Everytime I turn on my computer, it makes a really loud WHRRRRING noise (like a vacuum cleaner) forever, and it never loads up anything on my screen. I know the sound is from the fan since I feel it blowing on my feet which are not even near the computer.
It started happening as soon as I tried to turn on my computer this morning. I had it load up normally once today among my many tries to do so but my success was cut short when the whole town lost power. Since then I haven't had any more luck.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on or any idea how I might be able to remedy this?
Open up the side of the computer, see if there's any dust or anything on the fan, and if there is, vaccuume it out(carefully. >>;; ).
It may be that you need a new fan though, that's all the advice I can give you.
A fan is dead, I don't which, could be a case fan, video card fan, processor fan, cosplaying fan.... whatever.
That could be causing the PC to overheat. Since you are not getting video at all I would suggest looking at your videocard fan, if you don't have one or have onboard video then I guess that rules that out. So stick your computer in the freezer and see if that helps.
Beyond that, theres not enough info to give a secondary guess.
fan it by hand? oo
my comp was making a loud grindy whirring sound, so a friend replaced the power supply.. and now it only works in safe mode. i inflict you all with my amasing computer JINX POWERS!
Sounds like the power supply to me. I had that happen once before on my old 98 PC, which had the power supply fried in a massive power outage/surge. Not fun. o.o
I'm not sure I'd say PSU off the bat. The symptom is no video. Video card and RAM would be my first guesses without more info. PSU might be the cause but it's less likely as in most cases you just don't get power or it'll lose power at random.
Well I dusted everything off because that is the easiest thing I read in this topic! But the problem still persists. :<
Rico, is there a way to rule out video or RAM? Such as booting up my computer with those taken out and noting the results?
My computer often does that after it loses power (we use a surge protector, do you?) but before that, when I press the power button, it'll click on and shut off instantly. Then, it'll turn on, and the fan will stay on high forever.
It typically goes away by itself after random combinations of unplugging it, repluggging it, waiting, turning it on and off, etc.
Unless you replace the fan I still vote for overheating.
Booting without a video card or RAM will produce the same no video result. If you have two sticks of ram you could try booting it with only one, but it would run slowly anyway so that really doesn't help.