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[Sticky] photoexchange!

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J-Man... I love ya. Your pictures or always da FREAKING bomb. Keep on rocking.


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there hasnt been a photoexchange in awhile and in the old ones most of the links are dead. and i got a webcam. wooooooooo!

so since im amused by stupid things i ran the cam whilest i was reading mofo posts... yeah.. this is what i look like while im replying.. oh yeah.. and one pic i just look confused in..all of which i look totally white and about 12. (im half mexican and 19 in 40 days)

so me the face behind yer screenname..

Posts: 456
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Awww, isn't she just adorable? :)

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yes i am quite intimidating looking. 😛 thanks.

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=/ Heh...

EDIT: WHOOPSIE! Try that one again.... ^_^;;;

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My picture is coming...I don't know when...but it's coming...

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pretty people!

keep it coming. i want pictures. so i can.. stalk you all?

Posts: 5772
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No chance of me posting up any pics now... ^^;

(actually, there never was) 😛

Posts: 1818
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I'm too lazy to rename and upload anything right now...

Posts: 931
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I lack access to a scanner...

Posts: 917
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Ok, here's my picture....

and in case you're wondering, yes I did cut my face off and place it on a pillow on my bed for this photoexchance :p

Posts: 1619
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Didja happen to cut your fingers off as well while you were doinf it? :p

Posts: 1789
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Srol, you have to lay off those lemons man. Otherwise you get a decent pic with your face all puckered up. ;)

Posts: 980
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For pictures of the brain's behind Mofo's premiere Eagle, then please direct yo' attention to:

That be me, y'arrrgh!!!

B/W Piccie

(Damn college has Geocities blocked off - will double check them later)

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Is anyone gonna post any of their pics?

Posts: 859
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I just got a haircut today, and i dont have acess to a digital camera. The last one of me was taken a few months ago, the link is somewhere on this board posted by Swiftbomb, in a thread entitled something like:

A really evil thing to do.

I dont know the link, and i gotta go. If anyone can find the link???
That was taken a day before my badly needed haircut.

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harharhar. yo, no one on the MoFo has ever seen what i look like. i think its better that way. i dont want to have stalkers. if i ever get a pic of me and scan it, i might show it off to you peeps.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I didn't make thumbnails, but I uploaded a large selection of my photos, ranging from Shadow being lazy to friend Mark carrying a big, illegal .22 semi-automatic to the Her Majesty the Queen and that sleazy bastard Gordon Campbell at a hockey game. Some are big, some are small, so be careful. They can be found here.

You can also find all my photos, complete with thumbnails, from my fifth annual stay at Camp Artaban this year at Artaban 2003. These are all big.

Posts: 34
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Three things regarding the last gallery;

1. Shadow's a wicked looking dog
2. Marcus Naslund is the best sniper in the league (next to Sundin ;) )
3. I envy your life. All of it. The houses, the views, the B.C. scenery... I am definitely retiring there.

After I change the world, of course.

Posts: 489
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An old picture of me and...Here is me on my roof

I dont know why i was on my roof, just bored i guess. That picture is pretty old. Ill try to get a recent one up soon.

Posts: 2116
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Svan's got all of the available recent (ie. less than a year old) pics of me on the hard drive of the computer at home, so I'll ask him about uploading them somewhere.

P.S. Cycle, watch your language.

Posts: 1818
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Clouded: I'm flattered. Thanks a lot. Shadow sends her regards.

Sam: What language? Oooohhh, there it is. Sorry.

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Sam, if you knew who Gordon Campbell was, you'd be calling him a sleazy bastard too.

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Posts: 202
Estimable Member

'Tis not pathetic. You just need to upload the file it's scanned to on the internet.

You probably need somewhere like Graffiti or Geekshelf. Make a free account on something like that (assuming you don't have one already), then you just upload the picture to it, find out it's URL, and link it here.

...erm, I'm not showing any pictures of me. I'm doing you a favour here. :b

Posts: 131
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o.o Wow, it's weird to see what the mofoers really look like... ^_^ CooL!

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It is really weird to see what they look like.
I bet I look the weirdest .U_U

Posts: 40
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Well, you wanted to have it Cosmokitten (although I think that I'm no match for your cuteness, if I might add that...)

We did that picture once during a photo project at school (I was only 17 then, but, hell, I look a lot older...)

A few I did in summer 2002...

... somehow... too near...


That one's not bad, but... ah well, I give up...

Oh yeah, that black strange stuff in my hair should be a foulard. I often wear one to get my hair under control. ^^

Posts: 1583
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These are from 3 years ago, but it'll do for now. I haven't scanned a pic of myself (or even taken many) in awhile.

Posts: 131
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^__^ There's too many defeatist people here!

There's nothing wrong with any of the people I've seen here so far!

Posts: 1818
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Diana: You look like Alanis Morissette in that project pic!

I have some pretty cool pikkies of myself and others that I did in Graphic Design as photo projects, but they're all emulsion-based. And I can't seem to find a scanner that will fit behind my big-ass 19" CRT. Now, if my digital cam was nearly as good as my (father's) Nikon F101x, I'd try and do them again digitally.

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what are you talking about diana? youre prettyness!

woooo the mofos got some hot people 😛 rawr!

Posts: 565
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OOGA BOOGA! hehehe

Whee. Me all normal stupid like. w00t w00t!

Me after checking all my websites, the MoFo, and other boards and when my girlfriend's not online. Notice the drool. ^_^

I's so sexy. Yeeeeeeaaaah. Okay, I'll stop dreaming now. :b

I had a crazy one somewhere but I lost it. ;____; Oh well. :lol

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Wow, thsi is cool seeing the people here. I migth get a pic of me soon, my dad said he has to scan some stuff at work, and I can slip in some pics I wanted of me in then, so you can all see how good I look! Well, actually, I got no clue how good I look, I only look at myself in a few pictures, and in the mirror when I'm combing my hair, and I'm only looking at my hair then...

Posts: 1321
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Diana = cuteness.

True Red, suddenly this joke about you and Dub in love is coming into focus....

Jinsoku, It's scary how you kinda resemble your avatar.

Posts: 419
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Jin - You STILL look like a goober! XD


I really need to get some new pictures of myself up asap...

Posts: 565
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And no, you won't see me naked. ;P


But for just 19.95...! Heh heh heh.

Posts: 11
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...what? You DON'T believe that I'm a sprite-based genetically engineered superhuman with a vengeance towards the Earth Federation and an evil plot to use a virus that turns Earthlings into stone? FINE! DON'T! *humphs fakely*

Posts: 565
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Well I'll be damned. Mm mm mm. Why haven't I noticed those?

Posts: 489
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LMAO Jinsoku!!!! thats great XD!!! perfect replica!

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They're quite good Nick D Biped. Though they both took over 2 minutes to actually get downloaded, it was worth it.

Crimson Kitty, you look so alike to a friend I was knew.:)

Posts: 931
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Nick's pictures get errors on here, for some reason...
As for Cooki? Well... that would be a reason for not posting my picture if I didn't already have one... (ie. no scanner...)

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*clicks links*

Yeah, you're right. They aren't working. But they were working yesterday (as shown by JKK's response). Hmm, odd. o.o

Oh, well. You aren't missing much, trust me. 😛

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Wow, you look even older in that first picture, Nick.

*takes away cane and hands you a walker*

Posts: 2116
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Are those photos still up? They aren't loading at all for me.

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Lemme see here...

So they worked for JKK and Didymus...

...but not for Xag and Sam.

Sorry, Sam, I really have no idea what's going on here right now. 🙁 I have them loaded onto a photo album site called Ezprints, which usually works. I'll look into it tonight after my midterm.

Oh, and Didymus...


Quiet, you. ;P

Edit: *sigh* I just tried linking the thumbnails, and they aren't working either. I'm pretty convinced now that off-site linking isn't permitted. 🙁 (Well, of course it isn't; the site's free, after all :P) Gonna have to find someplace else to host them.

Edit #2: Okay, this might work. Try copying and pasting the URLs listed here.

Picture #1:

Picture #2:

Okay, these seem to work right now. Whether they will later, I'm not sure. 😛

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I saw them the other day when you first posted them.

Posts: 1818
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Thus, we arrive at the conclusion that anything with "EZ" in the title only works when it wants to.

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