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Oh where to go with my life....

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Posts: 333
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I try not to make such posts, as many may see it as selfish, or a cry for attention or something to that effect, but Hell, I'd love some input.

And so, I'm 20 years of age now, and haven't done any school (college) for a year now. I work, though only part time, and while I could have moved out, and still can with a friend, I chose not to because my mother oddly had strong objections. I originaly took a semester off of school since the first year wound up pretty bad at the community college I went to (Professors tended to not show up, or be clear on an assignment, and a racist sociology teacher that...bothered me.) so I was going to switch schools. The switch didn't work out because aparantly I was too late to do so, even though I was supposedly able to, so I decided to go back to my old one for the winter semester but even that got screwed. I was all registered and good to go for the semester, and was going to apply for classes, but the computer login and password they gave me didn't work, and it got disabled for "too many failed log in attempts" and I made e-mails and stuff, as it suggested but nobody ever got back to me. So, I wound up being off for yet another semester. Anyway, so I intend to switch up the schools as planned, and get back for the summer, but I still have nearly no idea as to what to study for after my general ed, and what I'm really interested in, or "meant" to do. I'm not asking anyone to figure that out for me, but I guess I'm looking for guidance in a sense, or wondering if anyone else has ever been in my situation.

I seem to excel at computers, writing, english, and speaking. I've also done pretty well with acting, and helping with filmwork for a friend who is working on getting into the film industry. (He's doing well actually...even got invited to the Playboy mansion, so...I guess that's saying something) Along with that, I have a deep interest and appreciation for art and music, though I seem to have little skill in either despite playing piano, and slight guitar skills. That's really all I know about myself, or what I can do best at. I have a brave heart and mind as well, and since I was a little kid I've always wanted to be a person who does things for the sake of others, be them simple or life threatening. However, as far as "life threatening" goes the military isn't for me based on my objections to the war, and the political reasons (lets not get into that) and being a cop isn't really the way it should be. Around here especially, I see a lot of curruption and messed up things that I'm not sure I can fix. If any of that random information helps at all, I figured, why not bring it up?

Anyway, thanks for reading and/or replying. I hope this wasn't much of a bother, but it's been pulling on my mind for far too long, and I really want to make something great with my life.


Posts: 432
Reputable Member

There are a bunch of rags-to-riches stories surrounding a lot of today`s rich people... Like Oprah and J.K Rowling, for instance. VH1 had a list... I just ca'nt really retain that much information.

I do'nt know much about the college and where you should go and stuff ...but... if someone as poor as they were got that far on luck you should have a head-start on them.

Good luck with your life and all that.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Get your ass back in College. Don't take semesters off, I seem to recall TELLING you that before. You don't go back, well maybe when you're 35 with kids and taking night classes instead of SLEEPING.

Get your ASS back in COLLEGE.

Don't make me count.

I'm taking off my belt. o.-

~Tobe (Eeking through with a crummy A.S. in Physics)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I'm taking off my belt. o.-

Ruh roh!

Posts: 917
Noble Member

I definately agree with Rico. It's ironic that degrees probably mean less today then they did at any prior point in history, but on the same token, they matter more now than at any prior point in history. Even if you can only take a few classes a semester, you definately want to get that degree. That film stuff you're working on sounds awesome, but so many things in that industry are superficial and don't pan out, so in case it doesn't, you can at least have a degree to help you get a start with another job.

Other than that, I don't think you're so bad off.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I had my Bachelor's of Science when I was 22 and enrolled into grad school. I remember being upset because I could've done it in 3 yrs instead of 4.

Go back to college. As for doing what. It's not always what you like. Ask yourself what can you make a living out of. I chose the Science department in the University that was right next to the academy where I went to school most of my life. I had a scholarship to go to an art Institute.

I'm happy with my choice although it doesn't seem like it.

I suggest exploring career options and like Toby said: DO get your behind back into school.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

speaking as someone who's going through their 5th year at university (on a 3 year course), try to stick with it.
i don't see eye-to-eye with half my tutors, but i'm just trying my best to ignore them and slog on with what i want to do. it's the degree at the end that counts, not how much fun you had while taking the course.
.. although, the course is easier to do if you're enjoying it. >>;

as for a future career, i thought most collages and universitys had advisers to help you with that? ^^

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

lol, I have no clue how I ended up as an Electrical Engineer... Seriously. It just kinda happened 😯

But yeah, as much as I'd love to say YOU CAN DO THE RAGS TO RICHES!!! stuff, I wouldn't bank on that alone.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

Have you tried a technical institute? They're pretty much there just for people who want that specific program and know that it's what they excel at. I have yet to do any college, and i'm 24, but aside from spending 4 years in the military, im back IN school, a technical school. It's a 2 year program that trains me to become a certified airframe and powerplant mechanic on planes. For me, and my career, thats all i need, i don't need a degree, and quite frankly i don't have the money to GET a degree. (im also too stubborn to take out a student loan, simply because i don't like owing money to anyone.)
