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It's Blowing Up Stu...
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It's Blowing Up Stuff Day!

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*ahem* I mean, America's really really old now.

Happy 4th of July. 🙂

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Lovely pic Kazey <3

I don't get to celebrate it this year because I am poor

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I planned on spending my "explodey day" in the cinema watching Die Hard 4.0.

Instead, work. How very independant.

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Yeah, Happy Birthday to the greatest nation on the face of the planet!! It also happens to be the birthday of one of my very good friends!!!^_^ BTW, your picture is so cuuuttttteeee, Kaze.^__^

Posts: 2417
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Being overly patriotic these days makes people think you are a blind hick.

Also why don't those cops donate the confiscated fireworks to the local town or something @ video

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Being overly patriotic these days makes people think you are a blind hick.

Eh, so be it; you can't live life constantly worrying about what people think about you. People are always going to have an opinion about you one way or another; so, you just have to be you, know what I mean?

I realize America ain't that popular nowadays, but I still love her.

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Love from the previous rulers of the World. ^_^

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True, true. Lets just celebrate our independence from those tyrannical English!

What, we're allies now? Their rock bands took our country and women by storm? Well lets stick it to those horrible Germans and their sniveling cohorts the Japanese!

Wait, they're okay now as well? Japan is the leading source in technology? Germany is taking care of a super cute baby polar bear? Well lets try too stop those evil communists at the Soviet Union before they fire a nuclear missile onto our innocent waves of grain with the threat of another nuclear missile aimed right back at them!

Hold on, nothing happened? Its back to Russia now? What are we going to do with our "hide under your desks in order to survive a nuclear holocaust" videos? And all these extra secret missiles? I know! Lets launch them at those Satanist terrorists in the Middle East!

Just a second, it was all one big misunderstanding? Turns out both side's extremists mirrored each other too much and the whole thing was called off? Maybe we should all team up and fight the Zoorg Invasion forces that are trying to takeover the planet! Together we will knock their flying saucer fleet back into deep space!

Get out, they only wanted to give us the secret of universal peace? And since we shot their messenger ship down with a fighter jet they have deemed us as savages and have set their giant mothership laser for the destruction of Earth, thereby giving us 72 hours left to live?

The More You Know

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the only thing the 4th of July means anymore if fierwurks. yay. oh yah, and happy birthday george washington.

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I ate a hot dog.

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LOL that video was real funny. Those cops don't have a clue what they're doing. XD

Thanks for the comments on the pic and stuff.

Posts: 841
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I still want to go to America for Independance day, paint a giant union flag on the floor, get a load of amps and sing God Save The Queen to all my adoring fans. With their shotguns. Pointed at my head.

Only my ambitions have grown. This shall now be done in the middle of Time Square.

Haha like I'll ever have the guts to do that c.c

Happy Independance day you lot. *sips a cup of tea*

Posts: 2232
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...I'd totally do that.

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lovely pic Kaze. =D
lol @ GT. Describing America in the last few decades. XD

Good thing I still have a few of my fireworks from when I went to Mexico for New Year's. How come they didn't confiscate mine Troy? =O

Posts: 2417
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I just got back from the local fireworks show. Started at 9:20, didn't check when it ended but the traffic was so bad (as usual) that we didn't get back until 11:00 for what would usually be a 15 min trip.

Also, during the show a frog hopped onto my blanket! It stood there for a long time as well, with a slow hop every 3-5 minutes or so. Didn't have a camera though. Although I did have a flashlight to look at it at times.

Posts: 1567
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Cops confiscate fireworks? Really? I couldn't tell with all the huge illegal ones going on all around me and in the general vicinity of 2 miles...=p

Anyone who fires them off now...I will choke them. Nice glowy pic...

Posts: 815
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Watching Fireworks infront of the Washington Monument was amazing...

Although I loved watching them in the small town I used to live in Wisconsin. Fireworks on the lake front = WIN. The whole ground SHOCK m/
