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Personality by region!

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Posts: 1982
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Posts: 608
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You always find the cool stuff online!

Like Gov Heineman (Who I've met but still cannot spell his name right) said Nebraskan's are very friendly and agreeable. It's true that people here are very extroverted and this is why I liked the state when I first came to visit the university. It's also a conscientious state while neuroticism is low. People here aren't stressed live the "Good life" like the welcome sign for Omaha reads. However, people here are darn stubborn and are rarely open to new ideas.

Try convincing your boss your idea to use a new machine to run a new protocol to get better data... yeah hard core people in this here state.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

heh @ Minnesota ranking #2 in the "Agreeableness" field... That's probably why it is called "Minnesota Nice".

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Hmm, Mississippi ranks number #3 in agreeableness and #4 in neuroticism.

I'm so proud of my state!

*weeps with joy*
