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Obama likes PiE!
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Obama likes PiE!

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Posts: 4885
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Well, google and the papers are a liter with news stories about the latest liberal failing.

President Obama loves PiE. Cite Q">my sources? SURE!

This begs the question. Why the hell can't the liberal candidates just resist the flaky crusts and cherry filling long enough to run their countries? Must we be doomed to suffer repressed republican presidents or PiE craving liberal sleeze?

I always respected the man, too. He even schools our British prime minister's on proper public relations. How could that smiling man with the firm handshake be such a PiE fiend behind closed doors? HOW! Does Michelle know?! DOES SHE?!

We need to get Obama and Woods into PiE addiction therapy, right away. It's the only way to prevent the scandals from derailing this nation! *Slams desk*

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

I don't know what's more tragic: that Obama has a closet PiE fetish or...that news organisations devote their time to finding this out.

Also, I predict in the elections next month that Barack Obama will be elected PM, riding on a surging tide of popularity among coppers all across England.

Posts: 2398
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Allow me a schoolgirl giggle. 

teeheeheehee.  :3


Posts: 528
Honorable Member

Associated Press, you so CRAAZY.

Off Topic: oh no... epi, my mofo nickname, spelled scrambled SOMEHOW spells Pie, a revelation I came to not much earlier from reading this post.

I am DOOMED to be eaten by Obama.

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

Reminds me of the following Onion video:

Posts: 2116
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*looks at epi's post*


*opens mouth to say something*

*thinks better of it*

*wanders off, shaking head*

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

*looks at epi's post*


*opens mouth to say something*

*thinks better of it*

*wanders off, shaking head*

Forgive me for adding nothing but fluff but I can't help but laugh furiously upon reading this

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

That would be the Magic of Sam at work.

Posts: 1008
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The PiE revelation - now also in user nickname form!

Allow me also a giggle. :3

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Ooooh dear.   PiEsonic.   haHA.


Posts: 1191
Noble Member

Someone please change his name to that! I will die with laughter (and yes, I am aware of what PiE is.)

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

Is it something other than the flaky, creamy pie that I know?

Also: My random attempts at random unclever cleverness just arent clever. Wait, what? There I go again... anyways, forgive my stupidity. Lol.

EDIT: Dang it. My name is still not PiEsonic. That would be epic.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member


He really has no idea.

Should we tell him? Or at least point him in the right direction?

*proceeds to giggle immaturely*

Where's Jin when you need him?

Posts: 1100
Noble Member


He really has no idea.

Should we tell him? Or at least point him in the right direction?

No because if you do, he'll never learn!

Posts: 1702
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Okay, I won't.

Posts: 1191
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I still see no PiEsonic, this makes me a sad panda.

Posts: 1008
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Far be it from me to ignore a user's request for a name change.

Posts: 2398
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Paid for by the SS for YukuOP committee.

Posts: 1702
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Do it! Do it! Do it!

Posts: 1008
Noble Member


Do it! Do it! Do it!

I did it 35 minutes ago. Take a look at his posts~

Posts: 4885
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*Giggles to self* I have done truly terrible things. This makes me a happy kitten. Good to know that wherever I post, the insanity follows, like a faithful pet or a Pokemon in Yellow, Soul Silver and Heart Gold.

Also. Bryan is totally NOT a republic serial villain.


Posts: 1702
Noble Member


You're my hero, Silver. Can I bear your children?

We're such an evil lot. >:3

*giggles madly*

Posts: 4336
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Posts: 1008
Noble Member


You're my hero, Silver. Can I bear your children?

We're such an evil lot. >:3

*giggles madly*


Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Take me, Silver!

*jumps into Silver's arms*

Posts: 252
Reputable Member


You're my hero, Silver. Can I bear your children?

We're such an evil lot. >:3

*mine is an evil laugh!*

*splatters PiE all over epi's face*

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Take me, Silver!

*jumps into Silver's arms*


Catch ya later guys, gonna have me some PiE 8D

*Carries Kayla off*

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Take me, Silver!

*jumps into Silver's arms*


Catch ya later guys, gonna have me some PiE 8D

*Carries Kayla off*

Bow chicka bow wow.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Take me, Silver!

*jumps into Silver's arms*


Catch ya later guys, gonna have me some PiE 8D

*Carries Kayla off*

Bow chicka bow wow.

Oh, my! I wonder what epi would think if he really knew the truth about PiE; would he be delighted or disgusted? Heh, heh!

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I have no idea. It's not like he could utilize it the way I can. :3

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

I AM THE MASTER OF THE PiE. Remember this freakin' face! When ever you see PiE, you'll see this face. I make that stuff work! No one bakes a PiE like me, not this little breadbaker, none of you little chefs out there! I AM THE PiE COMMANDER. When it comes down to pastry... it's what I do.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

^ What he said.

I am the Essence of PiE! One of many, we command the most powerful force known to man! Rise up, all ye who can invoke the name of PiE and follow me to victory! All shall fall before our might! Go forth, my minions, and bring forth complete and total DOMINATION!!!

*cue evil laughter*

Not to over the top, I trust.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

No amount of over-the-toplessness can challenge the might of PiE!

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

I made some banana cream PiE with Kayla ¦D

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Did you add any whipped cream? :3

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

What's a good PiE without a good helping of that, eh? ;D

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Its highly unusual for me to post comments in a thread dealing with PiE, but I just read the whole thing from first post to last and it managed to raise an evil laugh from me too! Keep up the good (or evil!) work guys and gals!!

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

...did somebody say, whips? :3

Posts: 10
Active Member

This Nega's back in the game and ya'll had better believe
That the P-D-E still got his tricks up his sleeve
'Cause now the PiE's on the table and I'm whippin' the cream
And if ya know what I mean, ya prob'ly read it in a men's magazine
I turn the air blue like my nemesis
On Sega Genesis
Envious of my turn of phrase and ludicrous premises
I'll drop a gem on this, but keep my eye on that green
Then snatch it up for my latest machine


Posts: 1702
Noble Member

...did somebody say, whips? :3

Of course!  Whips are always welcome.  You're welcome to join the revolution if you wish, Gema.

I'm happy that you're satisfied, Silver.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member
"I made some banana cream PiE with Kayla"

that is SO obvious, episonic must've caught on by now.

"You're welcome to join the revolution if you wish, Gema"

i wont allow it! and for health reasons i wont join in either

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

... I'm scared.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

for health reasons i wont join in either

Well fine. We didn't want you anyway. }:O

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Is this becoming an n-some?

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

You interested?

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

I say we have a PiE eating contest.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I say we have a PiE eating contest.


Stay away from me!

Protect me, Silver!

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

*Protects Kayla's PiE valiantly!*

Only I may feast upon this!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

*Protects Kayla's PiE valiantly!*

Only I may feast upon this!

"Can't let you do that, Silver."

"A wild Nostalgia Critic appears!"

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

*wipes a slowly falling tear off his cheek, and lets out a sniffle*

You've all... have made me SO proud... =,3

I'm no longer needed here. Goodbye, my sweet, sweet MoFo children. May the PiE of MoFo bless you all!!! Get to work, ladies! *poofs*

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