i found this cool tv sony made, honsetly this has to be the most incredible invention yet! a paper thin tv that you can fold!
waaaaaaaaaa bless the japanese for making us reach closer to a better perfect world XD i cant wait to have one.
waaaaaaaaaaa is that all the enthusiasm you're gonna show!
well there's more cool inventions out there, each one more cooler than the next:
- color picker pen: a pen that scans colors off of objects to change the color of the pen http://www.cldfx.com/2009/06/color-picker-by-jinsun-park/
- a futuristic car that can rotate its cabbin with a co-pilot robot friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia8JZe2vSq8
- shape changing light slinky sofa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YglNjzBOnnI&NR=1
- a brain controlled robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIpNZ2Eo2CA&feature=channel
these were pretty much my reactions
bendy tv = 😐
colour picker pen = 😀
car = 😐
robot = 😐
The day they actually manage to invent a car with an AI to drive itself and be seriously snarky (and on occasions, downright sarcastic) is the day they will have really invented the greatest thing since sliced bread. Come on, car companies, what are you waiting for?
here's another set of inventions XD:
1- playable guitar shirt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6JjY-AKPIY&feature=player_embedded
2- stapleless stapler http://www.amazon.com/Made-Humans-Staple-Free-Stapler-Animal/dp/B000JL389A/ref=pd_sbs_op_4
3- credit card lamp
4-spy shirt with hidden camera
5- mana potions and health potions for adventurers espacially the mana potions
6- 8 bit watch and 8 bit tie
(okay not inventions but still cool and creative)
All of which, AND MORE!, are available at Thinkgeek.com
*attacks his cat with his airzooka*
master racin and product placin
for who is curious what the airzooka toby is using is, its this one:
XD what i love about "thinkgeek" more than the actual awsome products they got is the way they advertise them, they talk like the ads in bioshock XD if you're a bioshock fan you'll notice it right away.
here's how thinkgeek describes its airzooka gadget:
"Airzooka is the 'fun gun' that blows a harmless ball of air towards any object, person (or animal!). The airball will travel up to twenty feet and beyond...Cackle with amusement as, seemingly from nowhere, you are able to mess up a person's hair, ruffle their shirt, dress, or TPS reports from a distance, or just plain blow 'em away!"
here's how the ads in bioshock the game sound like: