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Mel Gibson phone call...

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I am normally not one to bother with celebrity news, but when I heard of this I felt reminded of the time he allegedly blamed Jews for all the wars in the world; now he is associating rape with black people.

Wow... extreme racism and rape-victim-blaming rhetoric in the same phone call.  Popular opinion condemned Michael Richards for shouting the n-word onstage, but at least Richards didn't associate blacks with rape...
Posts: 1656
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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa > 
he's such a jerk! not just for the racist comment but also for what he said to her, how can he say those horrible things to her. he could gently ask her to dress less attractive, not go say mean things like that, he marries her for her looks then insults her X_X

most women dont mean bad things when they dress sexy, its in our nature to want to look very pretty. sometimes we get carried away doesnt mean anything dirty she probably wanted to show him how pretty she is, its mean so mean, she does so much hard work to look nice for him and he hurts her like that.

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Sad but true fact, Mada - celebrities can be just as bad, if not worse, than the common everyday folk you know...

Just be glad for the fact that you don't need to worry so much about being filmed and exposed like these people do.

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I'm probably gonna say something unpopular and say I feel sorry for him; not because I agree with him, but it's sad to see anybody in that state. Especially, since he directed, or whatever, a movie like Passion of the Christ and claims to be a Christian, he sure needs God now more than ever.

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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa > 
he's such a jerk! not just for the racist comment but also for what he said to her, how can he say those horrible things to her. he could gently ask her to dress less attractive, not go say mean things like that, he marries her for her looks then insults her X_X

most women dont mean bad things when they dress sexy, its in our nature to want to look very pretty. sometimes we get carried away doesnt mean anything dirty she probably wanted to show him how pretty she is, its mean so mean, she does so much hard work to look nice for him and he hurts her like that.

If dressing sexy were just about impressing him, would it really need to be in public? Obviously impressing others plays a role there too. He emphasized that it was embarrassing when they go out in public and she is showing off her, as he called them, fake boobs. I doubt this would be the first time he mentioned it either; for all we know, he may have said this more calmly before.

I think there is already something a little vain about dressing provocatively in public, and it doesn't exactly help that part of what she is showing off is fake to begin with. Of course, none of this justifies rape, nor the remarks Mel Gibson made, but there are some implications that go with provocative dress...
Posts: 1758
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Yes, because it is so your business how somebody is dressed or even why they do it.  'Provocative dress' is implying that it matter what other people think.

I'm probably gonna say something unpopular and say I feel sorry for him; not because I agree with him, but it's sad to see anybody in that state. Especially, since he directed, or whatever, a movie like Passion of the Christ and claims to be a Christian, he sure needs God now more than ever.

My mom identified him as a misogynist when he made a bad adaptation of Hamlet, for the way he handled the Ophelia scenes.  I didn't understand her points (or pay much attention to the movie itself), but she was obviously right.

As for that movie, wasn't it criticized as being more about torture than Jesus himself or his statements?  The more I learn of him the more clear it is he's basicaly a humongous sick [bleep].

Posts: 1446
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The Passion of the Christ is probably the closest to a legalised snuff film we're ever going to get. 95% of it was just Jesus being tortured. Even as a movie it's pretty bad - I mean, everyone is familiar with the Jesus story, but the film doesn't explain any of it. It's basically Mel's way of saying "look what the horrible Jews did to Jesus! Look how he suffered for you! Now BELIEVE!!!"

If you can divorce yourself enough from the man to still enjoy his acting then more power to you, but I'm never going to be able to see a film with him in it and not have it ruined by the presence of a downright disgusting human being.

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Yes, because it is so your business how somebody is dressed or even why they do it.  'Provocative dress' is implying that it matter what other people think.

How odd, I didn't say it was. Mada was the one claiming that it was just about wanting to look sexy for him, and the obvious point there is that if it were only that, she could have dressed like that in private but more modestly in public.

Posts: 1656
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    " Mada was the one claiming that it was just about wanting to look sexy for him, and the obvious point there is that if it were only that, she could have dressed like that in private but more modestly in public"

he wouldn't have dated her if she wasnt dressing sexy to begin with. what's the point of buying a dress or going to a party if you wont highlight your beauty. women will tell you that at least half the time they dress sexy is to be praised not attract suiters. and can you blame her when lots of other women dress attractive knowing she can top them? she's in the glamour world.

   "He emphasized that it was embarrassing when they go out in public and she is showing off her, as he called them, fake boobs"
i dont support plastic surgery to enhance breast size but i'd never ever insult a girl who does it who's a stranger to me, so how can he say that to the mother of his child, that's so cruel. you have to have a huge amount of hate and disrespect to say that. matt there's something about girls you need to get, insulting them is beyond mean espacially if they're mothers, girls have selfesteem issues to deal with insulting them can get very hurtful to them. any guy who treast a girl roughly doesnt deserve to ever find love. 

bottom line, he said very mean things to her that an enemy wont say, he wanted to break her with his horrible words, its not a matter of him not liking how she dresses he dated her the way she is he has no right to ask her to change later.

    "My mom identified him as a misogynist when he made a bad adaptation of Hamlet, for the way he handled the Ophelia scenes"

wow that was very keen of her to notice. i suppose there were signs.

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Personally, I would suggest that: a) an enemy *would* say that (and that any even slightly catty group of women probably already did); and b) he has little right to ask her to change at all. How she cares to dress is a matter entirely for her. If he doesn't like going out in public with her dressed the way she does, no one is chaining him to her. He can of course exercise his right not to like what she wears and, indeed tell the entire world if he chooses - but any consequences arising are his.

Basically what Veckums said - no one has a right to try and change you unless you cede that right to them. If you can manage to be comfortable in whatever you wear, regardless of what "other people" think, then you're doing OK.

As for watching Mel Gibson's movies, I will always have an undying love for the Lethal Weapon series, but haven't watched anything by him since - not for who he is, but because his films have zero interest for me. It's an interesting point - is that wrong of me? Is it wrong of me actually to like, for example, Jonathan King's Una Paloma Blanca and his version of Hooked on a Feeling, knowing the crimes he was later convicted of?


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"he wouldn't have dated her if she wasnt dressing sexy to begin with." - sonicsfan1991
I'm not very familiar with Mel Gibson, but what makes you so sure of this one?
"what's the point of buying a dress or going to a party if you wont highlight your beauty" - sonicsfan1991
1. You seem to be equating beauty with sexiness... there are other aspects of beauty, like a pretty face or a pleasant-sounding voice... and that is just among superficial ones.
2. If the idea is that buying a dress or going to a party would be pointless if not for "highlighting beauty" as you call it, then that is not necessarily a point in its favour, so much as a contradiction between partying/buying a dress and "not highlighting beauty." That contradiction could be taken in either direction.
"women will tell you that at least half the time they dress sexy is to be praised not attract suiters. and can you blame her when lots of other women dress attractive knowing she can top them? she's in the glamour world." - sonicsfan1991
Again, I do not know much about the specific people involved but I am speaking generally. Oh, and if it is about wanting praise specifically about appearance, then yeah, it is kinda vain. Of course, they have every right to be, just as others have every right to criticize that... not to say the Mel Gibson approach was a good one either, but I already said his approach was unjustified.

"matt there's something about girls you need to get, insulting them is beyond mean espacially if they're mothers, girls have selfesteem issues to deal with insulting them can get very hurtful to them." - sonicsfan1991
As if guys didn't have self esteem issues to deal with? I would say the extent of them depends on the individual, not which half of the human species they happen to be. Similarly, I think how justified an insult is would depend on the individual target, and the nature of the insult, not on which gender the target of the insult happened to be.
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You gon get raped.

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