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McDonald's blames videogames for making kids fat

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And...parental responsibility fits in where exactly?

Pot. Kettle. Black. Yadda yadda yadda.


McDonalds boss: Games to blame for childhood obesity

Tim Ingham Today, 1:48pm

Steve Easterbrook admits restaurant has role to play but points finger at interactive entertainment

The chief executive of McDonalds UK has hit out at video games for being a major cause of the childhood obesity crisis.

Steve Easterbrook told The Times that the food and drinks industry shared responsibility for the issue with individuals and Government.

But he made special mention of the popularity of games and said they have reduced the amount of time young people spend outdoors burning off energy.

The issue of obesity is complex and is absolutely one our society is facing, theres no denial about that, said Easterbrook. But if you break it down I think theres an education piece: how can we better communicate to individuals the importance of a balanced diet and taking care of themselves?

Then theres a lifestyle element: theres fewer green spaces and kids are sat home playing computer games on the TV when in the past theyd have been burning off energy outside.

According to The Times, McDonalds UK is on the brink of its best year for two decades. The firm has enjoyed six per cent like-for-like sales growth in the last year. More than 88 million visits were made to McDonald's restaurants last month, up 10 million on the previous year.

lol michelin man

Posts: 841
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Video games exercise the brain!

Posts: 2610
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oh mah irony

Posts: 1058
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At least there's probably only like 5 people who wouldn't laugh at this. :D in the world

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 2915
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😯 McDonalds provide children with games 😯

Posts: 1044
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ewwww @ state of that gc pad, you could catch ebola off that D:

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

rotf@ NUKE!! hahaha. I'm even more ashamed that got Grimace-a fatazz purple mushroom, on that danged contraption-and why is the hose coming out of Grimace's butt? What's that about?

As for that kid in that pic- God I love that photo xD.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

^ Oh my that controller is NASTY looking (-_-)

Okay, so they are blaming games...Mmm...I think pointing the finger at the parents is a better idea.

Posts: 43
Eminent Member


I think pointing the finger at the parents is a better idea.

I couldn't agree more. I could not see allowing my kids, should I have any, to do nothing but video games after school work and chores. Only allow the kids to play so many hours a week. Time's up, lock the equipment in the attic.

Posts: 2723
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They're STILL pointing fingers at one another for chugging out fat kids? How mentally hilarious.

I agree with the parents thing. And even though McDonald's and other fast food restaurants have started offering some healthier choices for kids, some parents are still clogging their arteries with hamburgers, fries, and soda.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

that kid is just... well i feel sorry for him.

And that gamecube controller looks like it was caught in a nuke explosion.

Posts: 3291
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he looks like he's wearing one of those fat suits.. *stares at his arms, they don't look real* oo;

Posts: 3468
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I'll have a Double Quarter Pounder Big Mac, a large fries, a large milkshake, and a diet coke, please.

I think stupidity causes obesity.

Posts: 113
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Even if these fast food places offer healthier alts..I seriously wonder how many children pick them over a burger, chips and coke? Children will go for what they like not what is healthy (some may but I don't know how big that would be) besides Maccas to me has always meant junk.

Posts: 2438
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Agreed, takut0. I mean, srsly here, I'm gonna choose a salad when I'm at a restaurant known primarily for its fries, burgers, and sugar-filled beverages? Didn't work when I was a kid, and it doesn't work now.

Society in general is quick to find instant answers to problems - and since most people will be or are parents, it's easier to point at outside sources than to actually change lifestyles and make sure children are taken care of and taught how to take care of themselves.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

^ So true..But also some people don't know how to make the changes so they blame others like Fast Food or video games. I enjoy take away but it's once a month (if that)....While in Australia transfats are still in most of our junk food it's doing terrible harm to everyone..especially children who are still growing. I really hate to think how many children will grow up having heart attacks or getting heart desease when they are in their 20's and 30's.

Lots of people want a quick and instant answer to food and that's in a package...But seriously, if you eat all that junk all the time (like those children do) you generally feel unhealthy...I couldn't do it. Yuck.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Well, the main reason I stuff my face in video games as a child was, outside was... BORING. Seriously, I'm not going to do something for the sake of entertainment that bores me, that just defeats the purpose. Plus all my friends always lived too far away for me to visit. ;;

But I've been blessed with high metabolism as well, meaning it doesn't affect me nearly as much as others, it typically wears off. But mom always balanced stuff out when it came to what I ate, so things worked out.

Point is, the accusation is stupid.

Posts: 841
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I never even touched a games console until I was at least 7 (and that wasn't even mine u.u) and I was never a thin child. In fact I was quite... plump, as my gran would say :D Actually she told me that once irl o.o

In fact back then I probably spent more time outdoors in a day by choice than I would in a week now. Maybe even a fortnight o.o
And now I spend a good majority of my day on a computer and I'm thinner (although not actually thin)!

Just shows how you can spin information if you miss out little details doesn't it? Like my puberty and McDonald's fatty grossness.

Although as people said earlier, the fault lands with the parents. Instead of taking them to Maccy Ds and getting annoyed at them for taking a burger instead of salad, DON'T TAKE THEM THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Go on special occasions or something. Birthdays, for example. And when they're young enough make sure they've got things in the garden like a slide or something. Outdoor pets do wonders. And don't buy them a console as soon as they turn 3! Wait until they're 7 or something and make it something they'll really appreciate.

</mothering rant>

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thats right, Me, Im always playing video games

Posts: 731
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I got my genny at age 2...
And I'm not fat, nor thin either, just in between.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

It seems the less I play video games, the fatter I get. I was thin when I was little, average in high school. I rarely play video games now and I'm the heaviest I've ever been.


Posts: 622
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I wonder if people ever blamed books for inactivity. One doesn't often go jogging with their eyes glued to a book.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Im sure if someone was to die from a papercut, they'd blame books for the death and due to a lack of inactivity, their blood was not strong enough to heal the wound -.-

Then people would have book burnings and declare books the scourge of the world.

>>Yeah...why don't I see ths happening Fast enough !

Posts: 113
Estimable Member


I wonder if people ever blamed books for inactivity. One doesn't often go jogging with their eyes glued to a book.

Sure it would get blamed if it was taking over children and turning them into little lard balls..But the fact is children don't read as much as they used too.

Apparently when telephones came in they were called 'evil' and people claimed it made their children anti-social because they only liked talking to their friends on the phone instead of going to see them.

I just find it funny for a fast food company to blame video games...Games won't cause you to get clogged arteries but fast food will!

However, when it comes down it..MODERATION is the key! Don't spend forever infront of the PC or gaming consol..Don't spend all time inside it's bad for your health and other things (I won't say cause I'll't have take-away all the time maybe on special occasions or once a month (find healthy choices if you must eat it all the time)..Or even learn to COOK *gasps*....But yea..Moderation! But even so..If you know how to cook it's not that hard to make your own burgers and fries but in a healthy way..And it's hella yummy!!

Posts: 3291
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too much of nearly anything can kill you. oo;

anyway, i wish they'd stop with this whole blame thing that's been so big for so long now and just take responsability for what they're doing themselves.

Posts: 113
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As long as there is someone to point the finger at they always will..*sigh*..It's how this world is changing..Trying to blame someone else to get the heat off of them -.-;

Posts: 3291
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*point* it's all your fault! 😮

Posts: 113
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*points back* Na-awh..It's YOURS *runs away*
