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I guess it's confirmed about Fantastic Four 2...(SPOILERS)

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...That it's going to suck even worse than the first one.

-More campiness.

-Story sucks a whole lotta ass.

-Sue dies and comes back to life, thanks to Silver Surfer's cosmic power.

Oh, and get this....

Galactus - Gah Lak Tus, the planet eating CLOUD.

I know the movie isn't out yet, and I shouldn't really say it would suck until I've actually seen the movie, but...this is an exception. Once again, Tim Story, Zak Penn, and Simon Kimberg have made another atrocious film in the Marvel Universe, the most recent being X3 (take out Tim Story and put in Brett Ratner, keeping the two writers).

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Man, wait... what?

Even counting SPACE BEES, this is by far the worst representaion of Galactus ever. And when you're comparing something's stupidity level to SPACE BEES, it's pretty hard to get something higher on the retardedness scale.

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And I thought this had promise with the debut of the Surfer...who didn't want to see Galactus in all his glory?

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[Fans don't have a lot of anything to build from this sequel.] -- a free, local New York City newspaper.

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Galactus was portrayed as a swarm of ships in the Ultimate version, wasn't he?

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Nope, Space Bees.

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I hated the first one... This one's trailer made me laugh...

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Galactus - Gah Lak Tus, the planet eating CLOUD.

If you can't be a sun, be a Devourer of Worlds. :rolleyes

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I actually liked the first movie. That being said, I'm not looking forward to this.

The Thing needs more screen time. ;__;

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I think they need to play up the whole "Richards is the smartiest guy in the Universe" thing more.

Focusing on Torch = Not cool.

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Personally, I liked parts of the first film, and I liked this one's trailers.
Fantastic 4 are meant to be silly.

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Space Cloud?

Where's Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes when you need them?

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Hope this doesn't suck as much ass as the first one does.

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I've seen the trailor.

I'm getting kinda bored of the comic book movies.

The Hulk, Spider-man, Superman, and now this, with a sequal. I'm sure there are more but I don't want to keep rambling on. I also remember a F4 anime show on Cartoon Network. Don't know if they still put it.

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Yeah, the F4 show came on Toonami every Saturday. They don't show it anymore though.

EDIT: The movie premieres in theatres tomorrow, and so far a lot of advanced reviews have come in. They pretty much confirmed everyhing that was mentioned in the that means Galactus is indeed a cloud (according to one of the people who saw the film, the commercial shows him). Oh well.

Posts: 1402
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wow, i can see what the next sequel will be: Fantasic 4...3:dawn of the infintiy gauntlet.

i can see thanos as a weatherman using the gauntlet to point out the temperatures around galactus.

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EDIT: The movie premieres in theatres tomorrow, and so far a lot of advanced reviews have come in. They pretty much confirmed everyhing that was mentioned in the that means Galactus is indeed a cloud (according to one of the people who saw the film, the commercial shows him). Oh well.

Actually Galactus true form appears at the end of the movie but you can only see his head and hand.

Overall I enjoy the movie better than I did SM3. Stan Lee cameo was great("But I am telling you the truth. I am Stan Lee"). The only problem I saw with the movie it was bit too short and could have use some more action scenes.

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My little brother saw it and liked it... That said, he's only 7.

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Well, it's apparently a lot better than the first movie, according to what I've read, so I may give it a chance sometime.

Besides, what is the F4 if not a bit campy and silly? Not every comic is Spiderman. :p

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My cousin liked it, but he's 11 and likes the Torch.


Posts: 2417
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The "Featured Topic" of the Mofo just screams like it needs to be changed.

Ya know to something similar, but this time switch again when this all dies down.

Posts: 1376
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o.O Well, I saw it.

Im 24.

Its better thant eh first. A bit short. Torch is a funny guy, but no need to focus on him that much...

o wait, cept that he's the only FLIER ..And they did expand on Reed Richards as the Smartest man branchoff-as well as seeing him actually get a spine.

Jessica Alba= #2 Sexiest woman on planet and I never turn down nude scenes of her. Dun care dun judge me.

Thing got plenty of screen time.

So, all in all, 3 outta 5 stars, plot was done together nice, could have been more meaty, but it worked.

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It played in the theater that I currently work at, and I've seen parts of it as I've had to usher for shows. And what I have seen isn't really that impressive, nor very true at all to the comic origins. It is a downer that they stuffed the Silver Surfer, Galactus and Dr. Doom (but they beat him in the first movie!) all into one movie, when in the comics it took at least one or two comics for the Silver Surfer alone to be introduced, and then Galactus finally showed up.

However, I haven't seen the entire thing in proper sequence, so I'm not able to have the full perspective.

It's been getting crummy reviews all over the place though, and at the theater, we had such a poor turnout to what we thought would be a sold-out movie that we ended up sending home employees because there was not enough activity to justify having so many people on the job. We can't even fill up a single one of our theaters for the FF movie as far as I've seen.

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Jessica Alba= #2 Sexiest woman on planet and I never turn down nude scenes of her. Dun care dun judge me.

What? Who the heck is hotter than Jessica Alba? You realize she plays Nintendo DS?. Just think, she might even have Sonic Rush. And perhaps she even joined this forum to say how much she liked it! That thought alone should make her #1 in any dudes book. See, if she got any hotter I'd get skin cancer just watching her for too long.

And I haven't seen her do any nude scenes, you're dreaming pal.

This movie looks kinda lame, but I'll watch it when it comes out on DVD just for the Silver Surfer and Alba.

Posts: 189
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I as thinking about this movie, to does who have: is it worth the money?

Posts: 5035
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Honestly I loved it. Better than the first for sure and worth the money. I've been a fan of the FF for quite some time anyway.

Posts: 4885
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I saw it. The OOCness of Alba!Sue kept me from enjoying the movie, as I just couldn't accept her at all. Doom, the evil business man in the green costume and metal face wasn't enough like Green Goblin in the first movie, so they outdid themselves in this one and now he really is just a GG knockoff.

Also... no one really did anything. When the most exciting scene in the movie is "prevent something falling over... with no outside threats" then you know a movie is in trouble.

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My thoughts echo Craig's with the added statement that I would like to tear out the throat of the person who decided it would be a good idea to write Doom as a regular person.

With my teeth.

Posts: 5035
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Yea Doc. as just a plain guy is kinda...dumb. But you know it's the director's rendition of the comic to an extent, so OOC and stuff like that is prone to happen. =/

Posts: 4885
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Ok. Movie execs. Please listen to history.

Turning Bowser into a (mostly) normal guy/evil suit was not a good idea.

Turning Doom into Norman Osborn, not a good idea.

Turning Mephisto and Blackheart into a regular evil guys, one in a suit, SUCH a stupid idea.

Learn from history. The world has enough normal guys in suits. We want living legends made out of badass, win and awesome.

Crazy king of Latveria in a metal suit who refers to himself in 3rd person? GOLD!

Giant dinosaur king who breathes fire?! Why not!

Giant demons, one of which is king of hell, who could rip your head off and crap down your neck? HELL YES!

Stop with the evil guy in suit routine. It's done. It's never going to be a good move.


No "but what if"- no!

No. No. *pause* NO!

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Crazy king of Latveria in a metal suit who refers to himself in 3rd person? GOLD!


Posts: 5035
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Mephisto and Blackheart...they're from Ghost Rider, correct? I need to see that movie...just to see if it really is as bad as people say.

Posts: 4885
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Yes they are and yes it is.

If you think there's some kind of payoff to him spending 15 minutes playing videogames, watching monkies or eating M&M's from a martini glass... there isn't. It's just wasted movie.

Posts: 5035
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He plays videogames? In the movie...he plays videogames?! O_O


Posts: 1619
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This is why I will be directing any and all future Sailor Moon series'.

Not only will Nephelenia turn into a giant upon stealing the Silver Crystal and literally causing Usagi's insides to rupture like she does in the manga (because she basically does), she and Badiane (who is the SuperS movie giantess) will utterly destroy Tokyo in an earth-shattering clothes-ripping (though in Badiane's case, there's not much to rip off) lightning-innundated flame-throwing laser-guided clash-of-the-titans catfight. I don't care if it's canon, I'mj confident a battle would've happened if the two met. And it will be badass.

And I wouldn't mind throwing Jessica Alba somewhere in there myself, either. She's a decent actress when given the proper role. I don't know if Sue Storm is her proper role.

Posts: 5035
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XD! I loved Sailor Moon when it used to come on. I've got your actresses. Jessica Alba, Giselle Bundchen, Adrianna Lima, Alessandra Ambrosia, and Natalie Portman. :)

Posts: 1619
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XD! I loved Sailor Moon when it used to come on. I've got your actresses. Jessica Alba, Giselle Bundchen, Adrianna Lima, Alessandra Ambrosia, and Natalie Portman.


Sailor Moon was about Japanese high school students and not anorexic European supermodels and Star Wars actresses. Unless my memory is foggy, of course. 🙂

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She's a decent actress when given the proper role.

I guess she's just never been given the proper role then, eh?

Posts: 5035
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Hey! HEY! Alessandra, Adrianna and Giselle are all South American. :) Besides the Sailor Scouts didn't look japanese... At. All.

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Nobody looks Japanese in Japanese cartoons!
