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[Sticky] photoexchange!

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Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Dude you're like 20 something lol.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I am quite proud of your hair, Cycle. Looking good!

Posts: 1367
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*looked back at the pic of Trish* dJHWKDJHASjshja

hot. 😀

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Dude you're like 20 something lol

*clutches at chest* I'm wounded =( I am but a mere 18.

Though the highest I've been estimated was 23 o.O

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow you look like a man though. lol XD @ Wesu's response to S x 3 homecoming pic.

Posts: 429
Reputable Member

Whoa... rock on, Crimson. o.o If you weren't wearing that polo shirt, I'd swear you were in a metal band or something. XD

Okay, time to photowhore. And I combed my hair, so don't worry. >_<

And for fans of my hair, I present a collage:

I'm such a whore. XP

And wait, only one more bandwidth-wasting photo, I got a kickass shirt at the mall today:


Posts: 512
Honorable Member

*Gives Luke a Vax, and steals his Sonic shirt*

*Runs away*

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

That's the best shirt EVER. Do you know if there's any way to get it over here via the Intertron?

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Kickin' bass, dude. You in a band?

Posts: 429
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Wes: Ha, I wish. :p Plus I've only been playing for 4 months, so I doubt I'm very good. I'm going to take lessons this summer, so hopefully I can polish my skillz.

Jman: I have no idea. I got it at JC Penny, and it's made by Top Heavy Clothing, if that's of any use.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member



I shall at last reveal my non-plebeian visage to you all.

I am to be bombarded with comments at this time! =O

[That pic's about a month old already, BTW.]

Posts: 21
Eminent Member


That's the best shirt EVER. Do you know if there's any way to get it over here via the Intertron?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Luke that guitar is awesome. As well as the shirt. I didn't know they made soem more Sonic shirts, I have the 1st two now I can get 3 more. Yays.

Posts: 429
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Velotix's image makes Baby Dial-Up cry. ;_;

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Envies Luke's hair and T-Shirt* I could only DREAM of having long hair that thin! You, sir, have got true awesomeness down to an artform I previously believed Josh and Cycle were only able to achieve. You get Bronze Medal!

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Me. At a Burger King. Ohyes.

Just some random, emo-poser photo I took.

Shifty-Ollie the Loading Dock. <3

Posts: 429
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I HEART BURGER KING ALEX. ^____________________^

And thank you, Craig. Have a cookie. ^.^

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

Well, I'm not going to shrink the picture size so you'll just have to put up with it. =P

Posts: 333
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Topic starter

Very stylish Bomber ^^.

And Boss.... I give you my props, I dig the facial hair.

As for Lukes shirt, I've seen it at Hot Topic and....well (wears the other Sonic shirt I got instead) >> Everyone else wore THAT one...I had to be unique. I dig the hair. ^^


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I want that pink shirt, and we have yet another awesome skater'y person in thie thread, YAY!!!

Oh, and I'm a sexy-sophisticated lot! Now, womens, get swooning! ^-^

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Craig sort of looks like Sage with glasses. :O

Posts: 1367
Noble Member


Cool pics, Craig. I envy your little sword type dealy. 🙁

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

Pictures my mate Craig (Omni Hunter) took of the wacky times we had last night in London. Go take a look-see! I looked especially sexy in my two-tone ensemble.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Verily, tis true! J-Man is sex on wheels!

Say, Josh. Would you like me to send you the London photos, from when you, Lee and Astrid came? There are some pretty good shots of you guys :)

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

No need for the anime gel...
HERE! Pure 100% grease! 😉

EDIT: XD XD XD XD @ J's pics
FRIGGIN' CLASSIC! Especially the pole dancing!

Posts: 151
Estimable Member

well heres me...

me now

me couple months ago

crappy web camera.... i need to shave:nn;

Posts: 1367
Noble Member


Yes, I need to shave. Yes, my hair's wet. Yes, that lighting makes me look ghostly pale. Yes, my glasses magnify my eyes. No, I'm not pretty. So that's the best I could do. >:O

JustABagOfBlood: on yer upper lip
JustABagOfBlood: that's so
JustABagOfBlood: ugly, but cute at the same time
JustABagOfBlood: it's like
JustABagOfBlood: looking at a pug. o_o
Wesumania: XD

Posts: 336
Reputable Member


Say, Josh. Would you like me to send you the London photos, from when you, Lee and Astrid came? There are some pretty good shots of you guys

plz plz plz

Posts: 512
Honorable Member


Craig sort of looks like Sage with glasses. :O

Yeah, I thought that at first, however a moment later it clicked,


Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Oh deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member




My life cannot continue beyond this moment.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


So I'll do both. *does so*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

*does both as well*

Posts: 4
New Member

"Acriokun SMACKS Jaffa
White Shadow (5:06 pm): ...actually nevermind
Mr Creosote (5:06 pm): Here's your chance!
Deckman hugs Jaffa
Craig Bayfield shoves Acrio and pounces Jaffa, punching him constantly, like Fight Club!
Deckman then smacks him
Jaffa Cake123 (5:06 pm): T_T
Acriokun puts Jaffa over the universe's knee
Jaffa Cake123 (5:06 pm): WHY ME!?!??!?!
Jaffa Cake123 (5:07 pm): Uh-oh
White Shadow (5:07 pm): anne robinson comparison pic."

It was worth it....... I think X_X

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Dear God that's disturbing.

And strangely sexy.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

This is the first time I've been able to get his to work, so....

This is the real turtle guy.

Posts: 333
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Topic starter

STAR WARS FAN!!!! *high fives*

Very slick. ^_^


Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Thank you! *returns hi five*
Did you catch the shirt? It's like a skull and crossbones thing, only with Vader's helmet and 2 lightsabers. *loves it*

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Yes that is what I look like...I have more shots of me and the results of my daily bodybuilding (8 miles a day and over 10K in pounds lifted!) but I'm not in the mood...:annoyed

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yo dude...I love the shades. And Turtle Guy the shirt rules indeed. I need to get osme of my bodybuilding shots on here. >_>

Posts: 333
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Topic starter

Mhm, I think we can all agree, Tornadot is a harcore badarse. Very nice choice on the shades.


Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Pic is 4 monthes old but w/e...only barable one I could find that I might want to post : /

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Some photos are on my myspace profile:
The main one is about a year old though... 😛

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Assuming that still works, dat be moi.

To explain the quality: it's a free digital camera, just a box of plastic with two buttons and a USB cable. And a viewfinder. But it worked.

Oh and I didn't shave either today when I posted it, so sorry I'm not looking my best.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Terg, you beast of a man. I could just eat you up.

Posts: 151
Estimable Member


dude awesome, now i can find you when i go down to carbondale.:thumbsup

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Well, I got me a digital camera just so I could post my pic here. I didn't know which one look better so I decided to post all three and see which one was the best. WARNING: UGLY DUDE UP AHEAD.:] And now Super Rayzor:



Posts: 1201
Noble Member

I believe you have my stapler, Rayzor.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Nice pic look like a very established, successful, and busy CEO of some company. And old are you, dude? Like

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Dude, I thought I told you how old I was, Neal. Any who, how old do you think I look, then I tell ya.

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