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"I had a feeling they were the same person..."

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Posts: 781
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This is hard to prove, but it seems like on this site I'd occasionally get an intuitive idea as to whether or not certain users were actually the same person.

I noticed this even years ago in one of my threads where the response from "Sailor Evil" for whatever reason reminded me of Vec, and I had a feeling they were the same person. Sure enough, I also recall later asking in chat and it turned out they were.

And recently I went into chat for the first couple times in a while... first time was about a week or so ago, and I was talking to someone by the username "shoeofallcosmos" who for whatever reason reminded me of "shoehedgie" (although the "shoe" part was quite a hint) and I asked... sure enough she was the same person. Just yesterday I went into chat again, asked Shifty if he was actually Acrio... and sure enough, he said he was.

Anyone else notice this kind of stuff? Just because I do doesn't mean I should expect others to... but I don't think there's any harm in asking...

Posts: 2915
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HIRO0015 = STEWIE0015 😯

Posts: 3756
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Well, for as long as we've known each other, it's not surprising sometimes we can recognize each other even through a different name. Don't always trust yourself, though. Yesterday in chat, I assumed Zingella was Zigglina (HSW) and made an ass of myself.

Posts: 899
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The alts used on the forum have always confused me, so unless it's hardly even a big name change, I just assume it's a new person.

Posts: 781
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Well, for as long as we've known each other, it's not surprising sometimes we can recognize each other even through a different name. Don't always trust yourself, though. Yesterday in chat, I assumed Zingella was Zigglina (HSW) and made an ass of myself.

Question is, do you really "know" someone on a medium like the Internet?

Posts: 841
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You get to recognise text patterns, mostly. It's almost as identifiable as handwriting when it's in an informal environment like this.

Posts: 2232
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Well, for as long as we've known each other, it's not surprising sometimes we can recognize each other even through a different name. Don't always trust yourself, though. Yesterday in chat, I assumed Zingella was Zigglina (HSW) and made an ass of myself.

Gemajimrobob. *Sticks his tounge out*

Posts: 3756
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Shut up. XD

And even in that case, it kind of proves my point to myself. Talking to Gem, I didn't feel like I was talking to Jin. But I second-guessed myself because of how similar their screennames seemed at the time.

Posts: 1
New Member

Sometimes I've managed to ferret out who someone is just by their use of text. It's not 100% accurate, though... a lot of people have similar ways of speaking (or typing, as it were).

Posts: 2417
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Everyone upon everyone does this. Especially here, even though that has been said already.

I've seen people go through like 4 completely different screenames, and the only way to know, even with similar posting styles, is to ask them or they tell you. If I am really unsure I wouldn't even say their screenname, for fear of backlash. Yeah.

Me? I hate the "feeling" of being wrong. My head overheats when it happens. To the point I can't take it anymore, you know? I bet a lot of you get it too.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The ability to work out someone's identity based on text and traits is an acquired one, but certainly a useful one for the interwebs. It comes in handy, especially for admins who want to reban the Goujinrulesorali's of this world or notice every time SonManic comes back based on a single post.

IP powers help, but an intuition is key.

I'm no good at it myself, but I'm an overly trusting gullible fool and am convinced that 90% of the people I encounter on the internet are Vortex.

And thanks to recent events, I'm convinced the other 10% are Acrio.

Posts: 520
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Always helps to just ask.

(This is in response to matt)

Posts: 800
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well, most people already know i was hodgeheg and jaffcake123. i was also sailor uranus during the whole sailor shenanigans thing

Posts: 1044
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Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I have two alt accounts. One of which got banned for a short period of time because it got confused with a banned user´s attempt to circumvent the ban. Good times.

Posts: 781
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I have two alt accounts. One of which got banned for a short period of time because it got confused with a banned user´s attempt to circumvent the ban. Good times.

Confused with a banned user? How come?

Also, hi Erika! Did you get the PM messages I sent you?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Hm, no didn´t get any PMs. :<
Send them again?

Well, about the alt account thing.. I had deliberately chosen a similar username and avatar as the banned user to spoof him. The user in question was called "The Ultimate Shadow" or something and had an avi of Shadow with blank eyes glowing white. So I created an account named "The Ultimate Bean" and made an avatar of Bean the Duck with glowy blank eyes. It turned into a minifad when other users created alt accounts featuring other sonic characters and we duked it out in an epic noobfest spam battle in the SPA.

Posts: 781
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Hm, no didn´t get any PMs. :<
Send them again?  

Extra PM sent.

Also I looked up 'the ultimate bean erika ocelot' (without quotation marks) and found a 3-post Eliteboard SPA account. Is that what you were referring to?

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Well, for as long as we've known each other, it's not surprising sometimes we can recognize each other even through a different name. Don't always trust yourself, though. Yesterday in chat, I assumed Zingella was Zigglina (HSW) and made an ass of myself.

You thought my wife was HSW.

Good jorb.

(ZingeLa, btw, one "L".)

Posts: 899
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You know, Jin, I had to do a double-take a day or two ago when both a "Jinsoku" and "jinsoku" were in the Who's Online Now section. XD

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

... god, I was on the other one. Argh. Y'know, I really freakin' wish they would fix that god damned problem already.

Posts: 197
Estimable Member

^0^ HI JAFFA. I've been me forever.

Posts: 1376
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Hell Craig. You just reminded me of the number one person I missed reading from the most. Fricking Vortex.

Now I'm depressed like a hole.

Posts: 2723
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I've got two alts that I don't really use. One was made for the Sailorness thing, the other was totally meant to be unoriginal. They are, respectively, Sailor Wind (which is currently my avatar here), and Chibi Sonic.

Go figure. 

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I got three. This one, Sailor Unicron, and Sailor Rose Dust. Sailor Unicron was contribution to the Sailorness epidemic, but I honestly have no clue what inspired my Sailor Rose Dust alt.

Posts: 781
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I got three. This one, Sailor Unicron, and Sailor Rose Dust. Sailor Unicron was contribution to the Sailorness epidemic, but I honestly have no clue what inspired my Sailor Rose Dust alt.

Ah yes, I vaguely remember getting the impression back during the "kid making 911 call told to stop playing" topic that you and Sailor Rose Dust were the same person, even without being told that you were, IIRC. Something felt a bit familiar about the style or the tone or whatever...
