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MoFo Card Exchange (CLOSED - see last post)

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Posts: 731
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Don't worry Ash. I know what that feels like. *Petpet*

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Apparently my card from Sagey has arrived. My housie is going to be bringing it to me at some point =D

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I received a card from Boston! ^__^ Huge hugs and thank yous and more Christmas wishes and awwwwww! You so didn't have to send one in return, but it's very much appreciated ^__^ Whee, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I LOVE THIS SEASON! **squee**

Also, Creo gets massive hugs as well for sending a card and JAFFA CAKES <3 You all freaking rock. **more squee**

Seriously, I hope when you guys receive your cards, you feel just as warm and fuzzy ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2915
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lol, I was going to try to pester Craig for your address... then I got your card :D

Well, If my card made it to you, then my other should make it to my forumer... And maybe the one I sent to Susan will get there too :D

Posts: 841
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Yah I got yours today Hiro.

I've also sent off my America cards finally but expect them around new years =/

Posts: 2915
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... So my card that went 400 miles and the card that went almsost 4000 miles got there on the same day? wtf >>

I must admit though, they did tell me it would be Thursday before it got there. Not a bad estimate!

Posts: 2610
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Weel, I still haven't made/sent mine as I've been procrastinating in about everything I possibly can, but I will do it on Friday. No matter what.

Aaaand, I got Crims' card today! Thanks alot, it's really awesome! =D

Posts: 1367
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Got Tricia's card. It made me "Aww" in real life. Thanks, Trish. <3

I may be late giving my card(s) out, as I'm a major procrastinator, but rest assured, they'll get out eventually.

Posts: 2915
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lol... Happy Christmas 2008?

Posts: 1367
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Actually, I just checked, and it appears I've received no one's addresses. HAVE I BEEN OVERLOOKED?!

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I sent the email to the address you emailed me your information with. It looked like a strange email address, so I was a little confused, but I did post several "confirmations" of sorts and opportunities to change it. I'll PM yours as soon as I'm done typing this.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1367
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Okay, I got it. I'm not sure why it didn't go through on my main e-mail, but I'll be sure to send it now.

Posts: 2610
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Okay, I've got my card in an envelope, addressed, and ready to go. Monday it will be sent out =D

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I don't know if it's just our store, but I know all of the mail we receive from now till the day after Christmas won't go out until then, and the earliest anything will be delivered is Thursday, I think. I dunno, the post office is really screwed up this time of year.

In other news, MORE HUGS AND AWW TO SUSAN AND SROL!! **does so!!** I got cards from both of you in the past two days <3 <3

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 917
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Wow, that was super-duper fast. Here I was worried no one would get mine in time since I sent them out on Wednesday.

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I second the motion! I demand that when Craigy gets over to Sagey's next, he give her a big hug from all of us. Nn

...I mean...

Aw crap, I can't be bothered to log out of this sockpuppet.

Posts: 841
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In other news, MORE HUGS AND AWW TO SUSAN AND SROL!! **does so!!** I got cards from both of you in the past two days <3 <3

Wow I sent that like, a week after the US shipping deadline o.o

Also I have noticed that Americans and Brits write addresses differently! It amused me, so I must be amused easily.

Posts: 731
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Maybe. I hope my card got there. o.o

Posts: 1241
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Card has been sent. Hope it gets there.

Posts: 2915
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I only got mine from Sagey 😥

Posts: 1241
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I got one from Sagey, and one from Fexus

I have an odd feeling though, that my sent card may have the address wrong... I will send another one off in a day or so, and if my lucky person gets two, then all the better. =P

Posts: 841
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I still haven't got mine either! :D

Posts: 1058
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About that :D

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1044
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So far only the card from sagey has arrived, i'll end up getting less cards than i did for christmas 2006 :( :(

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