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Mofo Memories
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Mofo Memories

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Posts: 1758
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Let's make a list of the funny, crazy, cool, inspirational, big, memorable, weird, and heartwarming. Any experiences to share? Post your favorite moments of Mobius Forum history here!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I think my first vivid memory of the MoFo was stumbling into the great underpants debate of 2000.

Actually, I think I've gone over this already.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

[html]for me its all about gemajinn waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i love the mofo cause its very kind, for someone full of sorrow and saddness this is like a safe house to me that i can hide in. so many times i get so scared i just lurk in the chat to feel safe feeling other people are on the otherside of the computer gives me courage. but i mostly love the mofo for gem, i dont know if you all noticed cause gem's quiet, but you can always trust in this member to say hello to you in chat and for some reason that tiny word means the world to me.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Most of my memories of the MoFo run together with my memories of The Sonic Foundation and SonicVerse Team. However, I do remember the spending hours in the MoFo AIM chat over a summer, which was just glorious.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Since I'm effectivley an RP Forum hermit, my best memory comes from there, in the form of the greatest, most epic RP I have ever been involved in. No words can possibly do justice to how stunningly awesome that story was, and credit to everyone who contributed in any way.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

For me, I always get a smile on my face when I remember how WB would just appear out of nowhere, drop something jaw-droppingly hilarious, and promptly disappear a few posts later.

Dubs' posts always made me laugh.

And my very first RP series, the Dimensional Guardian! Holy crap, that was a fun (the story was kind of lacking in execution in retrospect, but it was FUN).

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

The shipping wars for Archie Sonic, haha. That was a bit wacky to be sure.

Jimro and Rico(Toby) going at it in Marble Garden.

Cooki always posting news topics in the Main Forum.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

My greatest memories mostly involve the threads first announcing Sonic Heroes, Shadow, and Sonic 2006. I remember a LOT of hilariously disappointed people in the Shadow thread and how there were people defending it to the death.

I always enjoyed The Cycle's cynical comments toward everything, but he's been gone for a long time now.

I think I joined too late for all the truly classic stuff from almost/over a decade ago, though.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Oh god, the Jimro/Cycle/Ultra Sonic wars.

It's a shame that my favorite RP that I was ever involved in (that also actually had an ending) 'End Of The Eggman Empire' got torched in the EZhacks. I ran across an MSWord backup of one of my posts a few weeks ago and got hit by a wave of nostalgia.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Anyone else miss Abi? =(

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Lol Yeah I really miss Vortex's Box XD. I'd stay up Fridays just waiting for him to post it. And the Sailorness Disease. Nothing like this Little pony buisness

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I remember spending most of my teenage years in EzChat. Forever stuck on Version 0.54 and full of bugs, I couldn't begin to recall all of those memories. Though I remember because the chat had a 25 user limit we would sometimes fill it up with alts and nobody else could get in. Or when Fexusfan would show up and flood the chat with his words of wisdom. Good times...

And who could forget /snowboot?

Posts: 880
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Posts: 1008
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Oh my goodness, I have so so many fond memories of the MoFo.

I first joined back in the early 2000s, when Sonic Adventure 2 had just come out. I'd been lurking since long before then, though. A big attraction to me was in Carni Isle, where there was a Sonic Adventure 2 bloopers thread; the idea there being to post out-take ideas of how certain scenes could've gone. There were some howlers in there, and I remember posting a good few myself. An interesting point, I'm fairly sure my first posts were in Carni and not MFC.

Carni Isle was also responsible for a heartwarming tale in my life.

Who remembers the user Diana the Cat, and the story Voyages? I for one am someone who will never forget either, because for one I helped copy-edit that whole long fantastic voyage, ironing out the grammatical errors and helping polish it here and there. Reason being that English wasn't her first language (but you'd never know it from talking to her), and so she needed help - and after the comments I left correcting things where she'd asked for them, she asked that I help correct each bit before she posted it. Quite a privilege =)
It goes deeper than that though, as any oldbies that know me will know. The two of us grew closer as time went on, and one day out of the blue while we're chatting online, she says "Would it be OK for me to come and visit you?". Keep in mind, this was a good few years back. The very idea of going and meeting people from the internet in the real world was still a very unheard-of thing, especially people living in a different country (she's Swiss y'see). I was surprised that she'd asked, as I'd been considering asking the same thing of her - but I never expected her to beat me to it. Naturally though I didn't refuse her, and said she'd be welcome, though I'd have to run it by my mum.

To cut a long story short, our first meeting was pleasant if slightly awkward as neither of us knew what to expect. It worked out well in the end though... about a week or so after she'd left, we realised we'd fallen for each other. That was somewhat bittersweet: it was pleasant that we'd worked that out, but it sucked that the next time we'd see each other was months away. Needless to say, when that time came around, both of us were very happy =)
We're not together any more though, sadly - but neither one of us regrets the time we had, and we're still best of friends ^_^

I also of course can't neglect to mention the meet-ups in Bristol and London I remember the very first one I attended, the only three that were there were myself, Craig, and Xagarath Ankor (yet another old name there, haha). I still remember the first thing Craig said to me after we'd introduced ourselves. It was more or less along the lines of "Damn, you're tall". In later years, I'd head to Bristol about thrice, London roughly four times, and in the process meet Thamior Headbuster, BFFG, CjTails, Nuchtos, Da Muthalovin JMan, Samanfur the Fox, Saz-chan (I think?), Feniiku, darkwinguk, Umbra RC, Archonn21, Sparky, Crimson Darkwolfe, Chibi Becca, Whisper Elmwood... and I may have forgotten a few folk in that list, so apologies if I have.

I remember the ezChat and its bugginess. I remember epic RPs, nonsensical Group Missions, Vortex's Box. I remember the outbreaks of Sailorness. Oh and I just remembered some more folk I should mention for having met them here. I met Sonikita and GTR through the MoFo; turned out they both lived in the same area as me. Would you believe Sonikita now works as an English teacher in Japan!? I originally got talking to him through some nuttiness in the SPA, incidentally. That was one of my favourite hangouts back then =)

So many memories... of course, I still hang around here because of the other people I know that are still here too, and for the occasional flashes of brilliance the place still shows. Perhaps I'm looking back with rose-tinted glasses, but I know for certain this place will always hold a special place in my heart.




Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Aw, man. XD That picture...

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I will always remember that thread, although it appears it never made it into any archive >:C

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Silvershadow0 wrote:
-Massive post of awesome and heartwarming-

Some many happy memories, in my moonpants.

Posts: 5
Active Member

LMAO. I'll be sure to inform Cycle he's a large part of the board's history now.


Posts: 45
Trusted Member

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooah :O

Where to start? The chats, the many, many crazily-insane posts, getting a little town together for Sonic HQ in Activeworlds around 2003... O_O. I got an IM from Vector tonight out of the blue, and am surprised that my login even still works because I don't even remember owning the e-mail address that's attached to this account. 😛

Anyway Activeworlds is still kickin' so I went in there tonight and have taken about a dozen pictures of area we built and played in there. I've got the images set up at this page for anyone who remembers dropping in there to the Sonic HQ building and wants to check it out.

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

Weasel nacking

The first evil conquest where EWB made the MF hello kitty themed and added, among other things, the Aracuan bird and Hamster Dance as looping BGMs

The pattycake where we posted interests

The evil administrator skits by WB

Newbie invasion around the SA2 launch

The teledubby and Sailor Mini Jon incidents in which I teamed up with True Red to prank WB good

The SatAM Group Mission

Totally pwning a dumb internet chain letter supporting George W. Bush with ... questionable non-facts and posted as a debate

Things You'd Never Hear The MoForumers Say

Vortex's Box

Cycle vs. Jimro

The Worldbuilding Group Mission

The Barney Macarena Disco

Knuckles Adventure convincing some

Being told I am funny

Mr T Theme

Chocolate Chicken Awards

The debates about whether Shadow was dead and the 'Shadow is dead deal with it' logo

Users On Board

Vortex coming up with the name SPA and his cow and Zelda scromics

Metal Sonic Theme

The massive hype for any Sonic Heroes information basically equalling the Sonic 2 hype

Clearing RP guild of the munchkin RPers

Posting Tools

Silhouette guessing game

The MoFoteers

Questions of the week

Having GIGANTIC sigs including my supersig with MIDI, JS, scrolling, tables, iframes, and animation.

craig beyfield teh authority

The Burger King


Chibi Theme

Anthony's ActiveWorlds

Dr FexusFan

EZ Showcase

The Sonic Movie

MoFo references printed by Archie comic through Dubs' art

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Bry, I was at that first Bristol you went to, too!

I started the Bristol visits, and I haven't missed one from 2002 until this year. O.O

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Anyone else remember the shitstorm that sonic fans had when Dub drew cameo appearances of Fleetway characters like Tekno and Shortfuse in Archie? Oh the lol

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Vector wrote:
craig beyfield teh authortiy

Fixed, doggone it! oVo

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

Pachamac wrote:
Anyone else miss Abi? =(

always. i don't think i'll ever know if my crush on her was requited (probably not)

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

HAHAHA I REMEMBER PiE AND... oh wait that was my thing.

Honestly, my fondest memory was Dubs. Dubs and his amazing skit things, and me always wanting to pull off the funny as good as he did, and always falling flat on my face.

Posts: 119
Estimable Member

I most remember the brief time I was banned. Significant because it lead me to discover What Came Before My Time.

Shortly after I entered this strange thing called an AIM chatroom, the most loud and active members founded a certain little webcomic called Exterminatus Now. And that's all I'll say there, the rest of that particular history as it relates to the MoFo is best left buried. 😛

It's a bit disappointing that I've forgotten most of my time here, other than my ye olde penchant for spouting the word "INFERIOR" in bold green italics in the chat every ten minutes.

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

The first big memory was how much fun the SPA was, spent a lot of time there before the shut down. It's slowly becoming that place it was before and I still enjoy it very much, although it's lacking in pillow fortress threads.

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

Hehe... I used to cause trouble here and there.

Cooki always posting news topics in the Main Forum.

I still miss Cooki. D:

Mr T Theme

The Burger King

We need to bring Mr. T back. It's like the most awesome theme we have. The King comes in as most evil, though.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Here's WHO I miss: Ian J, TL, Chainspike. Those three just up and disappeared. I know Ian went on to be successful, (he helps with The Venture Brothers, which is so cool. He's also a goon in the SA forums but I somehow doubt he'd remember me by now). TL was just an upstanding guy, whether or not he was the king of boredom. And Chain... well... she was just silly.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Don't Squeeze the Charmin

(miss u Dane)

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Most of my memories are of Eliteboard and lots of pseudo humorous light role-playing with people who aren't here anymore. D:

I remember there was this Golem guy called BFFG, I think and someone called Tails Power and some others...

Nega's (he used to go by the name of Kyoji back then, I think) back in full force, thankfully. I see GT and MoKat occasionally and Ramza sporadically makes a return and Ksemanr comes around pretty rarely.

I remember Food fighting, Pillow fighting and just... fighting. (There was a Dojo thread for that.) Plus Cooki's spam topic which was basically an ANYTHING GOES HERE thread where you just did what you felt like. Becca's pillow fortress was the same but sillier.

I think I saw GT as a rival and we got into Friendly RP fights which he invariably won.

Yu-Gi-Oh was popular at the time and MoKat had Dark magician and Dark magician girl alts and she'd create such delicious madness with them.

Good times... Good times...

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Vortex's Box was always one of my favorites, along with all the pseudo-RPs we had in the SPA. One of my personal favorites was the toilet explosions.

The epic kilo-posts were also great, and I'm delighted that they're starting to make a comeback.

And who can forget the mass whining about EzBarf's Server Maintenance?

Posts: 132
Estimable Member

Nega's (he used to go by the name of Kyoji back then, I think) back in full force, thankfully.

Ha, even though I'm a bit more active, I'll probably never be back in "full force." I lack the time, creativity, and most importantly, mentality for that. 😉 I still go by Kyoji (though that's just the name of my character).

Anyway, memories...Eliteboard's the big one for me (Still exists...kinda). Basically...(to me) the MoFo equivalent of the 80s: fond memories of it, but holy crap were most of the posts...just "what the hell were we thinking?" :p

Letsee..."glowing avatars"...easily my biggest regret forumwise. I also remember GT and I being the equivalent of sitcom archnemesis, the many wars we had against each other, the post count arms race...etc. Good times.

My fondest memory is the big RP we had on the Eliteboard, Revival and Redemption, as well as the sequel, Resurrection and Revenge. With Thamior, Tails Power, Mokat('s Dark Magician), me, and several others. Those RPs were easily the most epic thing I've ever had the honor of participating in. Shame the former two don't come here anymore...and also a shame Resurrection never got finished.

Actually, CT, you are right. There was an unusual amount of fighting going on in the SPA of old. Not that it was a bad thing, mind you. =D

Jumping back to ezBoard, I remember when Pachuka (or whatever his name was) from Sonic Cult started to troll us for some stupid reason. And come several months later, he got arrested for sexual assault...or something.

And the constant server maintenance...urgh.

And "indeed" being used so often, an emoticon was made for it.

Dub...just Dub.

Cycle vs Jimro was always fun to sit back and watch from a distance.

As well as the relationship wars in Knothole.

Also the first Great MoFo war.

And the evil themes...those were fun.

As well as the chaos that ensued from the great ezHack...that was not fun.

And more cool people that no longer come here: HSW, Shadow Hog, BFFG, Xag, Wesu, and many, many, others.

And probably much, much more where that came from.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

And more cool people that no longer come here: HSW, Shadow Hog, BFFG, Xag, Wesu, and many, many, others.

He's here with us in spirit.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

Hot, sexual, fexusfan chocolate. Memories blur at this point in my life...

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

That chipper young Australian fellow. He always makes me smile and causes fond memories. =D

Love you Spiner. <3

Think everyone else has covered pretty much everything that I could think of.

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

I remember when Rishi got turned into a duck and I had my way with him :D

Good times, good times.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Hot, sexual, fexusfan chocolate

Ah, how could I forget Dr. Fexusfan. Many a laugh was gained from reading his posts.

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