This decade the MF has moved across several different platforms. It has seen 4 different platforms 😮 (5 counting EliteBoard)
- 1997 - June 2000 - ServerApps [*]April 2000 - [*]June 2000 - Ezboard [*]Feb 2008 - Yuku
- Oct. 2002 - Ezchat is established [*]Jan 20 2003 - Vec's "SPA Beta" first see's the light of day
- Oct. 18 2003 - The MF is hacked a second time and has issues with sonic-cult [*]Aug. 1 2004 - We are showcased on ezboard's homepage for nearly 2 months [*]Mar. 23 2005 - The flashchat is established [*]May 31 2005 - Ezboard is hacked massively with tons of posts either just plain gone or replaced with "cannot be restored"
- SA2 Collage1 - (May 2000) [*]'N'Sync/Austin Powers/Britney Speers - June 2000 [*]--------------------------EZBOARD----------------------------------------------- [*]Green SA2 theme - (Sept 2000) [*]Retro theme - (Oct 2000) [*]Barney's Dance Party - October 2000 [*]Richard Simmons - October 2000 [*]Sailorness - (Jan 2001) [*]SA2 again (don't remember the scheme) - (May 2001) [*]Hello Kitty/Richard Simmons/Elmo [*]Evil Away - (July 2001) [*]Who Wants to Be A Millionaire - July 2001 [*]School- October 2001 [*]Disco Madness - Oct 2001 [*]Espio/Knuckles BG interchange [*]Female Theme (Amy, Sally, Rouge, Bunnie ect) [*]Super Mario Brothers Super Show - March 2002 [*]Super Mario Brothers Movie Mania - April 2002 [*]SA2 collage2 (currently on MF2)(June 2002) [*]Dr FexusFan Empire Of Scootering Daisy Heads - September 2002 [*]Tails 10th Anniversary (Nov. 2002) Sega, AoStH, SatAM, Archie, STC, OVA [*]Eggman Empire Fleetway 10th Anniversary (May 2003) [*]Chibi Sonic (Summer 2003) [*]Sat AM/AoStH 10th Anniversary (Sept 2003) [*]Amy's 10th theme - (Sept 23rd 2003) [*]Metal Sonic's 10th - (Dec 3rd 2003) [*]Knuckles' 10th - (Feb 2nd 2004) [*]Mr T - March 2004 [*]Female Theme 2 - (May 2004) [*]Chibi Sonic 2 - (July 2004) [*]Metal Sonic's 10th (2) - (Sept 2004) [*]Sailor Luna's Bootie Board - (Nov 2004) [*]Holiday Theme (2) - (Dec 2004) [*]AOL Theme - (Jan 2005) [*]Japanese Mannequins - (Late Jan 2005) [*]Retro Theme (Feb 2005) [*]Error Theme (April 2005) [*]Green SA2 Theme (2) (May 2005) [*]Sonic X Season 3 (Aug 2005) [*]Shadow Halloween (Oct 2005) [*]Holiday Theme (3) - (Dec 2005) [*]Burger King - (Jan 2006) [*]Green Hill Zone (April 2006) [*]Rotating Theme (2007) [*]-------------------- YUKU -------------------------------------------------
- Sonic 2006 (2008) [*]Retro 2 (2009) [*]Fey & Poehler (Dec 2009)
[/list:u:3722464e93]Main Events
Tha's a lotta themes.
(And no, Lightey, you just can't count Eliteboard. Sorry. )
You missed out the Chicken Slaughterhouse.
Thanks for this, though - I was trying to explain just the other day why an alleged Sonic forum had Tina Fey all over it, and I don't think the extremes I described us going to were necessarily believed.
Woah, I remember the showcasing and that the first theme I saw was Mr T.
Cripes, that means I've been around here a year longer than I thought.
Pretty sure the first Chibi Sonic theme came in 2002, not 2003.
Yea I was wondering where was Eliteboard...because I so went there like...6 times. o_o I've been here for the majority of last decade. :O It's become my virtual home. Hahaha!
Frag. That's a lot of themes for ten years.
The sad thing is I remember most of them.
Frag. That's a lot of themes for ten years.
The sad thing is I remember most of them.
No no that's not sad. It's a grand thing. You're one of us. *stares at you oddly*
I too remember most of those... I missed some that, from the title, I'm glad I did. >_>
Man, things can go downhill quick in a decade.
Man, things can go downhill quick in a decade.
How quickly downhill can things go in two?
Frag. That's a lot of themes for ten years.
The sad thing is I remember most of them.
No no that's not sad. It's a grand thing. You're one of us. *stares at you oddly*
Not sad in the fact that I'm an oldbie, just sad in the fact that it means I'm getting old.
Quiet, whippersnapper. Or I'll hit you with my zimmer frame.
*Steals Samsam's paper and trespasses on her lawn*
*turns on the sprinkler system*
It's funny because I first joined up like, a month before the great EzHack. The Burger King theme is probably the most evil one I remember. XD
Auggggh! Now I'm all wet! *Slowly freezes in place* D=
*places a bird bath between Crimson's ears and hangs a string of peanuts off his tail*
hmm *steals crim's nuts and runs away* ^_^
Hopefully the next decade will be harsher on the mofo than the previous one and lead to all out war amongst it's different factions for a laugh.
*points and laughs at Crim*
I like to think my presence has brought down this forum's quality in the past five years. It makes me feel like... I've made a difference.
S-s-s-s-somebody g-g-g-get me s-s-s-some m-m-m-mulled w-wine...
My hopes for the next decade of the mofo? Um, more skits?
I've got red or white mulled wine, which would you like? Best drunk in a mug, straight out of the microwave, piping hot. This also allows one to cradle the warm mug and defrost fingers
If you want the red stuff, better get down here quickly, there's only half a mug left...
But I'll never get down there and back in time for work tommory in this weather! D= Thou sinister temptress!
*chuckles at the pic*
I remember Barneys Dance Party...
I haven't been here that long... Have I? Oo
Wow, to think it was eight years ago that I was really bored at my summer internship so I googled ... no, I used Yahoo to search for a Sonic the Hedgehog Web site. Also, this was before my first AP Style handbook, so I probably spelled it "website" too. How time flies.
Oh well. Mofo class of aught two represent.
Also, Fey and Poehler theme? This is probably old hat here by now, and I love these two ladies as much as the next man, but this seems kinda ... creepy.
Oh well. Mofo class of aught two represent.
Oh well. Mofo class of aught two represent.
*joins in the class of '02 reunion party*
Chicken Slaughterhouse was 1999 Sam!
Also, Fey and Poehler theme? This is probably old hat here by now, and I love these two ladies as much as the next man, but this seems kinda ... creepy.
So very agreed. Somebody get a real theme in here.
I actualy have no idea who these two are, so I agree. And suggest either a marble theme (on the basis we have a green hill one)
Or, and this is a suggestion I might regret, hows about I look over the tallys and get a backround of a decade of MoFo posters?
I actualy have no idea who these two are, so I agree. And suggest either a marble theme (on the basis we have a green hill one)
Or, and this is a suggestion I might regret, hows about I look over the tallys and get a backround of a decade of MoFo posters?
Only if the UFOs are present.
That's an idea: a theme using material that was planned and developed, but was junked before the games went gold.
(Representing the MoFo Class of 2001, joined in July!)
That would be cool, but for some reason I get the feeling it would be scrapped before completion...
That would be cool, but for some reason I get the feeling it would be scrapped before completion...
xD! Fits in with itself. *mind is blown*
I propose a Wood Zone theme. You know it'd be epic. |D
Ten years, a bunch of close friends and a gosh darn wife, later and I still look at this list and think "wow... what have I been doing with my life?"
Still, this acursed forum is a part of my soul, barnacled to me like an infectious parasite which infuses me with teh serious business and such. I love it and curse it but shall never leave.
To all who made the last decade of Mobius Forum so wonderful, I thank you. To my cows and my Scottish rivals long forgotten, I tip my hat to you. It has been crazy and epic and though wars were fought, friendships were lost, people were banned and vanished into the streams of the internet and we have all grown both physically and mentally, we will always have our little save haven of nostalgia. A kind of Rivendell, where we can hide from the Dark Lord, but know we must sail into the unknown someday.
*Eyes the docks suspiciously* Burn the boats. This is our forum. No one gets to leave.
Heh, I'm 1/6th Scottish >_>;;
I remember the very first few themes, then I left during 2001, I think. Nostalgic to see them there.
I think you forgot the memorial theme when a forum member died. The guy had Tails in his name, and the background had lyrics from Believe in Myself.
*Pounce Shoe*
Webbles. :3
EDIT: Oh, and when he talks of Scottish folk he of course means me. ¦3