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Pet peeves.
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Pet peeves.

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For those who don't know what this mean, defines it as "a particular and often continual annoyance." Usually, it's small, little things that probably wouldn't bother someone else, but bugs the ever living crap out of you personally. So, I ask you, my friends: what are some of your pet peeves? What little things just bother you to no end? Oh, and do us a favor, and do not name names or list things that are potential flamebait. I don't think we need that.

Anyway, let's get this party started.

People quoting themselves in their signatures/profiles.
I can't stand it when people put things that they have said themselves in their signatures and/or profiles. It just seems so... vain. Like, "Oho, I'm so clever and witty. I think I'll let the world know every time they look at my signature and/or profile." And really, often times, they really just... aren't very clever or very witty at all. It's so self-absorbed.

People hating on Guitar Hero because it's not "real."
I play the real guitar. I also play Guitar Hero. The two are very different things, and are fun for different reasons. It bugs the ever living hell out of me when so-called "musicians" make fun of people for playing Guitar Hero. It's just so pointless. What are they trying to prove? In fact, I think this sums up my thoughts pretty well.

Yeah... that's all I can really think of at the moment. I might post more later.

Posts: 713
Prominent Member

I hate it when somebody stands over me when I try do to something. D:

That's all I can think of right now.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

I hate it when somebody stands over me when I try do to something. D:

That is probably my biggest one as well.


I hate it when people suggest things just after I decide to do just that. It's like I AM ALREADY DOING IT BE QUIET >=(

Posts: 216
Estimable Member

I hate it when people ask questions that have already been answered by a question they just asked. Example:

Mom: "Did you get cleaned up for school yet?"
Me: "Yeah."
Mom: "Did you brush your teeth?"
Me: "...I just SAID THAT!"

Also, yeah, I hate it when people look over your shoulder.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I hate when people ask personal things unwarranted. I mean, people I confide in or talk to, I welcome it, but people hwo are just idly talking to you, and suddenly ask personal questions, tend to annoy the hell out of me.

Also, I hate when people assume becuase I dislike something, I dislike it for the most common reason. To use Wes's example, the last time I talked about Guitar Hero (which I dislike), the person assumed I hate it because it's not real guitar playing. No, I don't like it because it's no fun, to me, and I think players who really get into it look a little silly. 😛 Note that I was just using Wes's Guitar Hero example, not saying Wes did that or anything.

Also, I absolutely hate it when my family calls on me for on-demand free phone tech support. Especially my mother, because she never actually gives me any specific details - Like I'm somehow supposed to just pop up and say, "Oh, your problem is [detials]! Fix it by [details!]" from "Drew, my laptop is broken, how do I fix it?"

Seriously, she gives that kind of detail for every question. "Broken how?" "It doesn't work." "Yes, that's what broken means. How doesn't it work?" "It gives me an error." "For God's sake, Mom, what KIND of error?" "I don't know, just an error! I need a new computer." Thaaat, too, is a pet peeve - don't ask me for a favour and not be specific in what you want and give me what I need to do the favour.

Oh, and one final pet peeve for now, Dad has a tendancy to share whatever jokes he hears in whatever stupid sitcom he's watching, while he's working out or working on his stocks. IT wouldn't annoy me too terribly, except that he tends to wait until the end of his show, which also tends to be the last minutes of what I'm watching - often Law and Order's spinoffs CI and SVU, and any fan of the show knows that missing hte first and the last five minutes of the show can be really annoying, because that's whne hte cases are presented and wrapped up. I've missed more shows because he had to share some stupid joke in a show I've toldhim plainly several times I don't want to hear about.

I can come up with more, but eh.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

What really grinds my gears? People who show no conviction or motivation for something they've committed to. Best example I can think of would be in college. My music theory class had 30 or so people in it. There were five passing grades by the end of the course. Five A's/B's, 25 D's and F's. And my teacher took great delight in wasting class time chastizing them for not participating or doing anything, thus dragging the ones who are actually there to learn, down.



~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Oh, I forgot a pet peeve, a relatively new one.

Games (or movies or TV shows or whatnot, I guess, but games moreso due to the type of forums and people I talk on and to) that are waaaay over-mentioned. I mean, hype is good, but after a point it gets to be so much that I find it quite the turnoff. Other things I could rant about the Wii aside, SSBB definately takes the cake at the moment - you can't stay on the internet for more than two days without hearing about the newest feature that's delaying SSBB by another week. At some point hype gets so much, it's impossible for any game, no matter how perfect, to live up to it, and because of that those games often dissapoint, not because they're bad, but because they're not as good as people want. That, and it's just plain annoying to hear about ANYTHING that frequently.

It isn't just SSBB, of course, but that's the current one.

Posts: 3291
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.. i mean, why do they even exist other then to try to sting you? x.x

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

My dad when he's on his soap box.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Oh, I forgot a pet peeve, a relatively new one.

Games (or movies or TV shows or whatnot, I guess, but games moreso due to the type of forums and people I talk on and to) that are waaaay over-mentioned. I mean, hype is good, but after a point it gets to be so much that I find it quite the turnoff. Other things I could rant about the Wii aside, SSBB definately takes the cake at the moment - you can't stay on the internet for more than two days without hearing about the newest feature that's delaying SSBB by another week. At some point hype gets so much, it's impossible for any game, no matter how perfect, to live up to it, and because of that those games often dissapoint, not because they're bad, but because they're not as good as people want. That, and it's just plain annoying to hear about ANYTHING that frequently.

It isn't just SSBB, of course, but that's the current one.

I'm with you on that one, Halo 3 was the one that bothered me a lot too.

Anyway, my main peeves...

Snobbery: Basically anyone who thinks they're better than someone else just because they do something different, like they're vegetarian for example. Now, I have no problem with vegetarians, nor do I think it's a bad thing to be, but I can't stand it when people use it to boost their ego. To make it seem fairer, think applies to non-smokers and non-alcoholics who do this too, I neither smoke or drink, but I'm not gonna judge someone who does.

Another form of snobbery, those who say games aren't art because they don't make you cry...

Now usually the people who say this are book readers or film watchers mainly, so I'd like to know...what gives them the authority to judge what art is? I'd also like to ask them how often they cried at the Mona Lisa or Michaelangelo's David, and then ask if they're art.

Another one...

Use your headphones in public! Seriously, it's bad enough places like HMV just play techno/drum & base remixes at full volume when I'm browsing DVDs, but that's their place to do so, I don't want to here is blurting from the back of the bus!

That's it mostly.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

When people ask questions that were either <i>just</i> answered before, or questions that should've never been asked in the first place.
Also, when someone has to point out every single little mistake that is present in something.
I think of some more later

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Oh, I forgot a pet peeve, a relatively new one.

Games (or movies or TV shows or whatnot, I guess, but games moreso due to the type of forums and people I talk on and to) that are waaaay over-mentioned. I mean, hype is good, but after a point it gets to be so much that I find it quite the turnoff. Other things I could rant about the Wii aside, SSBB definately takes the cake at the moment - you can't stay on the internet for more than two days without hearing about the newest feature that's delaying SSBB by another week. At some point hype gets so much, it's impossible for any game, no matter how perfect, to live up to it, and because of that those games often dissapoint, not because they're bad, but because they're not as good as people want. That, and it's just plain annoying to hear about ANYTHING that frequently.

It isn't just SSBB, of course, but that's the current one.

Oh yes and this.

Currently AJ is annoying the hell outta me. Hello Deck.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Well lets see:
1. Dogs/canines in genaral
2. Charter cable
3.when someone 1ups me
4. when (im) playing a game, and winning the other person gets up and shuts it off
5. people (and yes they do!) who Take my herbs from my garden. I MEAN COME ON! JUST CUZ YOU CAN'T GROW IT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO RADE MY PLANTS? god! at least ask first!
6. people who pay me half of what they owe me for bakeing them stuff (EX: i only charge $35 for a 2 layer 10" cake, they pay me half, get the cake, and pay me half of what's left to pay(only happened twice))

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I really hate it when people don't use spellcheck, when they need to.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

when people pronounce "sandwich" as "samwich"

when you can hear other people's music through their headphones - x2 in quiet situations

also the sound of people's feet rubbing against carpet.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

my pet peeves include stupidity, hypocrisy, irrational intolerance, art theft and forgery, and questions like this one.

Currently AJ is annoying the hell outta me. Hello Deck.

hello susan! <3

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

1. People who tend to keep repeating things over and over and over until it's beaten to the ground. I mean, sometimes you have to say it make the point clear, but if I have to hear it every single time so frequently, I get annoyed.
2. The stereotype view that girls likes cats and boys like dogs. I HATE this stereotype because I'm female and am a strict dog lover (since I was five). I have nothing against felines, I just love mah canines and it is not a guy thing. The same rule applies to video games. People still make an issue about girl gamers?
3. I'm also annoyed when people enter my room without knocking. Company is great, but I also like my privacy.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

My biggest one was drilled into me by my dad a long long time ago.

Passive-aggressive asking.

"Craig. Are you making a coffee?" isn't a question. If I answered "No, I'm playing Wii" the effect would be a sincerely upset and annoyed dad because I refused his request for me to make coffee.

The more important the question, the more roundabout way it would be asked. "Craig, it's my birthday soon" translates as "Did you buy me that Nikon D40 that I keep showing you and saying "I wish I had the money... maybe someone will get it for my birthday""

This, of course, is not limited to my dad. Friends often say "I never see you much lately..." or "I really really want to go, but I don't have any money... a shame because that one guy is going to be there and..."

It just pisses me right the hell off. I consider myself a pleasant enough guy and usually I'll say "yes" to a reasonable request and explain why not if I'm unable. But without actually asking the question I'm forced to either say "Yes" or ignore them completely and continue conversation as if I didn't pick up the hint...

and I never pick up the hint. Ever... of course, I never say "Just ask" either, as that creates more problems than it solves.

Just something which really really bugs me. ^^;

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

1) People who look over my shoulder while I'm writing, doing Math...that sort of thing.

2) THE PICTURE. (glares at Crimmy and Rico) >_>

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

People walking behind me

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Oh i found a few more
People who tell me to use spell checker
people who eat over me/my shoulder/ or on my bed

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

1. People who sing when they cannot actually sing.

2. People who play loud music on the bus.

3. People who walk in the middle of the pavement, leaving no room for anyone to get by them.

4. People who swear excessively for no reason.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

When people first ask, 'what is that in your face?' knowing full well just what it is. Then asking if they hurt. And finally, feeling it is their place to tell me to take them out.

And if anyone is wondering, I have my nose and lip pierced.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Wait telling someone you don't see them much translates to mean I want them to pay for me to come see them? Oh $%%!. Wait, I mean crap, *stoned by OTB* No wonder people hate me. D:

And I hate everyone. I don't need a pet peeve or a reason. :3


Posts: 1058
Noble Member

In the several seconds following these events, I am usually sad:

When someone can't maintain a whisper and I want them to shut up because the authorities will totally hear us talking
When someone talks about mundane details from their day
When someone asks a question repeatedly
When someone raises their voice to be convincing
When someone whines, and with that voice that is only for whining

please have a rich life now

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

" 2) THE PICTURE. (glares at Crimmy and Rico) >_>"

What picture, I don't know what you mean... oh, perhaps this picture?

Anyway, IRC bugs me. Dunno why. And things that require passwords without being sensitive/personal information, like password guarded chats and stuff, they bug me too.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Uh no... Not twice in a month. Curse you Crim-

Posts: 308
Reputable Member


1 . The sound of people eating. Loudly. Right next to me.
2 . The sound of anything involving the ingestion of food. (Ex: wrappers, forks and knives, etc.)
3 . People giving me a detailed list of every single thing that they have ingested and done. (Ex: I took a shower, then I couldn't find anything decent for breakfast, so I had to eat a really dry piece of beef jerky. It took forever to chew...etc.)
4 . People doing #3 while using up all my minutes.
5 . People doing #3 while using up all my minutes and talking to other people that are right next to them/putting me on hold for 10 minutes.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

A few things that I find bothersome

-When people say that they are better than you, and blantly shove that notion into your face. Superiority is something you must earn, and not flash about every little thing you do.

-Obnoxious behavior. Basically, people playing their music too loud, doing anything loudly in general; and the like. I like my privacy and would rather be left alone. Whatever you're doing, do that away from me. D:

-People that seem to be very unoriginal. This includes stereotypes, and other mundane "classifications." It annoys me when people don't want to fit away from these types of categories. You can't judge everybody from stereotypes, and I doubt that anybody wants to be labeled like a name brand anyway. At least I don't. <.<

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

(sees the little minus button in the top left corner of Crimson's post)


(clicks it)




I officially love Yuku. <3

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I really dislike people at school who like to constantly talk about their experiences studying abroad. I've never found it to be even remotely relevant to any conversation I've heard it brought up in. When anyone in any of my classes interrupts a professor's lecture by starting a sentence with something like "Yes, well, I studied abroad in _______ last year and...." it pisses me off and makes me want to say stfu's and stuff.

People who look down on others for being sociable and being extroverted. I'm sorry you're depressed, but I'm not and I'm going to go out and have fun. It doesn't mean that I'm not intelligent or don't have responsibilities.

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

First just a side-comment I wanna get out of the way, about Robobotnik's mention of the idea that games aren't art because they can't make people cry... haven't even heard that one before. Interesting thing is, even aside from what he pointed out about the reasoning itself, the assumption it's based on is questionable at best ANYWAY; there's some powerful moments in some video game stories, like for example, the part of the NES/SNES version of Ninja Gaiden where Ryu wants to help his father escape from a collapsing temple but can't... and that's coming from someone who's not even into RPGs, which from what I've heard tend to have much deeper stories. Point is, I think the people who don't think of games as art often aren't thinking of the same games as those who do. Ok, now for the topic itself...

1) When people talk about how something is "natural" as if what's "natural" is necessarily better. Aside from how the term is kinda arbitrary (as in how artificial things have their roots in the natural world etc...) if we're to talk about what's made by humans vs. everything else how does that make everything else better? My type 1 diabetes is natural, (basically, one missing metabolism hormone would've brought down my whole body years ago if technology didn't intervene) and my insulin treatment of it is artificial... and yet, in some debates (like those about artificial sweeteners) people will treat what's natural like it's automatically healthier than it isn't, but according to that kind of reasoning if you're bitten by a rattlesnake you wouldn't go to a hospital since they're artificial but would just let the 100% all-natural rattlesnake venom do what it naturally does. Or even worse is when people claim that something is right because it's "natural" (or wrong because it isn't) when nature is all about survival of the fittest, the strong attacking the weak, etc... and is by no reasonable standards an ethical guide. And then there's that personification of "nature" as "mother" nature. Ok then, I guess Mother Nature is an apathetic, heartless, mass-murdering, cruel, violent and deceptive b***h. (Credit to Dawkins for the style of the previous sentence)

2) When people describe things with juxtaposing labels that associate all sorts of separate views with each other all at the same time, as if to say they all point in the same direction... or that views associated with the "left" are opposite those associated with the "right"; ever notice the similarity, between associating opposition to affirmative action with racism, and associating opposition to Israel with anti-semitism, when those associations are considered to be on opposite ends of the "spectrum"? I mean, seriously, what the hell is that "political spectrum" even supposed to be measuring in the first place? Laissez-faire leanings? Tradition? You often get different answers about it, and views often associated with whatever label have nothing to do with whatever it's supposed to be measuring. Some might say that the "average left-winger" or "average right-winger" has such and such views on all these separate issues... yeah, just like the "average" person has about one testicle and one ovary, but we know the people who have testicles tend not to be the ones who have ovaries, and similarily, there's people who would support a certain ideology for issue A and other people who would support the same ideology for issue B, and we juxtapose those issues seemingly at random. I'd call it a stereotype, but that's a drastic understatement. If something unreasonably associates even only two separate things with each other it could be still considered a stereotype, but ideology labels unreasonably associate all KINDS of separate views with each other at the same time, (not sure how many, but it's probably in the dozens, making two things at a time look much smaller) as well as, sometimes, even personality and lifestyle. The whole idea of saying "oh that sounds like such a [insert ideology label here] thing to say, I bet you also think that [insert guessed opinions on separate subject randomly associated through said ideology label here]" is literally several times worse than a stereotype.

EDIT: To be fair, I admit that I sometimes use ideology labels myself, (EDIT2: Mostly my own, like "of the majority") I guess I'm just not thinking very carefully when I do, but I still don't use them to the same extent (EDIT2: or in the same way) as what I'm complaining about and am trying to cut back on it anyway...

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

That is your best post Matt. Still over long where less words could be used, but #1 wasn't that overwordy for you.
