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[Sticky] photoexchange!

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@ Purdy

He's beautiful, just like his mommy Congrats!

Posts: 955
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AWWWW CONGRATULATIONS **HUGS ALL AROUND** **and gentle hugs the baby** ^___^ He's sooooo adoooorable

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2809
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Ditto to everyone saying how adorable your son is Purdy; I just love babies!!! ^_^

Posts: 608
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Break out the cigars, we have a new baby boy!

Congratulations on the little miracle Purdy!!

Also, great name you choose for him.

Posts: 398
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Congratulations Purdy! I'm glad that Aumori is nice and healthy.

Posts: 620
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/me claps

Congrats, Purdy. He looks frikkin' cute!

Now I ask this to every one of my current friends with newborns, but they always tell me to eff off. But you should have him grow a baby fro!!! Nothing looks more bad ass and strangely adorable than a little baby with a bro fro.

Posts: 182
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lol Dont think I havent tried, but his hair is way too straight =/

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A friend at work snapped this photo of me about to doze off.

The lights are on, but nobody's home
Also, my stubble has erupted into full-blown facial hairage.

Posts: 620
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You sir, are growing a neckbeard. Watch out.

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"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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Criobun lives in the video for Take on me?

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sandvitch? WHERE??????

Posts: 1134
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Fangoram, this thread is for photos of users and discussion thereof. Non-seqiturs and random images aren't relevant to the thread so please don't do it again. That's what the SPA is for. 😛

Posts: 182
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not one of our best pictures ^^;

"whatsup ladies? "

I think I was singing to him lol

No idear what he's pointing at (ignore the mess in the background ^^; )

Posts: 1134
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Purdy your baby is cute.

Posts: 198
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Awesome, Purdy.

Posts: 2915
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wow, you two are so cute

Posts: 608
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Awww Purdy, he's gonna be a heartbreaker. Such a handsome young man!

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You should be going for a che gueverra look.

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...*pinches Bubys face* ^__________^ *runs*

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A more badass photo I have NEVER seen!

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o rly?

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Holy s, how could I forget about CHUCK F**G NORRIS?!?!?! I stand corrected, TTG, I stand corrected.

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My new computer and its built-in webcam frightens and confuses me.

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You and the rest of us, Srolly.

Posts: 489
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I'm a dork. Enough said.

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Sir, that is freaking awesome

That said, I roll with the dark side

yeah, what up

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That said, I roll with the dark side

It's because they have cookies, right?

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My mom and I took my senior pictures last weekend. =D

and BOOM and headshot

Posts: 182
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mommy and bee baby (he was supposed to go as a monkey but it didnt look right)

he wakes up like this every morning

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Posts: 398
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Purdy, that's so cute! I love the pics!

Also, nice pics TTG, you look suave. For some reason, you look older than 17 though.

Posts: 3756
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Thanks! ^^

lol that could as well have been purdy's reply

Your baby is so cute. ^^ *pinch cheeks* *tackled by linebacker*

Posts: 197
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now play DDR with me [

Posts: 5772
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You're doing it wrong.

DDR pad is for FEETS, not CHEEKS.

Posts: 980
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Just because I felt like it, here's me imitating my own Character - Mobius himself!

...Oh god, there's no hope for me now. XD

Posts: 198
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Yup. Boredom.

Posts: 197
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You're doing it wrong.

DDR pad is for FEETS, not CHEEKS.

then you haven't played DDR with your charisma [

Posts: 1827
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This is me, trying to look serious and stuff.

This is Sam. He is so sweet. He thinks he is people.

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Turtle's in trouble.

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Mom fails at good pictures, but I guess I also fail at smiling, paying attention to how my vest is, and looking like a dweeb with short hair. Taken at the hotel room where we stayed for my brother's wedding last week.

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Hahaha nice one TTG. XD! Astrid makes two-face look so cute. 😛 Also very nice impersonation of your alter ego Mobius. 😛 I should put a pic of my crazy dog on here. XD! And Saff...ummm, what?

This is fairly recent[maybe...3 weeks ago]...from a project one of friend's is doing for her international relations club.

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Christmas Kitty!

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Haha nice Craig. A Rush shirt? Of course why not? 😛

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