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I don't make threads like this but...

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It is my birthday. If anyone wants to know, I'm now 22.


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Happy birfday, GT! ^.^

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Anyways, if there is anything I could ask for you all is to check Italics out more. Then again that would mean there would have to be a subforum for everybody. We already have like what, 50 as it is?

Posts: 1573
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Happy 22nd Escape from the Womb Day, GT!

*shoots confetti out of cannon*

Posts: 5035
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22, huh? That's awesome man! Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one too!

Posts: 1984
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what do 22 year olds do with their lives?

Posts: 1191
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Consume massive quantitys of alcohol, most of them anyway.

Posts: 4885
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Many words of birthday bliss to you, may they be late or not. Hope it's a great day for you.

Posts: 1986
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Happy birthday, and as Craig said, late or not doesn't matter, as long as the message is sent, right? I'm still 19, waiting on number 20 to happen, but happy b-day anyway! And I expected some form of a youtube video to represent the moment from you... this topic dissapoints.

Posts: 663
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*did see your sn on the birthday list at the bottom of the main page^^*

Happy Birthday, GT!^^

Posts: 2232
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Welcome to 22 GT. =3 Have some cake.

Posts: 1986
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*Steals said cake* ^_^

Posts: 2723
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I mean, happy birthday!

Posts: 489
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Happy b-day! 22 eh? Ah... back in the good old years... am i talking about? i just turned 25 >.>; At least im not as old as Rico.

Posts: 1573
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I mean, happy birthday!

Hey, now. I'll be 22 here in a couple of weeks. I have an Easter birthday this year.

Posts: 2016
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Happy B-Day thar, GT. Hope it was a good one!

Posts: 1982
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...this must be quite a bitter-sweet birthday in the wake of you-know-who, eh, GT?

...or was that more your sister`s friend than yours?

Oh,well, that aside. I hope your birthday went well and was full of decadent, decadent pleasures that I couldn't even begin to wrap my comprehension around.

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Or this. Or a doodle of me coloring Fex with paintballs for calling me old.


Posts: 4607
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But neither of those feature a party hat. Therefore they are not fixed.

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Posts: 2723
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Nevermind the crude editing of two completely different sized icons, poorly drawn bodies, and Kaze laughing in the corner.

Posts: 2928
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*cracks up*



Posts: 5772
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Nevermind the crude editing of two completely different sized icons, poorly drawn bodies...

I think we can forgive th--

...and Kaze laughing in the corner.

How dare you.

Posts: 489
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Good thing the only time I played with him he was on my team and kept getting lost. XD

Posts: 2723
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How dare you.

My work here is done.

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1982
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...This thread has sort of gotten derailed, but since it went here...

I like it.

Posts: 3291
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*flings cake, laughs at the image edits~*

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How do I string of overused memes?

Posts: 1982
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...I like that meme.

Posts: 3291
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Posts: 5772
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... eyebrows...

Posts: 1982
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...not made of seaweed for some reason.

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KAWAII DESU!!!!! ^.^

Posts: 3291
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more eyebrows!

Posts: 3756
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Also tits

Posts: 9
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Dark steve thinks you all saw this coming.

Posts: 2723
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Posts: 899
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You know, the ultimate showdown. Of eyebrows.

Who will win? Eyebrow Kitty or Eyebrow Chao? Make your first move wisely, Kaze.

Posts: 3291
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but kaze is the queen of eyebrows! even my eyebrow storm couldn't stop her! ;o;

but i shall attempt it,


Posts: 1982
Noble Member

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *Clutches head with his wide shut and drops to his knees*

*Brain blows out the back of his head from his mind being blown*

Posts: 2723
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But I'm afraid I have more. :<

And last but not least...

Eyebrows Unleashed?


There is one more left, but it's still on my mind. I don't want to have to use it though.

*image sizes reduced so as to not make the post really long.

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I don't want to have to use it though.

Go ahead, do your worst. You cannot harm the invincible Rishi!

Posts: 3291
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s-so much eyebrows...! ;---;

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The bushiness level is OVER 9,000!!!!!

Posts: 2723
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s-so much eyebrows...! ;---;

It's okay. I won't be posting any more of them... I concede defeat simply because those eyebrows actually FIT Vegeta. XD

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