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[Sticky] photoexchange!

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I got a webcam for christmas, and I just remembered I haven't used it to post any pictures yet. Silly me.

So, without further ado:

That's me, plain and simple.

And I showed this one in the chat a week or so ago, but I'll share it with everyone now, and you can admire my magical skills.


*runs away*

Posts: 1381
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*LOL's at OTB's NO U! pic*

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best noU pic.

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Thank you, thank you.

Posts: 100
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You look older than I imagined, OTB. I always imagined you as young and boyish like your avatar. Or possibly as Ray the Squirrel. One or t'other.

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OTB's Hair > Craig's Hair


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I'll kill you both! Uncontrollable laughter at NO U or not, NO ONE UPSTAGES THE GINGER! :"> [

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sorry craig, face the facts, the love of ginger people have dropped this january by 23% so far

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Okay, I'm scared now. :(((

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Craig's hair totally slays OTB's and everyone else's except Herman Li (no offense OTB).

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<3 @ John. You'll get a midnight massage for that one boy, never let it be said that the Bayfield doesn't treat those who treat him ^_~

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I have quite a lot so I'll just link'm all. ^^ (I look like I'ma slap people) (me and my darling Nikita) (OH NOES YOU INSULT MY HONOR!!!)

Forgive the low quality, they're all from my new webcam.


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It's actually a patch that Nikita sewed on for my overcoat. ^^;


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T2k...About your pic...

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You twisted....son of a....



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*giggles* you guys are insane. ^.^;;

canadaa~ the land of the snooow~!

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You and My Will look so damn sweet together! He looks older than I'd have thought, but that's an uber uber sweet piccie! ^^

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and he's younger then you. 😛

thanks! if i look a bit wierd, it's because it was something like -10 and his parents made us stand knee-deep in snow to get a nice background for it. ^^;

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and he's younger then you. 😛

That's why. Now I feel even smaller... I thought I breached the 18/19 look... but I'm still stuck around 15/16 aren't I ;.;

The snowy background is what really makes the piccy cute though. I envy you for having snow there ^^

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it's his lil' beard, it does add a few years to his looks. ^^;

if things end up the way they're looking, in two years i might end up living there for awhile.

(*tried posting this 10 minutes ago, but some idiot set off the fire alarm with her hair straighteners again*)

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^__^ I hope that all goes well! *Cheers you on* MoFo Couples make the cutest couples and it'd be great to see another pair moving together ^^

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Heheh. I really shoulda kept that pic of my girlfriend and I before we split.

You two look good together, Becca. o.o

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hee, i guess we are a MoFo couple, as he did post here once or twice years ago. ^^

*cookies to you both*

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Well now, that was very darling Becca ^^ You...just look cold. XD
New pictures from my birthday last night.

Me, Nikita, my mom, and my dad

And know, Kita is not taller than me, I was just sitting against the couch and she kinda pounce-clinged onto me. These are only two of the pictures, (of like....five XP but they're enough)

EDIT: smiles are messed up because my mom tried to get us to laugh, and I tried my damndest to hold it in. And my hair was a disaster all day. =b


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Judging from the akward angle his first pic is at, I don't really care about OTB's hair, he has a cute looking face.

Posts: 1134
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Nice pictures, everyone is beautiful, etc, etc.

Now onto important matters: me! 😀

I am the sexual man-beast on the right in the Velvet Revolver t-shirt. The mosaic'd guy is my friend Rich, but you don't know him so whatever.

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It looks like it's colder there in Canada than it is here in Minnesota...It's almost 50*F here today...almost a record high...Whatever snow we did have is going to be gone by the weekend :-(... I envy you Becca! That's a very nice picture though!

Wow...I feel really out of place here...I'm the only person who doesn't have long hair...Actually, there was that one time where I 'had' long hair

That's me in the back...I was Trinity in the Matrix, a project me and a buddy did for our Spanish class... Here's more pics for the movie...

I did have blue hair once...for a couple hours...

My facebook album #1...
My Senior Year shots...

One last lookin' cool, managing my old High School's Football team...( If you say I'm a Waterboy...I'll...partially agree with you...I also film, fix helmets, and cheer the team on from the side lines)
The funny thing about my gig is that the ladies abosolutely love it... I had a junior girl beg me to come back next year so I can be their her senior year! I actually graduated last year, but the coach asked me to help out this past season as well...

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sadly i'm now back in good ol' gloomy england. ^^; envy me no more!

funky hair. shame blue dye doesn't last long.

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From my friend's birthday party in 2003. FIND ME AND WIN

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I seeee j00, Wesu. ^_^


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You're the guy hiding in the bushes perving over everyone, I know it...
Just kidding, I know you're at the back doing the bunny ears.
The standing-up girl on the left and the girl on the far right kinda look like people I know, but that's probably because the photo's at a distance so it's not as clear as it could be.

Posts: 4885
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Loving the blue hair! *laughs* We have a Cycle wannabe!
and I honestly don't know which one you are Wes. I'll guess that you're bunny-earring the guy infront.

T2K, I've commented on your jacket enough in IM. But dang I love it, almost enough to trade my denim S&K. ALMOST...


Excuse the ego... but

Been playing about with tools to help my picture editting go a bit better, as taking a photo (digitally) is only half the battle in most cases. Took an old photo which I loved but came out bad and tried to make it look nicer, and also took two different shots with my camera on different settings and then used the computer to alter the lighting.

Here are the results:

Old and lovely photo recovered, colours touched up, more vivid and lighter, sharpness has been uped slightly.

Playing with darkness. B&W Photo

Playing with brightness, blue tinted shot.

Posts: 2354
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And here we have Champion Samanfur Lucky Rush of the Highlands, an adorable dog from Sir Bayfield of London....


** notices he has watched one too many Dog shows ** :p

Posts: 39
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Wesu = kiddy giving bunny ears to someone.

Posts: 1367
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i am so not that retard stfu

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so many pictures to deface. i cant choose which ones TO deface. =(

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i hate you so bad right now

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You rule, Ackypoo. That made me laugh outloud! :D

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I LOLed.

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I came.



I mean LOLed.



You heard nothing!

*dives out the window*

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And now for your viewing pleasure... I have pictures...and not just any pictures my brethren...MOVING Pictures (no Craig...not Rush...)

If you want to see where I originally used the blue hair check out [ newwindow]this video.[/link]

It's from my senior talent show...(I had that kid record it for me...I'm Boston...). The girl who blows me a kiss is the girl I love...

If you're looking for a Matrix fix look no further...My buddy and I filmed this last year for our spanish class...we had to act out part of a movie in spanish...So we used an online translation service and made this...What was originally was supposed to be a 5 minute project turned into a 20+ minute extravigansa...we got A+'s on this...
[ newwindow]Part 1[/link][ newwindow]Part 2[/link]

And here is a stopmotion animation project I did for a 10th grade art class...another A+ project...Not the best camera, but...meh, it was my first film...the music is what matters...You should all appreciate the SA2 songs and, possibly, the Queen... [ newwindow]T3 Chapter IV: RAID[/link]

Posts: 336
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Just another day at college.

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Awww you're precious, but your shirt makes me feel dirty.

Posts: 800
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lol, sexy shirt

Posts: 1134
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Take me now and make and wild and passionate man-love to me, you sexy beast!

Also lol @ post title.

Posts: 2354
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You look like you want to do something dirty to the person who took your picture.

Is it a girl? Can I have her number and let her [CENSORED, OMGWTFBBQ!]?

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