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Minorities in America Don't Trust Each Other

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WASHINGTON (AFP) The three main minorities in the United States -- blacks, Hispanics and Asians -- have little trust for each other and hold prejudiced views about Americans of different ethnic origins to their own, a poll showed Wednesday.

"This extraordinary poll reveals some unflattering realities that exist in America today," said Sandy Close, head of new America Media (NAM) which sponsored the poll together with ethnic media groups.

Forty-four percent of Hispanics and 47 percent of Asians are "afraid of African-Americans because they are responsible for most of the crime," the survey of 1,105 adults drawn from the three ethnic groups showed.

More than half of black Americans polled and 46 percent of Hispanics said Asian business owners do not treat them with respect.

And half of African-Americans said Latin American immigrants "are taking jobs, housing and political power away from the black community."

Hispanics and Asians, whose populations are made up mainly of immigrants, were positive about the American dream, saying that those who work hard in the United States reap the rewards of their toil.

In contrast, more than 60 percent of African-Americans dismissed the American dream as not working for them.

All three ethnic groups viewed white Americans in a more favorable light than they did members of another minority.

Sixty-one percent of Hispanics, 54 percent of Asians and 47 percent of African-Americans said they would rather do business with whites than members of the other two groups.

"The poll reaffirms that while race relations between ethnic groups and whites grab the headlines, there are also serious racial problems between minority groups in America," said Sergio Bendixen, an expert on Hispanic and multilingual polling.

"Blacks feel they are left out of the American Dream and are being displaced by newcomers, and each group buys into the negative stereotypes about the other two," he said.

The three minority groups did agree that the United States would be a better place if blacks, Asians and Hispanics held more authoritative positions at universities, in business, media and government.

They also said they believe racial tensions in the United States will ease over the next 10 years.

Some of my best friends are Al Sharpton, I just wouldn't want them to marry my daughter. :)

ALSO: Jinsoku - I'm callin you out cuz you look different than me and you speak with a funny accent. HURR HURR HURR HURR!!!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Wow. The funny thing is that I see this sort of thing when I'm taking the bus. If it was almost crowded and a Hispanic person, mostly an older person, were sitting next to me, they'd get up and change their seat whenever other people would get off the bus.

I'm just sitting there listening to music or staring out the window because I'm bored, they act like I'm gonna pull out a gun and hijack the bus in order to rob a bank down the street.

Personally, I've got no problem with other races. A lot of the students I teach in a computer basic skills class at work are mostly Hispanic. Heck, all my old friends, some I've known since elementary and middle school, were all a diverse group.

I'd only get mad if someone decided to lump me in with the stereotypes.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I find it hilarous that this was even polled. I don't really see the relevance to this. I don't know. Besides, what is race anyway? If we were all blind it wouldn't even matter, really. *shrugs*

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Haha...yea I've seen some of this when I was at high school for two years. The blacks would all stick together while the Latino/Hispanic/(AKA what am I supposed to say??) also stuck together. I am black but personally don't have problems with either group...and have friends who are either Latino or Asian

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


Besides, what is race anyway?

If you look at it from a purely genetic standpoint, none. It's just pigmentation. Asians, Hispanics, blacks, whites...we're all homo sapiens.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member


I find it hilarous that this was even polled. I don't really see the relevance to this. I don't know. Besides, what is race anyway? If we were all blind it wouldn't even matter, really. *shrugs*

It is relevant, though. Whether you want to ignore it or not, race relations is, and probably always will be, a serious and relevant issue. Sure, I think it would be great if everyone could see each other without giving two sh*ts about race, but it doesn't work that way. Studies like this one are a lot more important than you think, as they can provide people with a wider understanding of race relations, and perhaps get us just a little closer to solving some of society's problems.

After all, you can't expect to solve a problem unless you understand it completely.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yes, Deck you are correct. But let's be serious...some problems are solve proof. But who am I to say.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

I really couldn't care what race is what. My girlfriend is Asian, and one of my best friends in the Air force is black. I also have some family who are hispanic (not immediate related though) and they are pretty cool. The only thing that i think causes disputes is the language barrier. even between black and white people, they mostly speak differently (and people from the back woods south REALLY speak differently) and when one speaks a different language (mainly the spanish speaking immigrants) it makes people more uncomfortable.

Seriously, I think the speech and language have a big influence in our perception on other races. I mean, I'm italian mostly, and when people speak italian fluently around me, I feel a bit uncomfortable because I don't know what they're saying. That's the only thing in my opinion, that makes races almost keep themselves segregated.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

XD @ the call out to Jinsoku. Dubs you horrible XD.

I really am sick of this argument though. I think everyone that doesn;'t quite get it in their heads that we're all the same species, just different colors and therefore should NOT be so damn evil toward each other should be forced to read a science book explaining this >>

and then throw them all in a concentration camp 'til they play nice >>

Thiers your "black person being more violent" approach >o!

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Soon we will not be the same species! There will be a big fight over who gets to be called human. I bet on the ones with lasers.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

BISH! Who yo black ass callin' out, son!? WHO!?

No but seriously... who cares? Yes we are all one species, but that species is also human. As ugly as it is, opinions are made, and stereotypes aren't stereotypes, they're @#$!ing fact.

I'm sorry, I went through most of my life thinking the same thing most of you are, (and will be) saying. Y'know, it's a small world after all and we all rock the hizzy together fo'rizzy and all that nonsense. But... uh... no. That's not how it is.

The black majority show up as ghetto, uneducated, lazy, and most of the time come off as criminals. Family values are usually seen as "do it or I'll beat'cho ass, boy!"

The majority of hispanics (aka Mexicans in the west and midwest, Puerto Ricans in the East Coast, and Cubans in Florida, yay stereotypes right?), are looked at as hard workers, job stealers, gang bangers with, mostly, a huge family gathering.

The Asian majority are Algebra and calculus wizards and are most likely in accounting or in your local Chinese restaurant or laundromat, running it, and think that all of their frikkin' customers, "THEY STEAL MY STORE!!! THEY ALWAYS STEAL FROM STORE!!! NO BUY GE'OUT!" Their family values are also very harsh, FOR HONOR!!!!

Middle easterns are... well... they run the Kwik-E-Marts and are all probably terrorists.

Yes, dirty dirty, nasty and disgusting. Let's face it, you are lying if you never had one of these gone through your head and you nodded and said "yeah, I see, hear, or think that sometimes," (minus the terrorist part, that's just a racist joke, hurrr).

That's what these races are pinned for because THEY KEEP @#$%!ING DOING IT!!! Maybe if they'd FIX their asses up and, y'know, not be like this any more, then maybe the "stereotypes" will disappear and then everyone will go, "Huh, but I thought they were supposed to do such and such. Oh well."

That's what Bill Cosby pretty much said in a nutshell that one day not too long ago. And I friggin' agree with him.

There's plenty of good examples that don't match the stereotype and live really good lives as really good people in this forum alone. If everyone would freakin' try in life, we wouldn't have TOO MUCH of this nonsense, and everyone would be making fun of the racists and singling their dumb asses out.

Except for the KKK and the nazi's... they're just a bunch of dumbass sons o' youknowhats.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


That's what Bill Cosby pretty much said in a nutshell that one day not too long ago. And I friggin' agree with him.

I remember that rant of his (and it was definitely worded as a rant). Wish it had been more receptive.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Preach it, Jin!

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

It's true that most races (especially African American, Hispanics and Asians) don't interact if they can avoid it. Asians think Hispanics are lazy while blacks are just out there. At least I can say tat where I work white are the minority it seems while Asians (mostly Chinese) and Indians run the place. Heck, int he whole University I can count around 6, yeah less than 10 Hispanics who are students (that would be 7 if I add my Cuban neuro professor). Whenever you hear of a shooting is related to the hispanic (mostly Mexicans) vs African American.

I think people just want to be left alone (segregated) so they socialize within groups of their own race/ethnicity. I know I don't go socializing to the south of the city where the Hispanics dwell for fear of being shot or something else.

But other than that, if we don't try to socialize...we'll never move on. I'll see if I can find the information handed out by the senate during last meeting on a new bill regarding discrimination.

XD It was easier to say: I agree with Jin

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I thought this was well-known. No racial minority trusts any of the other races, on average.

I don't understand it, honestly, and I never have. Never really understood what colour has to do with anything...I tend to profile people based on how they act. Which as earlier pointed out in this thread is often related to race, so whatever.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

speaking as the only white person on my corridor in my uni student halls, the tension isn't high.. but so far it seems to be the asian girls teaming up with the black girls against the two international students from pakistan.
although it's more of a clash about people using too much fridge space and leaving dirty plates and stuff about. :p

someone mentioned feeling a bit left out when people talked a lot in their own lauguage? try compleating against three girls talking rapidly in chinese.. ^^; makes me want to learn the language just to know what's going on.

but rah, racial harmoney and etc! oo i don't get why people get all wound up over the colour of someone's skin or where they were born.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I never understood it. I mean, out of all the reasons to hate people - and the average person has plenty of good reasons to dislike them - why skin colour?

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

I only have one thing to say:

There's something really messed up in the world when the White race is the least racist, uh... race, in the world.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 489
Reputable Member


someone mentioned feeling a bit left out when people talked a lot in their own lauguage? try compleating against three girls talking rapidly in chinese.. ^^; makes me want to learn the language just to know what's going on.

My girlfriends family is chinese, and ive been around her grandmother, aunt and mother all talking about me in mandarin. XD I never felt so... useless.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Where I am (a city with one of the largest amounts of minorities in the UK) you can't really walk ten feet without hearing someone talking in another language. They range from your countries like India and all those around it, as well as China and Korea, and increasing numbers of Polish. You do get paranoid that they're talking about you.

Although to be fair if I went to say, Spain, they probably wouldn't like me talking in English either. It does annoy me that a few people (usually the older ones who are moving to be with children) move here and don't bother to learn the language, although I know first-hand that learning another language is hard (woot GCSE French) so I can't really blame them that much.

As for races etc, my friendship group was pretty diverse in both that sense and a religious sense. Although I have notices a few minority groups around the school who try to stay with their own race. But I guess you tend to make friends with people who have a bit in common with you don't you? As bad as it is, sometimes race is a factor in that =/

Posts: 1201
Noble Member


There's something really messed up in the world when the White race is the least racist, uh... race, in the world.

Just because the survey didn't mention whites at all (it's supposed to be a study about minorities) doesn't mean that they're any less racist.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I think there are less whites that talk about race because it's only racism when whites do it. o.o

*insert standard political correctness is bad mkay and reverse racism (yes I know it's not a correct term, I use it sarcastically) and truthful stereotypes and all that rants here*

Posts: 981
Noble Member


The blacks would all stick together while the Latino/Hispanic/(AKA what am I supposed to say??)

This confuses me as well, but I have heard a few things about the two words. Not sure which is correct, if any.

  • They are not synonyms.[*]"Hispanic" is not even a word; and it is said that Regan fist made it up. He was referring to Latinos, and how many of them were immigrating. So he came up with the word "His-panic."[*]Latinos are actually the ones from Central America, while Hispanics are from South A. and Spain and Portugal.[/list:u:9ec73854e9]
  • I'm not even sure if any of this is true. It really comes down to who you ask. Although, Wiki came up with this:


    Controversy and confusion over terminology

    The term "Hispanic" is used synonymously along with the word "Latino" or "Latin" to identify the people living within the Spanish speaking countries. The word may also refer to its language and cultural heritage. "Hispanic" has traditionally applied to Spain, Latin America, and to the countries that were part of the Spanish Empire. Some have incorrectly used the term "Hispanic" in relation to Portugal and the peoples of its former colonies (including Brazilians), however, Portuguese and Brazilians are known as Lusitanic.

    The term "Latin" may refer to the conception of Latin America as a region, a word that was introduced by the French Second Empire in the 1860s during its brief occupation of Mexico. The issue was closely connected to the introduction of French positivism into the region's intellectual circles. [4]

    The two terms tend to be used interchangeably in the United States, due largely to a syntax inconsistency between the English language and the Spanish language. Some define the term "Latino" as a shortened version of the noun "Latinoamericano", meaning Latin American. Others define the word latn as the name of the language used by the ancient Romans, while latino is the name given to the people who spoke the language. Latino in Spanish is not confined solely to "Hispanics" and "Latin Americans", but also includes such fellow Romance language speakers as the Italians, French, Romanians and Portuguese.


    Besides, what is race anyway?

    I'll add to what Ultra said:

    It also shows where or how close someone lives to the equator, or where their ancestors first migrated. The closer you are to the equator, the darker someones' pigmentation would end up. This is so they can sustain the heat, or lack there of, to the conditions of the sun. One example would be blacks.
    Other factors also take place. I'll take another example from Africans. Have you ever noticed how big some of their noses are? (not in an offensive way). This is so that their nostrils can support more oxygen. It is sometimes difficult to breath, compared to a more chilled area.

    So really, is it fair to base someone because of their race? No. These "stereotypes" are there because of segregation from other races. As well as the fact of what happened all those years ago when blacks were first taken from their homeland and were then brought up as slaves because of their "inferiority" towards the whites.

    There really isn't a good way to distinguish what that poll made. Of course different races would fear others because of their ignorance towards the others.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member


Latinos are actually the ones from Central America, while Hispanics are from South A. and Spain and Portugal.

*hands up* I'm not Latino Oo
I guess it's one of those thing you only learn in school. Latinos come from Latino america, which includes only central and south america. Therefore, Dominicans, Jamaicans, Cubans, Puertorricans and other people from the Caribbean are not Latinos. At least we learn that we're not and sometimes people get offended.

Hispanics are people in America that speak Spanish. This comes in handy when dealing with the federal government here in the US. So I'm considered Hispanic but not Latino. Also, I'm an Puerto Rican Islander, American citizen whereas people born in USA mainland are not considered islanders. So J-Lo is not really Puerto Rican... She's Newyorican because we say so.

Why am I saying this? 'Cause it's 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. Just shows that even among ethnic groups there is prejudice.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Uh... last I knew, Hispanic and Latino are the same damn thing, and no one uses, or cares, about the literal term anymore.

But yes, Hispanic derives from Spain, ("Espaoles"), and Latino is mostly based for central and south America, since most Spanish people refer to anything non-US related "Latino-America".

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Quick thought. many people in Latin America speak Latin? :p

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Very few. Mind you Latin is almost extinct and it doesn't get used unless your college major is in said language.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Minorities in America Don't Trust Each Other

*Pbbt* Minorities(or the white majority for that matter) in America don't even trust certain folks from the same race.

Example, there is some unspoken distrust of lower-class blacks from upper and middle-class blacks and cases of fractions between blacks born in the U.S. and Africans.
