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Just when you think nothing can raise your hope for humanity

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...nothing does. Mother uses toddler as shield against a taser.


Updated: Infant hit by bounty hunter's Taser

By The Associated Press
10/13/2007 12:51 PM
Last Modified: 10/14/2007 5:31 AM

The latest on this story: Taser dart hits infant in hand

OKLAHOMA CITY -- An infant was hit in the hand by a Taser fired by a bounty hunter, but apparently not shocked, when the child's mother used the infant as a shield, police said.

The mother, whose name was not released, was later arrested for child endangerment.

Preliminary police reports said the bounty hunter had tracked a man to a car at an apartment complex in northwest Oklahoma City Friday night.

"At some point the bounty hunter felt it was necessary to deploy the Taser, and a female in the car apparently held her infant up to shield herself from the Taser," said Sgt. Keith Vance.

One of the Taser probes lodged into the infant's hand, but the child was not shocked, since the other probe missed, Vance said.

Emergency responders were called to the scene about 6:30 p.m. Friday to treat a child with a bloody hand.

During the commotion of the child being hit by the Taser probe, the man, whom police identified as Joel Hawkins, tried
to drive away and crashed his car at the complex, Vance said.

After wrecking the car, Hawkins, 28, escaped after he jumped out of the car and ran away, dropping a firearm in the process, police said.

The bounty hunter, who also was not identified, apparently did nothing wrong, according to Vance.

"He can certainly use a Taser if he feels there is a need to do so," Vance said.

By The Associated Press

Well, well, ain't it nice what else can lower your opinion of humans? At least, the child was not shocked, but still.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

My mind has been subejcted to too much fiction. I'm more impressed with the idea of a bounty hunter doing this.

I can picture it. Dude in trenchcoat with awesome hat prepared to fire taser, lady holding up baby.

"You'll hit the kid!"

*Gruff eye squint* "I don't care"


...yes I know it's horrible and all that, but dang it, the only way I can cope with reality is to treat news stories as subjective pieces of information which I can alter to my own amusement.

I'm glad the baby was not harmed.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

So tell me again why an IQ test is not mandatory before someone can have a kid?

I hope she gets the kid taken from her. I'm happy that the kid's okay.

Posts: 432
Reputable Member

Bleh, I hear news like this everyday on the radio.

*Something sbout a man being hand-cuffed then the lady saying "like to drink blood" then stabbing the man. The man escaped outdoors luckily.

*Man accidentally nail-gunning his... well, I wo'nt say, but its that really sensitive part dudes have. Yeah, he nail-gunned his to his roof and was stuck there for some time.

*An unhappy couple cheating on each-other online, then when the couple give eachother an excuse an leave to meet their respective people... they find out it`s eachother. They get divorced afterwards for the attempted cheating, lol. :lol

*Man divorcing wife for threats to chop off THAT OTHER MALE PART. He said she would hold a knfe by the bed and sometimes threaten to do it in his sleep. He always made sure to come home from work on time because of the threats. Lady was worried 'bout him cheating.

*A drunk of a woman had her 6 or 7-year old son drive her home after she drank too much. The police stopped the youngster over for breaking too suddenly. When they asked the lady why she had her child drive her home she said "it was because he was a good driver"

*What you just said

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

So tell me again why an IQ test is not mandatory before someone can have a kid?

IQ test does not apply here. For someone of selfish in nature and uncaring, it's actually pretty smart to use the baby.

Although, for the lulz, Craig does have a pretty good idea there. I got reminded of Spike Spiegal. <3

Posts: 5035
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Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Like said previously, it was probably selfish instinct. If it was a split second thing anyway. If she had time to think about it then she is a horrible person and should be punished much worse, if not have the kid taken away from her in my opinion =/

I also think it's a terrible idea to have to be of a certain IQ to have a kid. In the UK some districts take kids away if one or both parents have an IQ below 80 (I read this in the Daily Mail a few months ago so take that as you will), even if there is no evidence of the children being harmed or at any disadvantage because of it =/

Also the thing about the couple who cheated on one another online only to find they were meeting up with each other made me laugh so badly XD

Posts: 1044
Noble Member


"At some point the bounty hunter felt it was necessary to deploy the Taser, and a female in the car apparently held her infant up to shield herself from the Taser,"

*decides not to jump on the guilty bandwagon*

I'll wait to the verdict first. Also what makes a suitation deemed to be necessary for the use of the taser (classfied as a firearm in ukland) to be used on the woman? was she armed? did she have a weapon?

and to fire at someone holding an infant or near an infant, how brave, unless he has such a poor aim.

perhaps if used on this other guy that "dropped a firearm" then maybe it would be understandable.


So tell me again why an IQ test is not mandatory before someone can have a kid?

There are good parents out there that don't have a high IQ. We don'twant to go down the road of eugenics in today's society thank you very much >=/

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

They're also apparently running of the theory that things much worse than a small dart in the hand AREN'T going to happen to the kid in The System.

People love to point blame and however hits the media first twists it to their side of the story. I don't think I'm going to jump on this. After all, it's the bounty hunter that shot the kid. Remember that joke the bullies and bigger kids would do in school? They'd jerk like they were going to hit you, cause the involuntary flinching response the body has to protect itself and they taunt you?

Same thing here, if you fire a weapon a person with something in their hands they will flinch and that object (be it shield, grocery bag, purse, or baby) will most likely flinch into position to shield them from harm.

I could go both ways here.


Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Why did he shoot at the woman in the first place if she was holding a baby?
Even if she was holding the baby hostage he shouldn't have shot, unless it was self-defense because she was going to shoot him.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

tbh I must admit I didn't think of the person who actually shot it when I replied.

They should get most of the blame, yeah.

Unless he was threatened first

Posts: 0
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It could have been the baby's idea.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

are bounty hunters legal in that city? if not, he should get arrested anyway for taking the law into his own hands. oo;

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Apparently, since the police sgt. or whatever said he'd done nothing wrong, what he was doing was all fine and legal.

I'm going to continue under the assumption that all is at it appears, and wonder if maybe Rico is right: If someone aimed anything that was capable of shooting at me, and I had osmething in my hands, I'd probably raise it. It didn't mention a hostage, did it?

As for the shooter's guilt, if he found a need to use the taser, there's nothing wrong with that. It mentioned that the guy had a firearm, maybe he was threatened?

Either way, it's not classified as a firearm here in the US, it's classified (I'm pretty sure, but let me say that I am no expert) as a nonlethal device, and its' use doesn't tend to carry nearly the same penalty as drawing a firearm.

Posts: 432
Reputable Member

This was all just one big understanding...

... that the baby paid the price for.


"Go to bed, dear.


"If i told you I'd have to bring something up from the past that would ruin my reputation. You do'nt want to be a laughing dtock do you?"


"Then shut up and go to bed."

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

XD @ Craig's reasoning, because that's exactly what he thought XD!!!!!

OMG XD! That's damned hilarious. I'm sorry. Glad the child is not to hard, but OMG

"Dont! Think of the Children!"

"I'm not paid to think!"


Infant: o.O?

XD!! OMG!!! WHO HIRE BOUNTY HUNTERS STILL. This is as bad as those damn Pirates over in Africa >>

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The Galactic Federation?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Internet Bounty Hunters.

*Slams fist into desk* I will start a company where people hire me to track down and seek revenge against internet pests. The money I get from 4chan users alone would be enough to have me buy a Punisher Van with gun catapaults and my own private "</Redemer>" jet.

</Redemer> the internet bounty hunter.

...oh yeah. Depressing stuff.

Umm... bad mother.

...*continues to fantasize about the trenchcoat, hat, guns, noir monologue...*

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Craig I'd so be your assistant.

Let's get to work now!

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

I think it's hilarious that the one guy felt the need to fire a taser at a mom in the first place. Jeez. What was the big deal, anyway? Did I miss something? It sounds like much ado about nothing, and he wanted to look cool, so he fired his tayzorr.

I think I missed something. o_o; Did I? I'm too lazy to go back and look. XD

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Also the thing about the couple who cheated on one another online only to find they were meeting up with each other made me laugh so badly XD

That's the plot of the song "If You Like Pina Coladas". XD

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

Rico: "I could go both ways here."

Umm... nah, I'll leave that one alone.

As far as the baby is concerned, that mother seriously needs to re-evaluate her motherhood. I mean, most mothers cradle the baby and turn away if someone is going to shoot something at them. It doesn't sound like this was the case though...

I don't know, i guess you just had to be there.
