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"Ho Ho Ho" No Mo'?

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Santa is Sexist!

SYDNEY (AFP) - Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional "ho ho ho" greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday.

Sydney's Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say "ha ha ha" instead, the Daily Telegraph reported.

One disgruntled Santa told the newspaper a recruitment firm warned him not to use "ho ho ho" because it could frighten children and was too close to "ho", a US slang term for prostitute.

"Gimme a break," said Julie Gale, who runs the campaign against sexualising children called Kids Free 2B Kids.

"We are talking about little kids who do not understand that "ho, ho, ho" has any other connotation and nor should they," she told the Telegraph.

"Leave Santa alone."

A local spokesman for the US-based Westaff recruitment firm said it was "misleading" to say the company had banned Santa's traditional greeting and it was being left up to the discretion of the individual Santa himself.

....I'm sorry.....WHAT?

Posts: 419
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"What" is right? That's a load of horse pucky.

political correctness has gotten downright out of freaking control.

Posts: 2191
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Then how come you didn't typed in "downright out of f***ing control" WB? lol

Posts: 2016
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This issue has come up repeatedly for the past several years.

But what really gets me these days is that at the store I work out, we're not allowed to play Christmas carols over the PA system in case we offend the minorities.

Posts: 955
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Tell you what, when they make more Hannukah or Kwanzaa carols, then you'll be allowed to play Christmas as long as they all get equal play time.

In other words, wtfmates. o.o

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1694
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Pathetic, just purely pathetic. If someone complained about it, I'd like to know who they were so I could smack 'em a few times.

Posts: 5035
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I thought the slang term was ho'. Heh...but yea...this is terrible. In 100 years, I can seriously see every word having some kind of negative counterpart.

Posts: 1567
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Heh...just a sign of how words can change over time...remember when people used to use the word gay because it meant happiness? Still...this is hilarious. Who cares about Santa anyways? What did he have to do with Christmas...:cuckoo

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Like when b**** meant a female dog? :crazy

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It hasn't stopped.

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*watches dog show*



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This topic makes me want to make the word "the" offensive.

"The" now means evil racist sex selling person of the same race and opposite sex as the speaker who doesn't like Mario Galaxy. Get to censoring!

Posts: 1694
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Or better yet, give the word "is" an offensive term. Then nobody would be able to speak if they didn't want to offend anyone else.

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"Ha Ha Ha! Merry Christmas!"

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"Ha ha! Merry Christmas!"

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"Ha Ha Ha! Merry Christmas!"

No. It's Happy Holidays, or else other people will be offended...

Political Correctness can go to hell. I don't find it offensive if someone wishes me a Happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.

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Sadly when I saw the title I knew what it was going to be about before I even came in. Sad that some of us humans have become this sensitive. I also agree with what Hiro said.

Posts: 2723
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This is definitely a load of baloney. Santa Claus has always said "Ho ho ho!" and I've never heard of anyone ever being offended. If everybody wants to be politically correct, then pull out every piece of satire from newspapers, radio and television.

Heck, maybe the FCC could censor real life. :crazy

Besides, "HA HA HA" doesn't even sound right.

Posts: 2915
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Heck, maybe the FCC could censor real life.

Family Guy did it

Posts: 489
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maybe he should say "L-O-L" so that the net nerds can feel special too.

Posts: 2610
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wait better yet, "lol! Merry Christmas, and a lulzy New Year!"

Posts: 2723
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Family Guy did it

That was my point, Hiro, you ruined it. :<

Posts: 3468
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I'm, going to wish all the minority types I know a merry christmas, just to see if anyone gets pissed off.

Ha ha ha! Happy Holidays!

I hate to say it, but Bill O'Reilly's War on Christmas crap isn't entirely incorrect. =/ C'mon, world, stop making him right, he makes republicans look (worse) bad.

Posts: 3291
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next they'll insist on a 'Mrs santa' present at all times, as only ever seeing a male santa is sexist. beard optional.

..tho' i'm betting that's been done already. >>;

Posts: 488
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I also read some news stuff on the Yahoo front page about people trying to turn Santa from fat to fit because a fat Santa sets a bad example to kids.

This is the Santa of the new millennium.

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Why is he gray

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Everyone is a victim, Everyone wants revenge. I refuse to claim Generation X, they're a bunch whiney little idjits that need to be spanked and sat in the corner.

Oh and anything Bill O'Whiney does is automatically stupid based on the fact that he's a bag of big blubbering bullcookie.


Posts: 534
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I hear about this @#%$ every year during the holidays and everyone acts like its such a big deal, yet I haven't met anyone who has actually had any policy telling them that they specifically CAN'T say anything traditional during the holidays.

In other words, the only reason this stuff makes the news is because it's ridiculous and no one in actual land has to actually do any of it.

Posts: 2398
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It's absurd though. It'd be like my boss coming up to me and saying, "You know, you could come to work naked. I'm not saying you have to, but you know you could if you want to."

Why would you WANT to change something like that? You don't see them saying "Well you COULD have a mister and mister Claus so it doesn't offend the gay community". Or them doing away with Reindeer because it might offend Furries.

It's stupid. That's simply all there is to it. This is a messageboard, and that is MY message.


Posts: 1055
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... WTF? This malarky makes me one sad panda. Come on, Christmas is screwed up as it is with its comercialness. XD I mean... at the local mall, there's already Christmas decorations. Went up like a week after Halloween. :crazy

Posts: 2723
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I've seen holiday sales stuff in my local paper in the middle of October, before Halloween. I think that's as extreme as commercialism and marketing can get. o.o

Posts: 2809
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Heck, that's nothing. There were inflatable Christmas decorations <b>in</b> the Wal-Mart were I worked at before Christmas was over, but I'm not surprised seeing as before Christmas is even over we'll probably be seeing Valentine cards. It's a never ending cycle!!

Posts: 620
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It should be:

"Ha haaa... Christmas!"

Posts: 4607
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I don't watch Birdman much. Sue me. Have Manfred von Karma prosecute and everything. I'm sure, if I asked Harvey to defend me, that HE'LL TAKE THE CASE

Posts: 4336
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Christmas decorations. In SEPTEMBER.

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>_< LOL!

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Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional "ho ho ho" greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday.

If that's the case, I wonder how many women in Australia are "ho's" for an absurd ruling like this to even be though of?

Posts: 2016
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If that's the case, I wonder how many women in Australia are "ho's" for an absurd ruling like this to even be though of?

I take offense to this! We treat all our *****es with respect, yo.

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I heard that Santa is going to be banned from malls due to supporting pedophilia. Don't quote me on that though, its too ridiculous to be true. Then again...

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He knows when you are sleeping...

Posts: 1402
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how is it sexist? look at deuce bigalow, he was a ho'

Posts: 2191
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He knows when you are sleeping...

He's know when you're awake
He knows if you've been BAD or GOOD
So be GOOD for goodness sake.

Knowing that one have been BAD or GOOD eh? O_o

It's no one business but their own and whoever they've been bad or good with. o.o

Posts: 1758
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I'm, going to wish all the minority types I know a merry christmas, just to see if anyone gets pissed off.

It doesn't make people pissed off, it makes them uncomfortable. I'd rather not have to get into why I don't say Merry Christmas back or get involved with the customs every time I talk to somebody.


I hate to say it, but Bill O'Reilly's War on Christmas crap isn't entirely incorrect.

Yes it is. Asking people to be inclusive is not a war on Christmas.

Posts: 2915
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I'm, going to wish all the minority types I know a merry christmas, just to see if anyone gets pissed off.

It doesn't make people pissed off, it makes them uncomfortable. I'd rather not have to get into why I don't say Merry Christmas back or get involved with the customs every time I talk to somebody.

lol, so you get uncomfortable when others wish you a good day? Are you so socially awkward that you cannot emulate any sign of joy at other people? What if you aren't Irish? Do you refuse to greet anyone on St Patty's Day?

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Everyone has their different hang-ups. I hate looking at that roommate of yours but you seem to enjoy taking pictures of him. :(

Posts: 2915
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Actually one of his buddies took "that" picture... That's my poor tiki in front of him =

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