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Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro?

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Posts: 1567
Noble Member
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Now most don't know but I do a lot of photography and drawing and sometimes use an image editing program but I'm curious as to the benefits of Photoshop over Paint Shop Pro. I thought they were always the same thing but that PS had a few more options and was always out of my price range as opposed to PSP which seemed a bit more user friendly, had many of the same features and was a bit easier on the checkbook but hey, maybe I was wrong.

Posts: 57
Trusted Member

i'd say photoshop, because i have photoshop 5 and psp 9 and i prefer photoshop even though its 4 versions behind...
psp really doesn't do much....and photoshop is not too hard to get the hang of.

hope i helped :D

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I've never really taken a good look at PhotoShop - which I'd like to, since I like working on my own LJ userpics and it seems to have more filters - but PSP does most other things that I'd want it to.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i've used both over the years.
PSP is good for lettering and last i checked, has a nice and handy basic animation programme bundled with it.
it's good if you want a more affordable programme as it covers most of what you'd want from a computer art programme.

i've grown to like photoshop more due to it being more flexable with layers and suchlike. (although it lacks the colour replacement brush that pro has, i miss that tool! ;-;)

but yes, it is horrendiously expensive. >>;

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

I don't remember ever using PSP, although I use Photoshop a lot.

I can't really add much, other than warn you that it has a nasty habit of detecting the tiniest change to the computer (installing a game or backing up the computer can do it) then insisting you register it again.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

hmmm. I've got Photoshop on my computer at home. Seems nice but I need to get a dummies guide to it before I start really using it.

I use Paint mainly because it is reeeeeally freakin easy.

I think someone from here helped me acquire PS for "cheap"...

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I prefer Paint Shop Pro. Much easier to work with and does a few things better than Photoshop. Cheaper too.

I'm sure Photoshop does some things better than PSP as well, but PSP provides you with more than enough features to do whatever you want.

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

I always go for PSP every time, it covers everything I need, and I guess it's more user freindly, because I could never get into PS when I tried it.

But really, I don't use a lot of features anyway, for the longest time I made do with Fireworks...

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I actually migrated from PSpro a LONG ass time ago. I used to swear by it, and thought Photoshop was all sorts of hard and confusing.

Then I learned how to use it, and haven't looked back since. The handy work of layering, masks, and certain effects that you can pull off easily, in more ways than one, are some of MY personal advantages to how Photoshop works.

Whoever said it, I used to @#%$ about the lack of text editing in Photoshop, but ever since CS I've had absolutely no problems. I used to have an online comic, and when Photoshop introduced CS I was in heaven.

Then my comic died. :)

Photoshop, to me, was very choppy, had a horrible layering layout, things didn't come out as smooth, lacked a lot of features and effects (NO, not lens flare, I mean stuff that can get good use when mixed right), etc etc.

If I remember right, after I moved from one to the other, the only major advantage I loved about PSpro was how quick it loaded, since it's not such a resource whore. I'm pretty sure that holds true, today.
