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OHNOS! Harry Potter 7 spoiled? (SPOILERS...?)

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Posts: 1619
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According to this site, it is!

Now, before you get the lynch mob on me, IMO, I think he following is a load of bull.

The idea that a publisher would keep a well-hyped book on a bunch of their employee's computers - computers that are connect to the net can actually be hacked by these guys as easily as the site claims - seems, well, a bit suspicious, especially since there was no previous hacking attempt like this on any other books. Plus, the owner speaks a lot of garbage about how the Pope hates Harry Potter and that this hacking was done to "protect" families. Very, very suspect, if you ask me.

But just for kicks, here are the "spoilers" and "key points" pf the book (which seem to make little real sense) for you, under spoiler tags, for the heck of it:

Spoilers (Select To Read): ************************************************************
* Harry Potter 0day

Dear my brothers,

Voldemort killed Hermione. Yes, that's true. And we knew that 2 days ago.

This is the end of the not yet published (someone could call that 0day) book

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows .

At the end of the story Hagrid was killed by Snape in the attempt of ambush Hermione and Ron.
Ron and Hermione flees in privet drive but Voldermort, surprising them, engaged a magical duel with Ron and Hermione.

Voldemort attacked trough the imperius curse and Hermione, to protect the life of Ron fight hardly for more than 6 pages and then finally die.
(boring, very boring... it's always the same story!)

Then, to make a long story short, Harry came up, killed all the bad guys and Hogwarts against became a good place to stay and have fun.

Ah, i missed one important information about Draco Malfoy, he started to create Horcrux (for fun and profit!).
The end.

Yes, we did it.
We did it by following the precious words of the great Pope Benedict XVI when he still was Cardinal Josepth Ratzinger.
He explained why Harry Potter bring the youngs of our earth to Neo Paganism faith.

So we make this spoiler to make reading of the upcoming book useless and boring.

The attack strategy was the easiest one.
The usual milw0rm downloaded exploit delivered by email/click-on-the-link/open-browser/click-on-this-animated-icon/back-connect to some employee of Bloomsbury Publishing, the company that's behind the Harry crap.

It's amazing to see how much people inside the company have copies and drafts of this book.
Curiosity killed the cat.

Who kill curiosity?

To protect you and your families

God bless you


Original Yahoo! news link.


Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Lol whut?
The closing lines were the most hilarious. xD

Posts: 43
Eminent Member

Until I have Deathly Hallows in my hands, I refuse to believe any "spoilers" as nothing more than either a hoax or speculation. Anyone who tries spoiling it for me after the release, as I will be on vacation at the time and unsure when I will be able to get a copy, will be superglued to the nearest ceiling and sporked. Hard.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Gotta concur with Moe there. I'm usually a spoiler addict, but I just bought 3 pre-orders for permission to sit in Oxford Street for 8-18 hours. Heaven knows I'm not going to throw that experience away for a moment of excitement now.

Posts: 1104
Noble Member

Who kill curiosity?

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Spoilers (Select To Read): ZOMGONOZWATDOIDONOW?!!11!
Seriously, I doubt it's true. But it wouldn't suprise me though. But what if Rowling changed the ending after hearing this just to counter the leak?

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I read a small part of the spoilers, but didn't touch the rest. Bull honky or not, I ain't touching HP7 spoilers with a ten foot best as I can.

Posts: 1567
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Not even being a HP fan, those sound like sound really lame.

Posts: 1376
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Wait....there's 7 books......?

Posts: 1619
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The seventh book comes out in July, DL. It's the last one, which JK has stated repeatedly foe years now.

....Unless you were being sarcastic. o.o;

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

I take it he was being sarcastic...

meh. Never cared about HP.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Those sound severely unlikely to be true.
