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MoFo Card Exchange (CLOSED - see last post)

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I'm keeping up the tradition this year, this time with a Kitty to help me out with the organization and card-writing-and-sending ^^ Anyone who did this the past couple years knows how awesome it is to get a card from a mystery MoFoer. The rules are simple.

1) If you want to participate, leave a reply in here saying you want to join in.

2) PM (or email or Facebook) me your address. I would prefer PM so I can keep them all organized. If you can't send your address, well.. that defeats the point of having a card in-hand ^^; Also, it doesn't matter where in the world you live; postage isn't expensive for cards.

The cutoff date for this will be 6PM CDT December 10th.

3) After 6PM, I'll send out PMs with the person's address you'll be sending it to. A sort of Secret Santa thing.

4) Send your card out no more than a week later to accommodate for postal service problems at this time of year.

5) Sit by your mailbox and wait for your card!

I stress this, as we seem to get a couple people who join, then drop out. If you do not plan on sending a card, PLEASE DO NOT join this thread. It takes thirty seconds to sign a card, and less than $1 postage for anywhere in the world. Craig and I will be sending out cards to everyone who participates, so nobody is left lonely.

That's about all I can say. JOIN US! ^__^ I look forward to a longer list than last year!

Current list of people participating (X means I have your address)
Tornadot (X)
Boston (X)
Spiner (X)
Creo (X)
HidoiKijo (X)
Srol (X)
Swanson (X)
Fexus (X)
Daahkvulfie (X)

(Silvershadow never sent me his address and his internet is down until further notice, so unless he lets me know in the next couple days, I'll have to pull him from participation. which really really sucks ;_; )

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1567
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Yea, sure. I'm up for this.

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Hiro is in again

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The cutoff date for this will be 6PM CDT December 10th.
4) Send your card out no more than a week later to accommodate for postal service problems at this time of year.

I stress this, as we seem to get a couple people who join, then drop out. If you do not plan on sending a card, PLEASE DO NOT join this thread. It takes thirty seconds to sign a card, and less than $1 postage for anywhere in the world.

Royal mail say last posting day is 10-dec-08 for mail to usland from ukland. Also $1?! more like ~£1 to £1.50.

But yeah, i'll take part again this year, and will post to those that I got cards from last year from this (royal mail delivered aggie's card a month late )
~Mr Creosote

Posts: 608
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I'm in again and this time I won't rely on my old apartment's mail service! ^_^

Posts: 3756
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Sure, I guess I'll do it.

Posts: 917
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Definately, got involved too late last year, but this year I'm psyched.

Posts: 1191
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This sounds like fun, I'll do it

Posts: 1008
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You can count me in too.

That said, my address might be changing in a coupla days - though if my card did get sent to the wrong address, I know my current housemate'd let me know =3

Posts: 489
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F it. I'll do it again. Merry happy days of holy joy, IN CARD FORM.

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All right, I've got three peoples' addresses so far. Also, if you participated last year and haven't changed your address, I've still got yours in my address book. I can think of Fexus, Hiro, and Creo offhand. Let me know, mmkay? You can PM it, or Facebook it, or even email/AIM (shadowednavi at hotmail dot com and "Sunny and Wailsy", respectively).

I'm excited. 8D

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2232
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Totally in again =3
Sending you my new address, since I'm on my 4th in as many years

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All righty, I've got everyone coordinated and spoken for except Boston, Creo, Srol, and Bryan (Silvershadow). I think I still have the former two from last year, but I just need confirmation.

Also, there are three or so days left to sign up! It doesn't matter if you've been here five months or five years, I'll send a card to anyone who wants one. I realize in this day and age of stalkers and cyberfiends and dark villainous creatures that lurk within our pixels, this might sound like a ploy to spam your mailbox. My only goal is to spread a little Christmas cheer, MoFo style 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1044
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I still live in croydon, london. So if you have that address then if not then, how dare you! also i only have your old family address @ sagey o:

Posts: 2915
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hmm Creo brings up a good point. I just sent you a message confirming my address Sagey, but I lack yours 😯

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Hey, you can never be too sure :3 Our first Christmas card of the season was addressed to two people whom I doubt have lived in this house for years, unless they got the address wrong.

As for our current address, **PMs!** And if anyone else wants to send us a card too, let me know and I'll send it to you as well. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1191
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It's Craig, he knows that if we find out there adress that we'll spam it with love letters and art requests.

Posts: 608
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I want your address as well! Time for Season greetings. ^_^

Posts: 917
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I have a new address, which i just PMed to you. Although if you use the old one, it'l still work probably. I still get mail from there from time to time and the post office always forwards it.

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Sounds good, I just checked it out and you're golden ^^ Thanks!

Also, **PM to Kijo!**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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All right! I just got home from work and now I'm in the process of organizing the address list and putting together the actual card exchangers. I'll be sending all addresses via Yuku PM for consistency, and they'll all be out by midnight CDT.

Now that that's out of the way,

CHRISTMAS WOOOOOO **highfives everyone and hugs and candy canes** 8DDDD

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 489
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I have received a card from...


You should be getting one also... as well as my TOP SECRET CARD PERSON

Posts: 3756
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The Beyfeilds have landed! XD Thanks for the letter, guys!

EDIT: Letter sent! I wonder who will recieve it? Oooooh, the suspense is just killing you all, isn't it? >=D

Posts: 1567
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I also got mine from the Bayfields, lol. Thank you.

Posts: 2915
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Got the Bayfield's card too

ugh, might be a day late with mine. I've been busy with finals all week =| Hopefully I'll get a chance to grab cards and quick mail them tomorrow, but it might be Thursday.

Posts: 1191
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I've been really busy as of late, but fear not I have my card and should be sending it tommorow. Sorry ahead of time if it ends up coming late, secret person I'm sending card to.

Posts: 2915
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Sent mine out today ... all 3 of them 😯

Posts: 3756
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Got an awesome card from Fexus! Thanks! =D

Posts: 1567
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A few days late but I got my card from TTG. Gracias.

Posts: 4885
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We recieved our card from Fexus *BIG HUGS TO HIM* Thank you, thank you and thank you! ^_____^

Posts: 489
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CARD GET! From: Hiro0015! =D Thanks dude!

@ Turtle Guy & Bayfields: You be welcome! I felt the urge to throw up a doodle in pencil, happy days of holy christmas!

Posts: 3756
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Yeah, it's cute, I appreciate it. =) I threw a few doodles into Torny's card too.

Posts: 608
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I got one from Mr and Mrs Bayfield the same day I left Omaha ^_^

I sent both of mine from Connecticut already but due to lack of internet failed to report =P

Posts: 2915
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Yay, just got Aggie's card today Thanks!

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We also got ourselves a card from teh Hiro, and lots of jaffa cakes from Creo 😀 😀 😀

This really ended up being successful this year. Thanks so much, y'all ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2232
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Woohoo, Swanson Card Get =D Merry Christmas Y'all!

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Oh snap, that reminds me. A couple days ago, my card to Swanson bounced back to my house ;__; I'm not quite sure why, I'm gonna double check the address, but to Swanson and the person who had him as a secret card-er, just giving you a heads up.

And I WILL get your card out one way or another oVo Silly USPS.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage
