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Reccommend a board game please

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So a bunch of people from my office soon came to the conclusion that we had a vast store of dorks and a deppressingly small store of dorky boardgames to play. We've begun stocking up on them to begin an official game night.

Now I came to this new game night with an agenda: Arkham Horror, Risk, Settlers of Catan, Omega Virus...but I've begin to run out of new board games to bring to the table.

So please, any suggestions you have of dorky boardgames, contribute so that I may inflict them upon my unsuspecting coworkers. I think you can get a good taste of my tastes from the titles I put down, but for what it's worth, I'm willing to give anything a try. Just so long as it's something I can buy reasonably (in other words, available in places other than reasonably) and not a "classic" boardgame. (i.e. Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Chess, etc).

Let 'em roll.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Get an Ouija board. That'll keep you guys entertained for awhile 8D

Other than that, I'd recommend Scrabble. I know it'd probably fall under "Classic Board Game" status, but the infinite possibilities make it so much fun regardless of how many times you play it. Of course, when it deteriorates to "who can make the largest word?", that's fun too.

Though it isn't a board game, have you ever played "Set"? As far as I've seen, it's not a classic game and only requires a specific deck of cards to play. Again, there are virtually infinite possibilities here, my only concern would be to actually find this deck of cards (most places I've gone to don't have it).

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Posts: 1437
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Maybe this should go in the Gaming Academy... or not.

Might I suggest that you branch out beyond board games and into card games? I'm not talking about CCGs, I mean games like Apples to Apples, which is a classic and essentially never fails to please. In a Pickle is another great game with a similar concept. If you want to get especially dorky, there's no better game than Munchkin, a fantasy-role-plying-parody card game that is simply a blast and has a ton of expansions and alternate versions.

And, of course, you can never go wrong with Uno, which can get ridiculously competitive. My friends and I play with special rules called "stacking" which makes the game ridiculously fun.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

YES! Apples to Apples rules. we played at on camous this past fall. It was a hoot. People were crying of laughter. Also...Jenga[while it's neither a board or card game] is great as well. Mad Gab always looked fun, but I never played it. Or how about Dirty Minds. Never played it, but it seems to be a real fun game.

Posts: 917
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I completely forgot about Apples to Apples? They actually sell that as a pre-made game? Every time I've played it, it was improvised.

Posts: 2915
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Oh, card games too? I'd personally go for Uno Attack... where the machine will randomly spit out cards at you. I don't remember how to play it, but Gorilla Uno is amazing as well. All I remember is it is incredibly fast. If you move too slow, the person after you can lay down a card first :crazy

OH... Almost forgot. Phase 10. Another awesome card game. And cheap too :D

Posts: 731
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I know you're prolly not into CCG's but if you are...



Posts: 233
Estimable Member

"Zombies!!!" is good fun, and has various expansions if it proves popular. "Carcassonne" is also quite good fun, although I never really got into it. "Mare Nostrum" is great fun, especially if you have all 5 players. "Puerto Rico" also tends to be quite fun. "Legend of the 5 Rings" is also worth a mention.

"A Game of Thrones" and "Munchkin", although not strictly board games, are also good fun - although Munchkin can drag on for far too long...

"Diplomacy" is good fun, but works better as a game played over a long period of time, with a day or so in between turns, than trying to play it in one day/night.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. May think of more later...

Posts: 3291
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cluedo, junior monoploy, othello and various card games (wot and games like sevens with a normal pack of cards) keep me and my family occupied on those long winter evenings. :p

munchkin and super munchkin are fine with small amounts of people, but anything over 4 people playing you're looking at a 3-5 hour game, at least. x.@; and that's excluding the time taken explaining the rules.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

If card games're in, I swear by Once Upon a Time and Chrononauts, myself - if you can find yourself a deck.

Posts: 300
Reputable Member

Old Board Games:

Monopoply (always a classic in any form really),
Cluedo - the original version (its a challenge and makes you think),
Othello (technically not a board game but good fun),
Mouse Trap (who remembers the TV show of this one?),
Ghost castle ( I dont know if people will remember this?),
If you count HeroQuest as a board game, it's always fun for some basic "D&D"-esque RPG stuff.

There are tons more I used to play, but goodness me, I cannot remember most of them.

Posts: 4607
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Why has nobody mentioned Sorry!?

In fact, when you play it, play the Strategy variant of it - every player gets five cards at the start and can play any one of them on their turn - played cards are, of course, discarded, and a new card replaces them. Either way, it's more fun - and less random - than the normal version.

Posts: 2232
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Ninja Burger is good fun, simple, and really, with a game about a ninja fast food chain, how can you go wrong?

Posts: 3468
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I second "Sorry!".

Other than that, I know it's a classic, but nothing beats Monopoly in dorkiness at it's most fun.

Also, if card games are in, Cheat/BS is fun, I find.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

I third Sorry!
Hmm..There is always Old Maid, Snap, Fish.

Posts: 917
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Topic starter

Thanks for bringing up Looney Labs Sam. I've had a deck of Fluxx for ages, and I'm happy to say despite the recent reorganization, I have a complete set of Icehouse pyramids.

Posts: 774
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Stratego. That is all.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I 4th Sorry! As for Monopoly...try out that new "fast cash" monopoly. Looks pretty interesting...everything's on your credit/debit card! Crazy! Oh what about Trouble. My all time favorite. :D Not really a card game...but board for sure.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

I don't want to sound redundant, but (what the heck, it'll continue the fad >.> ) I also 5th Sorry! It's possibly my favorite board game.

Other favorites of mine are Uno, Scrabble, and a family favorite: Lotera!

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I go with Apples-to-Apples! It rocks and you get tons of laughs trying to place things together.
Scattegories (sp?) is another good one.
I forgot the name, but there's one where you say things and your team tries to figure out the word in the card.
Dirty Minds is really good.
Monopoly, cards, Scrabble (never played), charades, and Jenga

Posts: 2723
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What about Pictionary? You can poke fun at each other's doodles at the very least. :D

Posts: 2417
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One time I had owned (can't find it now) the original Star Wars movie (Ep IV) board game. I had played it once or twice before. Relive classic moments like the trash compactor! The best (and most childhood confusing) was that it spelled R2-D2 and C-3PO out as ARR-TOO-DEE-TOO and CEE-THREE-PEE-OH. Yes, that was how it was written on the box.

I also remember a Batman Returns board game at a friends house that I played when I was younger. I thought it was the coolest thing ever since there were multiple levels (like a tower) you had to set up as it was based in the sewer.

There was also a Pacman board game that had everything: marbles, cardboard power pellets, ghosts, and automatic marble gulping pacmen complete in a recreated 3d maze. It was at my church. I can't remember if I actually played it or not. I also know from the internet that there used to be a Centipede board game as well. Reading further into it actually shows it works.

Somewhere in my life I remember a board game that I always wished to play. You got to use magenta clay pieces (yes, clay) and theres this gigantic factory layout where they can be squashed and stuff. Maybe I should look more into it to find more with the internet and all.

But if you want something mainstream and geeky, you can't go wrong with Mousetrap, the game no one wants to play outright and just want to set the trap up to see it in action. I actually had two mousetrap sets (yes two) since they kept on breaking on me.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Somewhere in my life I remember a board game that I always wished to play. You got to use magenta clay pieces (yes, clay) and theres this gigantic factory layout where they can be squashed and stuff. Maybe I should look more into it to find more with the internet and all.

That'd be The Grape Escape. I believe you can still buy it. (Heck, I think you can still buy Mouse Trap)

Posts: 4607
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I'm thinking more SPLAT! myself.

Christ, I remember that game. I don't even think they make it anymore. What a shame - it was quite fun.

Posts: 2438
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Or how about Clue Jr.? You have to figure out who ate the piece of missing cake, at what time they ate it, what they ate it with (lemonade, milk, etc.), and where they ate it. I just got that for Christmas myself...yes I'm aware it's aimed at little kids but it should be easier to pick up than Clue itself.
