greetings my fellow posters and lurkers of the MoFo, i am in need of some assistance! i have roughly a week to finish a project and somehow produce 8 images in that time.
deja vu? yeah, i know. 😛 figure if i can do an image and a bit a day, i should be done in time. (*coughyeahright* >>; )
i just need links to really silly or odd news articles online. official newspapers if possible, my tutor told me that only my 'Great tits on Toby's head' image would be acceptable out of drawings i did based on posts from the MoFo. no darwin award links, just finished a project based on that. ^^
skateboarding hamsters = yes. lady walking to meeting about dangers of things falling off buildings is killed by flowerpot falling from building = yes. man killed by exploding lava lamp he had placed on a stove = noo.
it'd also be helpful if you wrote the first image that popped into your head when you read the article you liked. even if it's something vauge.
simply put,
POST SILLY/ODD NEWS HERE PLZ BECCA IS SUCKY AT TIME MANAGEMENT ARGH. 😮 beeb's oddnews site is odd. Also the oddbox video links have more weird and wondeful stories from across the world!
how do i get into the archive to find older bbc odd news reports? ^^;
An archive of unbelievably/stupid news stories which dates back to July 2006.
Thread's over now. I win.
thanks to you all, i've found some more stories that should produce something that my tutors hopefully will find acceptable.. ^^ if not, well pleh.. at least i'd have drawn some pictures. :p
Umm... this is funny actually, one of my jobs at work is to blog about silly news.
My sources are the AP and Reuters odd news feeds, and Newsvine.