acronym, not the other way around - "SX" was a nickname from another forum, where I went by sonicx667.

You? How'd you get your screenname? Obscure phrase in another language? Fictional character? Fan of some movie, game, book, TV show, music, etc? Screenname generator? Question mark?

Posts: 3756
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Turtles are my favorite animal, have been all my life, and when it came to creating a user name, my attempts usually centered around turtles, like Turtle Dude, etc. This name, of course, comes directly from a disguise from Dana Carvey's Master of Disguise, and, despite it being a generally dumb and forgettable movie, the name had such a ring to it I used it for my screenname.

Posts: 1055
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This name comes from my days as a Tails RPer. The SA meant Sonic Adventure, and later on, became the initials for Shigeru Akari. A character I created a couple years ago, that name came from combining Shigeru, as in Miyamoto, and akari, meaning "bright". XD Yep, riveting.

Posts: 1201
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i am d. e. coss, i am male, and i was born in 1992

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Hiro was a tragic misspelling of Heero Yuy, from the anime Gundam Wing.
The 00 comes from the 007 series... wasn't a huge fan of the movies, but thought it sounded cool.
15 is the day I was born on.

The 0015 carry over to my Stewie0015 account as well. Stewie was a nickname given to me by the juniors at my high school freshman year. It stuck ever since. The girl who first called me Stewie was probably referring to the Family Guy character

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Nytloc, pronounced Night Lock, is a direct reversal of my real name. Betcha can't guess what it is, eh? Yeah, I was REAAAAALLY freaking bored in one of my classes at school, I must have been twelve or thirteen, and decided to start reversing words to see if they sound cool.

Just so happens that my name reversed and with opposite pronunciation is just about the coolest name ever. Okay, not really, it's pretty cheesy. But still, it's a nice alias, and what I almost always go by in the internet and such.

I rarely, if ever, add in the 'the hedgehog' part anymore, since, well, sadly, my Sonic fanaticism died with the games. But, anyway. Interesting stories - keep 'em coming.

-Nytloc Regallus Lightkeeper

Posts: 774
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To my knowledge, the name means nothing, When I created it, I wanted something that sounded Latin, but was too lazy to look any real Latin words up. This came out and I liked the sound, so it stuck. I worry less with name meaning than I do with how it sounds to me.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

It used to be my sister`s account. I was too small and ignorant to make my own so I just used her account that she never logged out of.

When I DID find out how to make my own account people knew me as CT, so I just stuck with it.

Otherwise I'd be going by the name "Sparky" right now...

Posts: 3756
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What did CT stand for?

Posts: 1982
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Cass Tech... school she went to.


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When I was young, like everyone else during that time I religiously watched the old TMNT cartoon and got caught up in the whole franchise. That show kickstarted my love of turtles that soon turned into obsession. Reading up in animal books and encyclopedias (before the internet age guys, remember that?) I looked up what was to me the greatest of the great animal that ever lived, that was the Galapagos Tortoise. They were the biggest species of turtles, but the longest lifespan of any animal. (200 years!) So I was like "THAT ONE." and it was my favorite specific animal ever since. Of course, back then I couldn't remember how to spell tortoise for the life of me. (a life later, I put Tor from Power Rangers and Blastoise from Pokemon together but still) So I would use turtle instead. It became common nature of me to spell the whole thing. (like Mississippi) Ga-la-pa-gos Tur-tle.


Flash forward a bit. My sister was trying to get me into the internet and Yahoo was the main cahoot on the block, overshadowing MSN. My first IM messenger experience was me talking to her friend online with Yahoo. I remember it well, like when she told me to type "lol" to answer her and I had no idea back then what it meant. I went tetter tottered with various Yahoo accounts. (three really) And one of them was of course named Galapagosturtle. After getting years of internet experience and browsing/lurking the Sonic HQ site I got up the courage to make an account in its forum, thereby being my first forum experience. After some *ehem* rough spots I got the hang of it and stayed here, using the name of one of my Yahoo accounts. (can you imagine if I had picked Peteachu? I don't. Really, really don't.)

During that time soon after galapagosturtle was created I made the GT the Magikoopa account as a...well...super form/alt account. One post later I mentioned disliking having to fly on brooms and spur of the moment got on a Lakitu cloud and the rest is history. Turns out I used the account so much that it turned into my main account, bypassing the number of posts on galapagosturtle. Using magic and being able to RP do anything because..."hey its magic!" got the better of me.

Of course the beginning of the new year (since I first appeared here near the endish of the first year) Eliteboard was announced and the test board was open. Eventually I took a look and stayed there...for a very long time. Eliteboard was the future! The forum of tomorrow! If I post enough times, once we totally move I will be one of the big forumers! I don't see how that can possibly fail! .........I stayed at the Eliteboard for years, completely shutting myself off from the EZboard Mofo. I eventually came back to EZ after semiforgetting it, but...yeah.


Fact: I always had a soft spot for video games with turtles in them.
Fact: Sonic Triple Trouble was my first Sonic game, and was what kickstarted my love of the sonic series.

It was Great Turquoise zone that catapulted me into Sonicdom, with its boss. Yes, I admit I played Sonic Triple Trouble in a store when it was on display (shocking, huh?) and got blown away from it, so much that I later bought it. Ironically, Great Turquoise initials are GT, but I never noticed the connection until semi-recently. Was it subconsious? Or mere fate? Who knows. Just putting that little tidbit out there.

Posts: 2016
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'Spiner' was used to create my first fan character. After many trials and errors.

Posts: 679
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Mine's pretty self-explanatory, really. Big fan of Disney's Darkwing Duck and I live in the UK, hence DarkwingUK. That's also been my Yahoo ID since around 1997 (when our sixth form got PCs instead of Acorn Archimedes). I use this one on most boards I go to.

It's a bit tricky when on the phone to my insurance company to tell them my e-mail address - they're usually rather bemused that I don't use a normal name


Posts: 83
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This is my real name.

I used to be known as "Dirk Amoeba" which is a meaningless name of one of my own fictional characters. I got tired of the name, however, and I have tried to distance myself from it over the past several years.

Posts: 3291
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i'm not very tall and my name is becca. :p *simple!*

much better then 'tinymurderousbunny' or whatever my first screen name for another forum was.

Posts: 2915
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XD @ Tom D... I was wondering who this "new" person to the forums was who just randomly showed up and didn't make a "HI, I am new" type thread

Posts: 633
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Mines pretty much self explanitory...I am a big fan of the dark legion...I was also thinking of Daleksupremecy44 but that didn't have as much of a ring to it....mabye on the next forum i join.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

During that time soon after galapagosturtle was created I made the GT the Magikoopa account as a...well...super form/alt account. One post later I mentioned disliking having to fly on brooms and spur of the moment got on a Lakitu cloud and the rest is history. Turns out I used the account so much that it turned into my main account, bypassing the number of posts on galapagosturtle. Using magic and being able to RP do anything because..."hey its magic!" got the better of me.

I remember you doing that to me a lot. I tried to get RP situations into what I wanted them to be and then you just did something silly, god-like and humourous.

Good times. lol

Posts: 620
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Before I even knew what "fan character" was, I was 13, I had the internet, I had ideas, and I made this red hedgehog thing because I loved the hell out of Sonic. The comics, the shows, the games, you name it. I named this little red hedgehog thing Swifty.

Then I started getting into anime. And then I started RPing with Swifty in certain boards, made some other characters, etc. This was back when I really cared for RPing. Then I started drawing comics related to the RPs, and anime started to become an influence in how I drew. As I got into high school I realized, "wow, Swifty is very lame name."

With the anime influence, I found me an English > Japanese dictionary online and translated "Swift" to Japanese, which is "Jinsoku". Seeing as a lot of the times, Japanese names mean actual things, it sounded cool and I went with it. The I decided to take it a step further and find Jin a last name. Since I'm generally a wise ass, yet always in a pretty good mood, I looked for something equivalent to that, which out came Hashagu, which generally means "To be in high spirits".

Then everyone found it better to just call me Jin, and well, there you go.

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I threw darts at a dictionary and here we are.

Posts: 4336
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I liked the word 'ultra'.

I liked Sonic the Hedgehog.

I likened my character design to a hedgehog wearing a James Bond tuxedo, hence '007'.

And there we go.

That, and 'Ultra Sonic' was already taken.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

The Crimson Darkness sounded cool in that retarded teenager kind of way.

It was taken.

I created Crim

He backward his way into my mind, dropped his lack of personality and stole me and mine.


I was a kitty cat once. A bread mage kitty cat.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Hahaha, I think I've told this tale a number of times, but here we go...

Back when I was about 10 or thereabouts, Sonic 3 came out. I played it. And after clearing it legitimately, I eventually found out how to cheat at it. I used the debug mode. And I found out something interesting.

If you played as Tails and used an "S" monitor (and quickly pressed B to stop him from turning into a weird mess of sprites, then pressed B again to turn back to normal), and then beat the final boss, and then pressed B when he was doing the pose at the end, you got this freaky inverted colour Tails thing. Being only 10 years old at the time, I naturally considered this totally awesome and stole the idea, and SilverShadow was born. (He would've been called "Silver Fox", but one of my big brothers had taken that). He originally had a hyphen in his name: Silver-Shadow, but I eventually dropped that somewhere along the way.

Zooming forward in time a bit, I find the MoFo and lurk around it for a while, eventually deciding to join up. I needed a username. SilverShadow was my favourite of my own characters. It made sense. Sadly, "SilverShadow" was taken, so I ended up having to add a 0 on the end. I also didn't type it in quite as I'd wanted, so only the first S is capitalised.

And there you have it!

Posts: 61
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My middle name is Solomon and I tend to be a loner at times hence Solo. As for the bringer of chaos, when I found the forum was around the time Sonic Adventure was out.

Posts: 216
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I saw this photoshop on Something Awful a long time ago. It was a photo of a volleyball player about to spike a volleyball, except someone photoshopped the volleyball out and replaced it with a cinderblock, so she was about to spike a cinderblock instead. I showed this photo to TTG in real life and he liked it, and when he introduced me to the MoFo and made an account for me, he named it "Cinderblock" in reference to that. The name's just stuck ever since.

Posts: 1058
Noble Member

In a made-up language, the word acrio meant "moon", and I just picked it randomly. Also, this name is "Shfty" because I use that name a lot now since I impersonated Geo once.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Turtles are my favorite animal, have been all my life, and when it came to creating a user name, my attempts usually centered around turtles, like Turtle Dude, etc. This name, of course, comes directly from a disguise from Dana Carvey's Master of Disguise, and, despite it being a generally dumb and forgettable movie, the name had such a ring to it I used it for my screenname.

So apparently you're turtle-ly enough for the Turtle Club?

Anyway, my screen name came from one of my fan characters who, regrettably, started life as a Mary Sue, though not nearly as much of one as my first. I'm rather pleased to say that she is no longer one.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

In a made-up language, the word acrio meant "moon", and I just picked it randomly. Also, this name is "Shfty" because I use that name a lot now since I impersonated Geo once.

Whoa! You're Acrio!!!? name is pretty plain and simple. I joined the Mofo in 2003 and I was working towards unlocking HyperSonic[whom I just discovered was a transformation thanks to SonicHQ] so yea...nothing special behind my name. u_u

Posts: 348
Reputable Member

Trivia: This is the third name I've used on EzBoards, and the one I've stuck around with the longest.

The following statement is not meant to be taken 100% seriously: "Albino Rapper" is a nickname I thought of for the love of my life, Eminem. I decided to register as that because it sounds cool. I have later found out that there actually is an albino rapper; his name is Brother Ali.

Posts: 2097
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True Blue was taken, various alterations were also taken. This one was not taken. I took it.

A beautiful story I'm sure you'll all agree.

Posts: 5772
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Just kidding. I based my name on my (then) obsession with the PSX/PS1/PSOne. Since then I've pondered Dcphile, Ps2phile and DSphile at various times through the years... buuuuut I've grown fairly attached to this one.

It just... clicks.

Posts: 5035
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I like/love/adore DCphile. Do it! Change it!

Posts: 3756
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noooooo don't

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From the power of legos.

I put one of those light pieces on a lego guy's head

Posts: 608
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I asked someone to translate Cruel Demoness to Japanese and she told me: Hidoi Kijo

My old old old name, Jackie M. Wood (Jackeline Maureen Woodland) was from an RP at TSF and then I used it here. I hated my name and I liked Jackeline better, then Maureen just because I've always liked the name and when I found out Sonic's middle name was Maurice it made it better. I looked at a dictionary for words that had to do with nature, then I saw Woodland and liked it. Wow, how non-interesting is this?!

Aggie is my nickname in RL and An Ji comes form the fact that my boss is Chinese and can't pronounce Aggie.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

It all goes back to my 13th birthday, when I received a watch as a gift, namely the Timex TMX. Mine was identical to the one on this page, except it was orange and black, rather than silver and black. That same day I had a laser tag party, and the player card had a space for "code name". I wasn't terribly imaginative, so I wrote TMX in, and quickly found I liked it. It's short, it's symmetrical when written vertically, and just comes off cool. I came up with a bacronym for it, Technologically Mutated eXperiment, because it sounded cool (gimme a break, I was 13). Fortunately that cluster bomb of "cool" cliches never saw the light of day.

I've used either TMX or TMX5 on nearly every web community I've ever been a part of, the later because it's the number I got with my email address, and I don't see myself using a different one anytime in the foreseeable future.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

noooooo don't

You will suffer for your defiance.

Posts: 56
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"TTG" was taken. 0o

Posts: 14
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When I was named Pregga Zexas, I had a picture of Bass, Zero, Mega Man, Mega Man X and Proto Man all put together. So I put their names together.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Snappy was a nickname I had a very long time ago. SM are just my initials. It just happens to work out that one way to pronounce it (aside from snappy-s-m) is 'Snappy-Sam.' Since Sam is my first name, it just stuck.

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Psxphile wrote:

Just kidding. I based my name on my (then) obsession with the PSX/PS1/PSOne.

You should rename yourself to MSX.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Turtles are my favorite animal, have been all my life, and when it came to creating a user name, my attempts usually centered around turtles, like Turtle Dude, etc. This name, of course, comes directly from a disguise from Dana Carvey's Master of Disguise, and, despite it being a generally dumb and forgettable movie, the name had such a ring to it I used it for my screenname.

So apparently you're turtle-ly enough for the Turtle Club?

Anyway, my screen name came from one of my fan characters who, regrettably, started life as a Mary Sue, though not nearly as much of one as my first. I'm rather pleased to say that she is no longer one.

What's a Mary Sue?

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This is, CT. Another link

Long story short - they're the kind of character people hate because the character's too good, too connected, or too overdone. Sonic's long lost brother who is Rouge's husband who is faster than Sonic and smarter than Tails and stronger than Knuckles and...uih, more accurate than Shadow and chan caos (typo intentional) control would be an overly obvious example of a Mary Sue.

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Posts: 74
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Always popping up now and again. Why not?

For me, it's easy. It started as just Whammy, after my following of Press Your Luck and all game shows. After I officially became part of the Sonic fandom, the hedgehog officially became part of my name. And thus, Sonic Whammy has been here ever since.

It'll probably embarrass my future child a little bit in a few years, but hey, whaddya do?

Posts: 955
Noble Member

It all started at a long time ago. I was a dorky little 12 year old with an obsession with the Zelda series. My screen name up to that point had been Little Navi, and when I registered with that site, it was no different. Once I beat all the games on the site with top scores ('cause who really played those games?), I decided I wanted to play again, this time with a new name to see if I could do better.

After some thinking, I couldn't decide between The Shadow Sage or The Spirit Sage, my two favorites from OoT. So I combined them into the Shadowed Spirit Sage.

Shadowednavi, my standard username outside the MoFo, is a combination of Little Navi and Shadowed Spirit Sage. ^^ I'd say "Yes, I'm a dork", but considering some of the other stories, I feel I'm in good company :3

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Posts: 1376
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O.o I'm pretty sure you can guess what my name means 😮 If not....

I like oxymoronical statements. I kept playing with the notions of string theory, time warp, and the bending of light and shadow. So, when trying to associante my new character with these concepts, I decided that opposites attract, and tried to combine light and shadow.

I came up with many names that I've stuck with.

Darkestlight is the most common, but there have been Hikari Meoru, Vibra Dark (Lyte), Marayamaki, Kaze Kusanagi..and a few others, O thank you 1995 and influx of Japanese culture to NYC.

Posts: 13
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well, i was reading Negami! and thats how i thought of SMM (supreme master magi) then i read FMA, and mad another account Supreme master alchemist. and now i mostly go by my fursona's name Twotails, or if its taken Twotails Tikat...

Posts: 2809
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Well, the name I go by is Ray (which is really my middle name with Samuel being my first), and at the first church I went to, one of my Sunday School teachers started to call me Razor every so often as a nickname, which I really thought/think was/is cool. Anyway, seeing as how my name is Ray, I figured that razor in this instance would be spelt as "Rayzor."

As far as my original account, Super Rayzor, goes, when I found this place I decided that if I ever joined I would use Super in honor of the Super characters in the Sonic games. At the time I decided to create the alt of Full Metal Rayzor, we had a nickname thread in the SPA, and as it usually happened back then, Kayla and I were the primary posters there so we were starting to run outta nicknames for each other but she used several alts for me to give her more nicknames than usual but I didn't her.

So one nite at work during a dead period I was thinking of a name and than Full Metal pop in my head and so the more I thought about it, and since I'm a fan of the FMA anime, I decided to go on with it. My first post under the FMR name was a request for someone to draw me as Ed and make me a logo in the lettering of the FMA logo; Kaze fulfilled my drawing desire, but I still need an Fullmetal Rayzor logo!

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