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The iPad

It looks kind of pretty and all (What Apple product doesn't?) but I got a few issues:

1. Kinda like the iTouch on steroids. Too big, hope your purse or man bag is large enough.
2. Can probably get a decent laptop for that price
3. Why bother when they'll just release a better model in a year or so?
4. Just how durable is it?
5. Why does Apple hate Adobe (No Flash at the moment)?

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Posts: 1986
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Creo won the thread already o_o

But yeah, hipsters will eat this **** up >_>;;

Posts: 2915
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I think your finger slipped... It should be 'Eeeeeehhh...iPad'.

Posts: 800
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It should be 'EeeeeehhhIReallyDoNotLikeApplesPricingAndLetsBeHonestThisReallyDoesNotLookThatGood...iPad'.


Posts: 1058
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If it was like a laptop, I would have crapped my pants.

But it's only a big iPhone that can't do anything with graphics meant to be viewed as 3x more tiny.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 147
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I was hoping for something along the lines of a touch screen computer, so then I wouldnt want to buy a pen tablet with a screen for two grand and instead get a nice computer that does the same thing... But no, Apple comes out with an oversized iTouch. What the heck was all the hypre for?! Its big, and all you do with it is surf the web, read, and store pictures! >:'(   

And I rather read an actual book then get eye strain from reading a novel off a screen.

Posts: 3756
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*pronounces it Eeepod to be a douche*

Posts: 133
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When will they release the iPad with wings?

Har har.

But really, I would have crapped myself also if it was a touchscreen laptop. Shameful that it isn't. I've been talking about how incredible MMOs like WoW would be if it was purely touchscreen.

Hey, I just had a thought. This concept is exactly like the Nintendo DSi LL, the DSi with the giant screens.

Posts: 608
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Was very disappointed that it's not an actual computer but Apple's version of the Kindle by Amazon

I want a touch screen computer just like the one in movies and anime.

Btw, I have a MacBook and I can see flash and use adobe ok.

Posts: 3756
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I saw some touchscreen computers when I went to buy my laptop, Hidoi. =O

Posts: 841
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Dell's got a posh looking one already

Bloody expensive but probably cheaper than any rubbish Apple might chuck out.

*sits gaffawing at the iPad*

Posts: 1058
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Yum. @ Dell's

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 133
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I think I'll wait for touchscreen computers to become more commonplace before I even think about making a purchase. That's what I've done with nearly all electronics, and it works out great. I ended up with a brightly-lit GBA SP instead of the sunken original GBA with this tactic! Let other people make the mistakes, I say!

Posts: 608
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Turtle and Trudy, that is awesome. Did not know about the touchscreen ones

Posts: 4885
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I have to reserve judgement, but am still pessimistic. As much as I dislike the iPhone for my own reasons, I do have to admit that it has revolutionized phones and changed the entire game in a way that no other device has. Likewise with the iPod, but I maintain that the only thing that thing offers that the other systems didn't do better was an eye pleasing interface, MP3 players which don't run on iTunes are preferable in my opinion.

But unlike the last two, this seems to be a late to the party attempt at... what? Making a new netbook or a tablet which is used for other things? It just seems excessive and unclear on purpose. So I want to see what it is capable of before I get all judgemental.

Still, the Dell touch screen laptops are amazing, one of the ops at my Cosplay Club has one and she just photoshops promos for us in no time with the thing, it's like devil magic or something.

Posts: 1758
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Apple: we exist because higher prices and proprietary technology are hip! And that 1984 commercial they keep replaying during those documentaries about the computer industry.

Posts: 5772
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I blame Lieutenant Dan myself.

Posts: 917
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The problem with this is that it's too big to be truly portable, and too limited to be a laptop replacement. It really has no niche to fit into, and Apple is relying on their style and brand name to create a new class of device.

Stacked up against other ereaders it might do well, especially the most basic version, since the Nook and Kindle are so expensive, people might be willing to throw down a few more hundred for a device that can do more than just read books. But even as an ereader, Apple is doing stuff to piss me off. They've already hinted their ebook software will use DRM that will not be compatible with any other device. Nobody likes DRM, but I think a lot of people will tolerate it as long as it lets them move their ebooks around. Apple's won't.

Posts: 1656
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i never buy apple products because of 2 facts:
1- they're too expensive and unreliable.
2- someone else will make the same product cheaper, better and more avaliable.

really, i am so happy i bought the sony walkman instead of that ipod thing everyone went crazy for.

Posts: 841
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Sony Walkman???

😀 😀 😀

Let's be Walkman buddies!

Posts: 1656
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ha ha trudi you're cute.
i wanted something cheap, small and simple this was it
although i'm sure you got the more advanced ones with the more options.

apple is like sega, it comes out with the idea first but sony prefects it.

Posts: 1008
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apple is like sega

I think a part of my soul just died.

On topic, I foresee yonder iPad producing much lulz, as like with so many other of Apple's products this first version of it will be riddled with terrible bugs and stupid limitations, will likely do stuff you don't want it to, won't do stuff you do, and of course let's not forget that to even get a version of it with decent specs, you'll be bending over to pay for it.

The lulz will be produced of course by the fact that in spite of all of the above, the mindless drones who have already sold their souls to Apple will lap it up anyway, and then wander around in a daze of thoughtless pride, deliriously showing off their shiny new turd to all their friends - the ones of which still retain some level of coherent thought will simply sigh and shake their heads, and attempt to explain to aforementioned mindless idiots why they've wasted their money.

Please note this is not a bash of people who have purchased Apple's products out of necessity, or from a desire for something relatively simple that gets the job done. Much as I may personally dislike the iPod and iPhone for their hefty pricetags and the iMac for its terrifically confusing OS, I can't deny all three devices have done good things for their respective markets.

No, rather my snarkiness is aimed specifically at those people--and there are people like this out there--who will go out and buy this thing when it comes out because Apple made it and it's shiny, giving no consideration to the obvious fact they are wasting their money on it. Although I'm hoping the numbers will be few, that way Apple will realise that...

...oh dear God...

Mada is right. Apple is like Sega. ;_;

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

glad you agree.

(who will go out and buy this thing when it comes out because Apple made it and it's shiny, giving no consideration to the obvious fact they are wasting their money on it. Although I'm hoping the numbers will be few, that way Apple will realise that)

apple is repeating history.. it's loss to microsoft was partly because of it's products prices.
i don't think apple will ever realize the obvious truth. it'll just keep trying to fix problems with new gadgets and giving it's ideas to smarter companies

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

This just in... Remember the iPad?

Yeah, not happening.

*lol April Fools, it's real

Posts: 520
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Yea...I wish.


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