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MoFo Movie Night

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For those of you who weren't there last night, we had a lot of fun watching old cartoons on a site called YoutubeSocial, which basically lets you watch a Youtube video in sync with others while you can chat about what you're watching in a side panel. It gives you kind of an MST3K/Rifftrax feel. Some of the things we watched (and lovingly mocked) include:

    The Mega Man cartoon

    Captain N and the Gamemasters

    The Legend of Zelda cartoon


    Darkwing Duck

    Gundam Wing [/list:u:cb1d262aae]

    Everyone involved said it was a lot of fun and wanted to do it again, so I figured, why not make it a regular event. Since so many people were there, how about we set it for the same time again next week Saturday, March 19, 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. We'll post the link then in the chat to the YoutubeSocial instance we have going and have a lot of fun.

    And if you can't make that time, feel free to just get one going any time there's people in the chat. It's not like there's any sort of limitation on this =)

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

You probably should have a link to this up.

Jus' sayin'! XD

Posts: 1241
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If I'm not mistaken, it works on an instance framework, meaning there is no permanent room, but a new one is created each time, meaning there is no permanent link. I may be wrong though.

Also, you're welcome for the Dinosaucers suggestion. =D

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

I more or less meant link to the general site itself for convenience...I'm aware that rooms aren't really permanent, as such. XD;

Posts: 5772
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Depends... what's on the agenda next Saturday?

Posts: 917
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I was thinking of keeping the late 80s, early 90s cartoon theme going. Some more Megaman and Zelda, since those seemed pretty well received. Another thing we've watched a lot of in Italics is badly dubbed anime. Maybe some DBZ?

The caveat is it has to be on youtube and it has to be embeddable, otherwise YoutubeSocial can't pull it in.

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

We should watch The Room!

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Awww, you guys watched Darkwing Duck and Dinosaucers? No fair.

If I'm awake and I remember (re: not watching the NBA or playing video games or other things), I'll be there.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Which Darkwing ep, out of interest?

I think 10pm EST would be 2am on Sunday for me, so I'll have to pass on that particular slot.


Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Oh man, I was there for a good portion of it all and it was a blast.  But I didn't stay to see Gundam Wing or Darkwing Duck that I recall, was sorta busy last Saturday night and it was amazing I stayed in there as long as I did.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Darkly Dawns The Duck was the Darkwing episodes of choice.

Not sure who was left at the end when I had the remote, and since no suggestions were made, I went through some of my favourites, including Aaaah Real Monsters, Rockos Modern Life, The Twisted Tales Of Felix The Cat, Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, and the Aladdin animated series.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Oh geez we've got to do AoStH again - there's enough material there where we could watch it for the whole night!

Though I suppose part of the fun is in going through a variety of shows.  Hmm.

Posts: 917
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True. I can easily add AoStH to the lineup. The only reason I started speedballing Gundam was because it seemed like everyone was idle except for Craig, myself and a few others, so I indulged a bit.

Also, the software lets you "pass the remote" to other people. We could easily give everyone a chance to add something to the queue. I asked a few times if anyone else wanted the remote and no one spoke up.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

...this sounds like fun. (dives through a selection of Youtube shows that he knows are on)

Posts: 2915
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I'd probably be interested. What time are we talking about?

Posts: 1866
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I can't believe I missed it... AGAIN!

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Darkly Dawns The Duck was the Darkwing episodes of choice.

Not sure who was left at the end when I had the remote, and since no suggestions were made, I went through some of my favourites, including Aaaah Real Monsters, Rockos Modern Life, The Twisted Tales Of Felix The Cat, Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, and the Aladdin animated series.

Sounds like a blast.  I love the DW pilot ep - Tim Curry as the villain, meeting up with Gosalyn & Launchpad, great stuff!

And Aladdin, too?  Cool!  I love Iago best


Posts: 4336
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So, we still up for this?

Posts: 917
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We're up right now:

Posts: 917
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I think we had a good night tonight. Just a recommendation, it tends to be a lot more fun with things that are so terrible, they're hilarious. It takes more advantage of the chat. Otherwise, you're just watching the screen with nothing to say.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Well, that was fun. Came on right when He-Man started and got the remote; I showed Ed, Edd, n' Eddy (1 + 1 = Ed), Powerpuff Girls (Mime for a Change), Courage the Cowardly Dog (Little Muriel), and Rocko's Modern Life (Leap Frogs and Bedfellows).

Pup Named Scooby Doo was next, which killed the room, pretty much. XP

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

seemed like the room killed itself?

all in all, I enjoyed myself

Posts: 1986
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Internet died on me during Legend of Zelda D:

Posts: 2232
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My brain died on me during Legend of Zelda D:

Posts: 1241
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Posts: 917
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We're doing it again RIGHT NOW!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Watcha watching tonight? I'm home, but Trish and I are occupied. Might stop in if it's something awesome.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I was left all alone, holding the remote... I THOUGHT YOU ALL LOVED ME!!! Anyway, an enjoyable evening it was.

Posts: 917
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Craig: Because it has much more hilarious horribleness, we did watch the first episode of G Gundam. Gundams so powerful, you have to be naked for them to work properly.

Posts: 99
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Posts: 4336
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We're watching stuff right now. We're on Power Rangers! ... 8280490984

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Bleh, is there something I can disable to not make youtube social crash firefox?

Posts: 917
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Doesn't Firefox not play nice with Flash? Maybe try something else.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Doesn't Firefox not play nice with Flash? Maybe try something else.

Chrome slows my computer down even more than Firefox does.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Doesn't Firefox not play nice with Flash? Maybe try something else.

Chrome slows my computer down even more than Firefox does.

[Devil's Advocate]Use Internet Explorer.[/Devil's Advocate]

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

Everybody get in there we are watching an incredible video.

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

I filled the video log with a hundred loops of this ... r_embedded and nobody came. You are monsters.
