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I'm dreaming of ridiculously dry Christmas

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Posts: 917
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Hey! Did you know it's against New Mexico state law to sell alcoholic beverages on Christmas? You <i>didn't?</i> How about that! The more you know, right?

Sorry Safeway cashier for making you restock that stuff, but you know, like all laws, it's for my own good. After all, that bottle of Coppola Cabernet Sauvignon, I was about to guzzle it all! On Christmas! Just chug down all $19 worth of that fine California red wine. I didn't buy that on my dad's advice because I was invited to a dinner party tonight and they're having turkey, and red cabernets go well with turkey. Nope! Not at all!

And that bottle of champagne? Take it away! Jesus will not tolerate such things on his birthday! He wouldn't want me to bring that over to celebrate the fact that the people having the dinner party tonight just got engaged. Which is more important, not drinking on Christmas or their engagement? Not drinking of course! Thank you!

And that bottle of chambord! Forget about it! I wasn't buying the $40 overpriced rasberry liquer because I got some Maker's Mark whisky as a present last night as a present and din't have anything to reciprocate. Nope! I was gonna drink the sweet stuff!

So thanks New Mexico! Thanks for keeping me sober on Christmas! Bill Richardson for prez '08!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member


We just bought a case of Honey Crisp Apple Wine m/... and my dad bought a pack of Miller Genuine Draft... tonight is going to be goood

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

you have shops that are OPEN on christmas day? o-o more suprising then a ban on alcohol!

and this topic reminds me that there's a half a glass of wine out there with my name on it. *zooms to fetch it, her family doesn't celebrate christmas by drinking all day*

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I can see the reasoning behind the ban, though I have to wonder if they remembered that Jesus Himself turned water into wine for a ceremony. 😛

*away with ye alcohol ban! Do ye know how many people come to the store at Sundays here in my neck of the woods asking for alcohol only to find out the county law says no alcohol on Sundays? What about Catholic Mass? What if they have a sudden shortage? Hmm? HMM?! Okay I'm done now*

Posts: 60
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In my state it is fine to sale it. Unfortuantly only one store stays open in my town to do it, the one I used to work at. Gets so busy they actually have to open an extra register just for the one day.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol, the only places that are open today are gas stations and movie theaters... you might find a supermarket open some where.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Damn...that sucks (-.-)

For my christmas I got 24 international beers..huzzah! And my Mum and I made some cocktails that got your head spinning...Then we bought a case of Coopers Pale Ale and Heniken(sp).

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

In Australia, we can't sell alcohol on Christmas Day. Hell, only gas stations are open on Christmas Day, so who you gonna buy from, anyway?

We gotta get all our drinks the day before. :D

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol @ Spiner. Same here for the most part... Actually, some of the gas stations sell beer... and maybe Mike's Hard Lemonade. Other than that though...

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Whhhaaaattt?? Which part of Australia do you come from?? My booze was bought all before Christmas though so I was covered beforehand 😛
However, if you went to a resto you could still buy it 😛

Is your BWS closed on Christmas? I went no-where on Christmas I was drinking around

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

There're still a couple of counties here that're dry on Sundays as far as the pubs go. I'd have to check local legislation to see whether that religious throwback extends to holidays.

As a teetotal, it's not something I pay much attention to.
