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MoFo's Official NFL Discussion topic.

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Posts: 889
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Besides the last few minutes, that was pretty close to the most boring football game all season. And I'm used to watching at least 9 hours of football on Sunday.

Posts: 4336
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I'm not sure, but I thought I heard the NFL Commissioner (Goodell) say this year's Super Bowl was better than last year's.

Now, I will say that both XLIII and XLII became very exciting in the final quarter...but XLII was a clash of good defenses whilst there was a bunch of sloppy penalties in this one (it was saved by the 4th quarter; you can't compare a tight 7-3 game going into the fourth with a 20-7 blowout going into the fourth). Oh well, might just be me.

Still wish the Cardinals would've won, but the Steelers earned it. T'was an epic finish. about the commercials this year?

Posts: 3756
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"Because we're aliens. And that's how we roll."

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

A question to the other international forumers out there:

Does anyone else find it strange that the commercials in the Superbowl seem to be as anticipated as the game and provoke at least as much discussion, or do your countries have an equivalent?

Speaking from the UK, I'm fascinated at the amount of attention given to one ad break.

Posts: 1986
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Well, the SB itself is so big mostly because its the Championship itself. The best comparison I can think of is the World Cup (Though there are probably many cultrural differences to it... so don't chew my head off if I'm wrong >.< ), but yeah, the commercials have always been huge. I theorize mostly because of the sheer costs of performing an ad for the SB (Like what is it? 8 Million per 30 seconds or something like that?), those who perform those commercials will try the wackiest and most insane feats in them in an attempt to garner attention from the millions that watch it. That's what I think anyway, I'm probably wrong though so don't chew my head off if its not right =D

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I figured as much - it's just that when it comes to events like football cup finals over here, there's genuinely not the same rush by advertisers or the same buzz from pundits. The whole reason why I asked the question is because I can't think of an event where there is.

Posts: 1986
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Ah. Well, only in America I suppose... whether or not this is a positive thing or not is debatable though...

Posts: 4336
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KSK does Watchmen.


All the Bored Office Drones and Mainstream Media Will Look Up and Shout 'Post Something!' … And I'll Look Down and Whisper 'No.'

SCENE: An alternate 2009. Thanks to the widespread success of fantasy football, a distracted populace has elected George Bush to a third term as President. However, tension is mounting between the NFL and its players' union, and if the two sides can't come to an agreement soon, the 2009 season will be lost. Aaron Schatz and his team of Football Outsiders have placed the NFL Doomsday Clock at five minutes 'til midnight…

VOICEOVER: "Beneath me, this awful comments section, it screams like an abattoir full of retarded children. The Internet.

"On Friday night, an All-Pro died. Jared Allen. The Comedian.

"A dangerous drunk. Unpredictable. But one of the best. His head disappeared inside his body when he hit the pavement.

"Someone's killing All-Pros. Have to find out why. Have to find out WHO. Have to warn the others. Will go to the Nite Cardinal first."

[Nite Cardinal's Apartment]

Nite Cardinal: Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name…

[door flies open]

LaRorschach! What are you doing here?

LaRorschach: Comedian's dead. Someone threw him out a window. Think killer may be after All-Pros.

Nite Cardinal: Lord help us! I'll pray for guidance!

LaRorschach: Christ.

Nite Cardinal: Oh, come on now. Am I the only one who honors the Third Commandment any more?

LaRorschach: [walking out] Yes.

[under breath] Possible homosexual. Must investigate further.

[The Offices of Bradymandias, the So-Called Handsomest Man in the World]

Bradymandias: …the Comedian DEAD? But why?

LaRorschach: You're the one who's turned a couple lucky wins into worldwide fame and a supermodel wife. You tell me.

Bradymandias: Are you sure it wasn't a fatal hunting accident? A deadly DUI? Those seem much more probable deaths for him.

LaRorschach: Nope. Splattered on pavement.

Bradymadias: Hm. Well, it's possible that -

[elevator doors fly open]

Will McDonough: Watch out! It's Bridget Moynihan! And she's got a court order to pay child support!

LaRorschach: Outta the way!

Bradymandias: Um, I was ready to jam a cyanide pill in her mouth, but… thanks. How'd you do that?

LaRorschach: She plays fantasy football. Drafted me in the first round. Got what was comin' to her.

[Rockefeller DVOA Center, Home of Dr. Manninghattan]

LaRorschach: Good evening, Dr. Manninghattan. Came to warn you about -

Dr. Manninghattan: - an All-Pro killer. Yes. I am aware.

LaRorschach: Take it you're not too concerned about Allen's death? The future of the NFL could be at stake.

Dr. Manninghattan: The Lombardi Trophy and this stack of cash from Sprint contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference. Why should I be concerned?

LaRorschach: Ennk.

Silk Steeler: [mumbling]

LaRorschach: What'd he say?

Dr. Manninghattan: You seem to be upsetting Troy. I think you ought to go.

LaRorschach: With respect, Dr. Manninghattan, I'm not leaving 'til I've -

[LaRorschach gets teleported outside]

Dr. Manninghattan: So, want me to replicate myself and double-team you now?

Silk Steeler: [mumbling]

Dr. Manninghattan: Sweet! [high-fives clone]


[Bradymandias's Elaborate Mansion in Southern California]

LaRorschach: So it was you all along!

Bradymandias: Well, not so much me as Belichick. He's more the idea guy. I just had the capital and influence to make it happen.

Nite Cardinal: But WHY?

Bradymandias: Simple. I missed all of last season with an injury. Another lost season would hamper my endorsement deals as well as my legacy, which will help determine future endorsement deals. I need the NFL to go on, no matter what the cost. Wouldn't you agree, Dr. Manninghattan?

Dr. Manninghattan: I cannot help but agree. Troy's Coca-Cola advertisement helped me see the beauty of commercialism tied to the NFL.

LaRorschach: No! Not even in the face of a work stoppage. Never compromise.

Bradymandias: Oh, it's far too late to stop me. I've already launched the nuclear warheads at Pittsburgh. And as the nation reels from the loss of its premier NFL franchise, the two sides of the labor dispute will have no choice but to come to terms and give us a 2009 season. Why, if the Steelers ever play again, it will be in Los Angeles. Ha ha ha!

[long pause]

LaRorschach: That's it? Nuke Pittsburgh?

Bradymandias: Well… yeah. Doesn't anyone want to try to stop me?

LaRorschach: Nah.

Nite Cardinal: No.

Dr. Manninghattan: Not especially.

Silk Steeler: [mumbles]

Bradymandias: Cool! I'll have Will bring in some champagne. Hey, who wants to see my eugenically enhanced sex kitten?


Removed the last bit due to board rules. Click if you wish!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I resurrect this thread with the arrival of the 2009 preseason.

Go Giants.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Yay, brent has decided to actually reti... well, I'll wait till the season has actually begun before I say anything...

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I take it the 'Brent' is intentional?

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

So, uhm... any Lions fans out there? Bahahaha.

They at least won their pre-season game against the Seahawks. goooopreseason.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

The Cowboys got wiped last night. I'm a sad camper. =(

Posts: 1986
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Haven't been paying attention to the pre-season actually, I guess I should change that >.>

Posts: 2915
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Posts: 874
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I hope he throws against the Chiefs on Friday. I hope he's there, because if so I'm going to have to slip Bernard Pollard some money and ask for the 'Tom Brady Special'.

Posts: 4336
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KSK has a (profanity-laced) rant about Brett being in Minnesota.

Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Just when I was hoping he'd be finally gone and we wouldn't have to hear about him every minute of every segment on NFL Live or Sportscenter....Now, he is back. I'm fine with him playing, I just get tired of all the people on his nuts and Brett Farve retires! Lets show his best moments all over again for the next whole week! Oh wait! He might come back! Lets talk about that! Brett <3!


Anyways, atleast the preseason is underway and the season will be here soon.

Posts: 1986
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Forgot to bump this when the actual season began. And the Falcons are 2-0 and gearing to get prepared against the New England Patriots. Here's to hopefully 3-0!

Also, I think this deserves posting......


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Well, Falcons lose.

Brittfar actually led a game-winning drive against the 49ers.

Lions beat the Redskins; proof that no matter where you go in D.C., no one has any idea what they're doing.

The Jet/Titans beat the Titans/Oilers.

And the Bungles come from behind to beat the Stillers (hehehe)!

(Giants shut out Bucs, so woohoo.)

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