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Remember that DBZ live action movie?

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Looks like it still exists.

Buffy's Spike as Picollo.


and as people are already training up for it, this is the closest I've seen this project to becoming reality.


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Oh'd think the plot of DBZ has been repeated so many times on TV and in games that the film makers would try to keep the story close to what happened in Dragonball...Goku in high school is just silly.

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Wait, what? @ Cast list. That's totally odd.

Goku sounds like a stange hybrid of himself, and late-Z Gohan. Bulma at least sounds the same, heres hoping she has that green hair. Yamcha, my favourite character, is looking to be a lulwhut. Roshi sounds the same, but wheres the perversion!?

Mai is in it, that's cool. But she's a shapeshifting thingamobob, what? Who becomes Chi Chi? !? And where is Shoo? D= They are one true pair man. Mai and Shoo forever!

Piccalo's piccalo, Spike is an interesting choice o.o

"happy to prepare a special feast for him on his 18th birthday, as well as a special gift: a 3 star Dragon Ball." 4-star dagnabit.

And where's Oolong and Launch? We need them for background hilarity mang, no Dragonball is right without Oolong D=

Posts: 1376
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NAMEKIAN NINJAS! That's utterly hilarious. I only wish Dragonball was that cool at the beginning. xD.

This is still gonna suck.

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You guys know it's gonna take the entire movie for Goku to simply get ready to leave his home, right?

Posts: 5035
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Hhahah, yes I wouldn't expect anything else.

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I'm going to go see it just to say I saw it.

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I wouldn't go see it just because the whole story sounds totally ridiculous. Seriously.

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Up until I saw Stephen Chow's name on it I thought it would be a serious movie.

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Oh this is so ROFL-worthy.

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In before gross earnings of OVER 9000!!!

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In before gross earning of, like, $9000.

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I think this is a little bit of a waste of Stephen Chow, but having him on board increases the chances this won't be awful.

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A condensed DB without the padding and 2 hour battles would actually be a good movie series... if they condensed it correctly. However as soon as they said Piccolo killed Gohan I knew this would suck.

Posts: 5035
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XDXD, that's right Gyser. "But it doesn't make a bit of difference guys...

Posts: 2438
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They already spoiled the ending in Master Roshi's profile. He sacrifices himself to beat Piccolo, apparently. Also, it's made abundantly clear that they are still traveling to find the Dragon Balls afterward, so something happens to scatter them.

I'm not a big fan of DB/DBZ to begin with, but I can already tell that they are butchering it. At least they aren't keeping anyone in suspense about what actually happens.

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That's so cute...


When will hollywood get movies right? Funny how they have a plot all set out from the show, yet STILL change it.

Posts: 2234
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o.o @ this only just becoming news on the forum. I learnt about these story details like a good few months ago. o.o

The story seems alright to me other than I detest the fact that Goku goes to highschool. It's simply going to be the same cliched highschool crap it normally is whereas him living in the wild would have been a lot more funner and interesting.

It condenses the 'DB' storyline quite a damn bit but I don't honestly mind. What I like the most is that it sets things up for the Saiyan saga in the possible sequel so well; the only reservations I have is that since Tenshinhan, Kuririn and Chaozu aren't in this film, they probably wouldn't be in the sequel, unless they're just like gathering martial artists to face the saiyan threat.

I absolutely loved the Saiyan saga because of the overwhelming underdog sense of feeling it had, and if they could represent that well enough in a live action form I would joygasm hard. <3 DB for life!
