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Just Because It's Belated Don't Mean We Can't Celemobrates!!

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My birthday was August 27th.

I think that what a lot of people failed to realize was that August 27th was also Sam's birthday too. :)

What's this? The Mofo's silliest member shares the same birthday with its sternest rule enforcer? SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!:fist

Thus I am creating this Birthday thread cuz Sammy-Whammy needs her lovin' too. Now wish her a happy birthday you miserable peons....



Posts: 2915
Famed Member

It's her fault... She doesn't list her Birthday anywhere 😥

Hope you had a good one Sam

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Actually, it's listed on LJ, Hiro. Some of the Bristol regulars and a couple of the Facebook regulars noticed. 🙂

*hugs both of you*

My fault. I used to be around enough that most of the regulars just knew that it was Dub and Sam's day...

Sorry for the self-pitying whinge - one reason I've been lurking for a while is trying to keep a bad mood off the forum, and I suppose it just hits me that people still remembered Dub whilst he's in lurk mode without any prompting, and it used to be the two of us...

Yes, it's irrational and maybe a bit egotistical. Like I said - I've not been a great person to be around for a few weeks... It's probably more me kicking myself for not being able to put more time in than anything else.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Happy Belated Birthday Sam!

That McLaren fued eh? What a pair of [censored]s!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Championship leader or not, Hamilton's a rookie - it's not an excuse, but it's at least a reason why he might need an etiquette lesson.

Alsonso's a double world champion. Tossing his toys out of the pram just because he isn't getting preferential treatment - especially when he isn't the one delivering the results - is really showing him up.

I know that it was that killer instinct that got him past Michael Schumacher, but I honestly thought that he was a better sportsman than that.

It wouldn't do either of them any harm if Ron Dennis banged their heads together and reminded them who was paying whose wages, but Alonso has a responsibility as the champ and elder driver to set an example as far as I'm concerned - and it's little wonder that Hamilton's reacting like this when he's screwing it up quite so comprehensively.

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Might I add my best wishes to your bucket

Posts: 1694
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Happy Belated Grand Debut Day, Sam!

Posts: 2723
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Happy Belated Escape from the Womb Day, Sam! :D

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

I'll say it here just as I've said it in various other places, times and formats - Happy birthday, Sam! 🙂 Well, actually, thinking about it, happy birthday-after-the-day-after-the-day-after-um, day.

If you're feeling rough, whine at me, that's kind of what I'm for. 🙂

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

True that Sam. Apparently whenever Alonso was beaten by Fisichella, he sulked. And you know how rare that was.

And he did drop the ball last year by saying "Renault didn't want him to win the title"

Bit sick of Hamilton-mania running wild on ITV as well.

Come on Massa... >_>

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I'm somewhat sorry, but then, I didn't even know it was Dub's birthday until I was told. Hell, I don't know ANYONE'S birthday around here except my own. For realz. >_>

Er... happy birthday anyway?

Posts: 3468
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*has been ignorant of his own birthday before* Happy birthday!

Posts: 3291
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i flung a balloon full of cake at you, sam! was that not enough?! ;--;

Posts: 2438
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I didn't know it was anyone's birthday.

But now I know!

Beachhead: "And knowing is half the battle!"


...oO Why does he wear that weird striped green ski-mask all the time, I mean it's gotta be hot under there and he's always running around in jungles and stuff, despite his name being "Beachhead" which sorta implies-

*spork'd* Oh yeah, getting off track here.

Happy Birthday, Dubs and Sam.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Clearly, the only way to remedy things is for a board feature to be implemented that announces when a member's birthday comes up. Those who wish to be excluded simply need to leave DOB blank in their profile.

Only then, may we NEVAR 4GET.

p.s. happy birthday

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

O wow. I did forget. Sorry Sam. First Facebook and now this?!?! I deserve a beatdown from Tuxedo Sam x_x. Happy Birthday :D

Hey speaking of which...GMS? Finishing ANY century soon? XD

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Dub and Sam sounds like a cartoon. o.o

Happy belated birthday. I give you a leash for use on Dubs.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Happy b-day everybody. Hope you all have a good one.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Already wished Sam congratulations, but I'll gladly do it again.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Again late and I still blame it on work, but happy belated B-Day, Sam. May we never forget...or I hope. My memory sucks that I probably forgot what I did eight minutes ago.

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

I didn't know it was either one of your birthdays, but I'm terrible with birthdays in general.

So anyway, hope you at at least a decent day! *Hands over a large hollow cake. Inside the cake is another cake, etc etc*

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Have yourself an EROTIC (BELATED) BIRTHDAY!!!

... Full of MEAT! >>;;

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Happy Belated, Sammy-Sam! :D
