I'm 18 today. Hurray. Now I can vote.
Oh, whoops.
I remember when I turned 18 a couple of years ago. I tried alcohol for the first time (only out of curiosity) and then got a mad hangover. Good times!
You can view my deviant page... not that I've updated it in a year... >.>
some of the stuff you really don't want to see. ><; *kicks at a DA gallery she just finished reporting*
*throws 18 cakes at you!* ^^
Happy Birthday, TTG!^^
I'm 18 today.
so begins the gauntlet that is the adult experience... so be sure to bring a buddy
Curse you TTG and your graduate status.
It's only November, dude.
TTG!!! Dude! Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one!
Thanks. I'm in a play, in case I didn't tell anyone. It's a mock radio play of "It's a Wonderful Life", and I play a radio actor named Freddie Filmore, who plays Potter, Joseph, Ernie, and a few minor parts. It was lots of fun.
Now you can buy all those mature rated games without having your parents being there.
Happy [belated] birthday.
Happy 18th Escape from the Womb Day TTG, and congrats for reaching the first legal age!
*shoots confetti out of cannon*
Happy Birthday, O great and wise leader of Word Uno! All hail TTG!!!
I hope you enjoy being 18 years old quite alot The Turle Guy.