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Merry Christmas, Mo...
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Merry Christmas, Mofo.

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Posts: 2417
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And it isn't even Thanksgiving yet! It seems that many places already have their Christmas decorations set up. Some as early as Halloween!

Posts: 880
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I could bring back the old Christmas theme for this year if people want.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaha Nice one GT. But yea...T'Giving gets no love...definitely one of the better holidays too. Christmas really does get earlier and earlier every year. A Christmas theme would be cool, Doc. I can't even remember last year's.

Posts: 4336
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The proper term is 'Christmas creep.'

It always bugged me that stores seem to skip from Halloween to Christmas in terms of decor nowadays. >_>

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

I'd buy it. Fly over Hyrule in a sleigh led by a bunch of red-nosed Eponas.

They were playing Christmas music days before Halloween this year. I had to do a double take, lol.

Posts: 2438
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I was in Wal-Mart the other day, back in very early November, and literally facepalmed after it took me a minute to realize that the music playing and the decorations were all Christmas-oriented. If they're starting Christmas early, I want more vacation time.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

We get christmas stuff before halloween stuff where I am. Of course we don't do thanksgiving so that may be a contributer. We got the christmas stuff up around beginning of september. That said, my store is the one which always displays the christmas stuff for all the other store managers in the region so we may do it super early for that.

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Meh @ Christmas advertising starting at about October this year where I live

Meh I say!

Posts: 4336
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The earliest I've EVER seen in it is at Wal-Mart. In September.

Posts: 1866
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I wonder if they even celebrate Christmas in Hyrule...

Posts: 1008
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I'm somewhat relieved really that here in Dundee that although the Christmas lights are currently being put up around the city, they won't be switched on until December is actually upon us. Sadly the same can't be said of the shopping centre near me, and a number of other establishments around town. Oddly though, there's one particular shop I know of that hasn't actually bothered taking down the flashing multi-coloured Christmas star they put up in the window a year or more ago o_O

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


urgh... oh god... oh god... i can hear... it... the dogs, my god DAH DAWGZ

please god... make it stoooooop...

Posts: 2915
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ugh, 2 of the local radio stations have already switched to 24/7 Christmas music. Can't we wait till after Thanksgiving? Seriously.

Posts: 1866
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My town is lax in this problem... SHARE YOUR PROBLEMS WITH MEEEEEEE!!!

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

There are now 9 days until I can watch Muppet Xmas Carol again. What Xmas was made for!


EDIT: OK, where did my avatar go? I'll have to hunt out the picture again tonight...

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I once saw an advert for a Christmas sale at the end of August! This was last year I think...

Anyway, the German Christmas Market is up in the City Centre, which I think is fantastic, they sell frankfurters, hot chocolate, hot wine, roast chest nuts, have live music (my Dad was up on Wednesday playing the violin), and is generally a great atmosphere, it's the one place where a crowd becomes one of the best aspects of an event for me.

Posts: 3468
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I've been listneing to Trans-Siberian Orchestra for weeks now. Does that count? 😛

Posts: 1866
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