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Official World Cup 2010 Thread

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Posts: 1100
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The Vuvuzela can burn in Tartarus for all I care. Bee Keepers over there should be fired.

Spain and Chile advance to the Round of 16 after Spain defeated Chile 2-1 in a violent first half that saw four yellow cards and a red card ejection. The second half was more the same, yet the last ten minutes (plus additional time) was nothing more than a televised game of keep away.

Switzerland & Honduras did nothing at all to tie 0-0 eliminating both teams from their group.

So the Round of Sixteen looks like this...

EDIT: South Korea is the first team eliminated after losing to Uruguay 2-1. It was a crushing defeat (because I was cheering for South Korea) but the only satisfaction is that they didn't go down like punk &#$#&es.

Japan is the long Asian team, but going against Paraguay is about as fun as climbing Mt. Everest barefoot.

USA vs Ghana is going to be a very interesting game. USA has been playing better than what most people expected, but if they expect to beat Ghana then they need to score goals and not later. The more they linger, the better it is for Ghana.

EDIT x2: USA 1-2 Ghana

-Kevin-Prince Boateng scores the lone goal at the 28th minute to give Ghana the lead in the end of the first half.

- Landon Donovan gives the U.S a goal from a penalty kick to tie the game one a piece

-Asamoah Gyan scores for Ghana with an assits by André Ayew

-Even with Over Time and additional time, the U.S.A falls to Ghana by a score of 2-1 and are eliminated from the World Cup.

Posts: 5772
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And now Germany is blitzkrieg-ing England, 4-1.

Posts: 800
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all english speaking countries are doomed

Posts: 1100
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And now Germany is blitzkrieg-ing England-



Posts: 841
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It's fantastic that there's been a huge power shift this year, like F1 had last year. Brilliant when you see bigger teams (Italy, France) falling against smaller ones. England don't deserve a mention since we haven't won in 44 years. We weren't a threat to Germany at all.

What's this never again thing I don't understand 🙁

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

It's fantastic that there's been a huge power shift this year, like F1 had last year. Brilliant when you see bigger teams (Italy, France) falling against smaller ones. England don't deserve a mention since we haven't won in 44 years. We weren't a threat to Germany at all.

What's this never again thing I don't understand

It's from the "Blackhawks" thread where I was displeased with England's performance against the USA. I picked England to win the World Cup (Yeah, what do I know) but after the first game I gave up on England doing well in this Tournament as well my faith that the country coined for creating the sport will win the Cup. Thus the...



... Stuff.

Posts: 841
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I think most England fans are thinking exactly the same thing right now.

But even still they keep coming back for more disappointment, the silly sods.

Posts: 5772
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It's almost... cyclical, in nature.

Posts: 565
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Craig and I are going to go drink our sorrows away.


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*Sobs into my coffee*

Posts: 565
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We should totally meet at a bar halfway and just... drink. That was such crap.

Oh well. At least our asses weren't handed to us...


Posts: 1044
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I'm bitterly disappointed that my home nation only managed to get a single point in the entire tournament and it was from a draw against Switzerland! =/

Posts: 520
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US lost but I still have someone from the Motherland to cheer for.

Posts: 1100
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Japan losing in a shot out means that the two teams I picked to win have been killed off eliminated, but at least Spain won which was a (nice) surprise.

If David Villa isn't named the MVP of this Rage Cup, baby sloths will get it (Oh yes they will).

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Yeah I know.Double Post, but it's been three days and the Rage Cup is back on.

And speaking of such

Brazil 1-2 Netherlands 86 minute

THE @^$! Is there ANY TEAM I can CHEER FOR? Are the kings dead for sure?

Filipe Mello sent off the game getting a Red card for stomping on the Hamstring of a Dutch player. Brazil is a Ten men team.

EDIT: Brazil Loses, Ghana Chokes

So tired, can't bother to care. Game was too long for me to care.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I can't believe Brazil lost!

Argentina also lost in a pathetic match against Germany...

Uruguay vs. Netherlands - Jul 6 1:30pm (CT) on ESPN

Germany vs. Spain - Jul 7 1:30pm (CT) on ESPN

My motherland is Spain... but they're playing against Germany, whom I don't care much for but has a great team. All I can hope for is that Netherlands looses against Uruguay. Come on tios, pelea pelea contra Netherlans!

Posts: 1100
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Kenichi Yoshida (Charater Designer for Eureka Seven) is a big football fan and has been following the Word Cup by drawing member of the 32 teams in this years game (as well as their coaches)

Posts: 608
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Btw, SPAIN won against GERMANY and the game was a snooze fest... Spain had control of the ball for most of the game and kept missing every shot. So in the second half, Spain FINALLY freaking scored against Germany and the rest was history. So next games are:

Uruguay vs Germany - Saturday

Spain vs Netherlands - Sunday

Posts: 327
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Spain take the World Cup after scoring in the one hundred and sixteenth minute.

Posts: 1100
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Somewhere out there. Austin Powers is smiling...

Posts: 565
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This game was a penalty-fest. The first half was kind of a snoozer with Spain pretty much dominating the box. Good god though, so many yellow cards, it was insane. That ref was pretty much on their ass like white on rice.

Insane score to win the game 4 seconds before 2nd over time was over.

Posts: 1100
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Man. I'm just glad it didn't went to shoot-out, but damnit I never want to watch another game of keep away for 120 minutes. :/

Posts: 565
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Oh man, Spain was SO pussyfooting around, it was so unbearable! It's like, dude! PLAY!

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