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[Sticky] photoexchange!

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Posts: 2354
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Any post-haircut pics, Craig?

Posts: 4885
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If you wish.

...what, did you think I'd get it SHORT?!

Posts: 2354
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I'd thought you had your hair shorter than that.

Then again, it's your hair and if someone wants to give you a shaving then THAT'S NO GOOD. 😛

Posts: 178
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But Spiner, Alcoholic beverages practically spawn in my vicinity! The probability, low as it may be, will tend to one over time! Spiner is going to hurt me D: *hides under Craig's luxurious hair*

Posts: 210
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lol Craig you look like my spaniel XD

Not that i'm a bed of roses either though:

Posts: 800
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Gah, Craig, you make me envious. Your hair is long and not thick (unlike my short hair which gets uber thick when long).


Posts: 489
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A face to match the Pundit name! Gettn' a little happy with that camera eh?

Posts: 2016
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Craig! I've seen the light!

I love your hair.. n_n Your long, flowing locks..

Posts: 2928
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*shaves Craig's hair off in his sleep and sells it on ebay to all his fangirls... and boys.*

Posts: 2232
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My mum made me cut my hair last weekend. =(

It's now a whole inch shorter than it was D:

Posts: 1358
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I keep my hair short I don't have to worry 😀

Posts: 800
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My hair is beginning to grow again. =D

Posts: 99
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Back from the dead... again


Posts: 2723
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Boredom pictures! All taken at school, curse that air conditioned building. ><

Close up... no real reason for this one.

Last one. Not really looking into the camera in this one. <.<

Posts: 210
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So here's a thought. Wide angle lenses suffer from barrel distortion. Stay away from closeups when taking photos with one of them compact cameras/webcams eh?

Posts: 182
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guess who won ^^

Posts: 1241
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I can see your eaaaaaaaaaaars Purdy... And there's Atlantis! 😀

Gyser was bludging around home today, and decided to make like the cam-whore he is, and take photos to share with the internets.


My bowl of doomzors! Now with Doritos!

Am I metal enough?

Me and one of my homies.

Me and my other homie.

Apologies for me looking red in any photos. It was rather warm today, and apologies for my teeth. I was eating some lollies before I took the photos and they stained my teeths. <<

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Am I metal enough?
No. Might I suggest more pentagrams?

Posts: 182
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Posts: 182
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yeah.. I was supposed to be cleaning the bathroom

Posts: 955
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Spot the Tricia, get a hug!

(By the way, these are the Chamber Singers this year. We go around caroling for the holiday season. It's one of the funnest things we do 😀 It's a lot of fun, and the costumes are awesome. ^^)

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 815
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First Row, second in from the left


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Seniooor phootoo!

Posts: 955
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First off, **hugs to Hiro** 😀

Second, omgwtf @ Acrio. You look strangely familiar o_o Vaguely resembling a friend of mine before he grew out his hair. If it were curly and orange, that is. Wow. That's not really how I expected you to look at all, but at the same time, it fits. XD

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Ah yes, I forgot. Everyone on the internet is a dirty middle-aged pedophile posing as a senior in high school. How dare I go and assume he post a picture of his real self. ^^;

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

Yep, that's me managing my second to last Football game... Taken at the Metrodome in Minneapolis, MN... WE'RE STATE CHAMPS!!! WOOOT!

and Oo @ Acrio... I need video proof that that is Acrio...

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lol Time Space continuim

Posts: 1201
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Austin, go to your room.

That's the spirit, Sage!

Posts: 2097
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Boston, you look totally out of place with all those big and buff men. 😀

Posts: 815
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Sad thing is I'm at least 2 years older than those dudes...

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Yea, you look oddly photoshopped in, Boston man. Still an awesome shot.

Posts: 2232
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I still maintain you look far to much like my younger brother o.o @ Busstop

Posts: 815
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Oo... That's freaky...

Yeah, I look young... Although it sucks right now, hopefully I'll stay this way for a while... I don't want to end up balding like my dad D:

Posts: 4336
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Well, I suppose people should finally know what I look like.

So here ya go.

I'm like one of the only people on the forum with uber-short hair. o.o

Posts: 2232
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YOu look so.... frightened o.O

Posts: 800
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I... Agree. With Crimson. 0_O

Posts: 4336
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It's meant to be like a 'Thinker' pose.

Notice my eye, quietly staring at the camera. :O

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Ultra's high.

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Why did everyone abandon the topic after Ultra posted

Posts: 2016
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I'm sure there's a logical explanation for that.

Posts: 1367
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I had a picture of me but I lost it.

Posts: 4336
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I'll have you know I've never taken drugs.

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I have

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I thought I should let Ultra know that his head is exceptionally large and ill-proportioned. If this is the result of a medical defect I apologize but otherwise HAHAHAHA BIGHEAD

Posts: 4336
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My hands are just tiny compared to the rest of my body. o.o

Posts: 955
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That's not very nice... @ Wonderbat.

Otherwise... you actually look pretty much how I thought you would. ^^ Not a bad thing, just kinda interesting how your online personality fits your RL appearance.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Looking at it again, it does appear that his hands are just tiny as hell.

Ultra looks...disgusted, like he jsut ate something bad.

Placeholder; I'll edit a photo of me taken with my grandparents later.

Posts: 4336
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I despise smiley photos.

Not because I don't like smiling. It's just that they're EVERYWHERE.

I don't want to just smile all the time. I want to pose in other ways! Hence, the picture you now see.

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I despise smiley photos.
Drop the razor, emo kid.

Posts: 4336
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You'd rather see my braces?

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