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Request: Please vote (Only 2 Hours)

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Posts: 1758
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What? An internet poll that may be relevant, run by the development company itself?

Please go here and vote Mega Man (Classic)! X and classic are competing around first place to be MVC3 DLC, and if X wins there may be no classic series representation in the game.

Capcom DLC Voting (do read the rules):


Marvel DLC Voting (do read the rules):


If you do not care what the Marvel characters are... vote Nightcrawler, Doctor Octopus, and Squirrel Girl too. Seriously, how can you not want to see Doctor Octopus and Squirrel Girl in MVC3? Roster needs crazy. Doctor Octopus is actually reasonably likely because of references to him decoded from the MVC3 disc.

Wouldn't you like to play this scenario?

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Already voted for Wright and Squirrel Girl.

Other characters I was hoping for were Jin Saotome and a Mega Man rep (went with X because he hasn't been in the Vs. series yet). Rounded out the rest with what I thought would be some good additions to fill out my roster, with Green Goblin and Ms. Marvel for Marvel, and Gene to finish off team Clover!

Gambit and Strider and shoe-ins though, if you search the thread. While searching other names you get this:

Venom- 1687
Gambit- 1435
Cyclops- 944
Ghost Rider-
Psylocke- 811
Green Goblin- 656
"Ms Marvel"- 654
Nightcrawler- 574
Juggernaut- 453
"Dr Strange"- 435
Silver Surfer- 383
Emma Frost- 306
"Octopus"- 269
Squirrel Girl- 204

"Howard duck"- 191

"Mega man"- 1125
"Megaman"- 1932
You can't really search for Mega man X specifically due to how the search feature works.
Strider- 1819
Phoenix Wright- 1372
Frank West- 1136
Vergil- 669
Captain Commando- 635
"M bison"- 597
"Jin"- 582
"Talbain"- 546
"power stone"- 296
Batsu- 271
"B B hood"- 235

Hmm... Unless some people spelled their names' wrong and there aren't other popular characters I can't think of, Capcom's list is set as anybody below Gene won't make it in. Marvel's is a little more difficult to tell since there are still a quite a few days left and many nearly have the same amount of votes, so it's too early to tell. It's safe to bet that Psylocke will be the cut-off, though. And even then, it's up to Capcom/Marvel to decide the choices.

Although, this is all indicative to how well Capcom-Unity's search feature works as the votes themselves still have to be tallied.

Posts: 1758
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The question is if it will be classic or x getting most of the votes. I would like both, but since only 1 is likely I want classic.

X series is represented by Zero anyway, and it's ridiculous that the classic series makes not even a cameo. It's like SSBB with no Mario and just expanded series like Warioware.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i dont know why but i cant log in X___X i registered and it sent a verfication email and it seemed to work but when i try to log in it says i need to varfy again .... sorry vec i tried i just cant log in to capum for some reason. although i remember i had an accout there just cant remember it.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Done. Man I haven't been to that place in years. They've obviously changed some stuff around. Took me forever to find the frickin' reply button. lol

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Awww, man - I voted responsibly but I know deep in my heart that Phoenix, Miles, Waka and Godot don't have a hope in hell of making it ALLLLL the way to the winning position, really. I wanted my kickass lawyers to kick legit ass! D:

Posts: 1758
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BTW the registration may be sent to spam by your mail so read the spam folders.

It doesn't actually matter if they take the top rank as long as they are near the top and get mentioned. This is like a suggestion to the people who CAN do what they want with it.

However both Mega Men are getting tons of votes and they may be influenced by the winner, so support CLASSIC.

Posts: 3
New Member

These don't have anything to do with any actual DLC, if you read the poll. This likely will not determine what characters we'll see added to the game next.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Round 2 is up!

I voted already, and the results read as follows, with the Character name, # of votes, and percentage.

Current Vote Results
-Blade-710-3 %

-Black Panther-407-2 %

-Cable-464-2 %

-Carnage-1304-6 %

-Cyclops-964-4 %

-Daredevil-446-2 %

-Dr. Octopus-570-2 %

-Dr. Strange-967-4 %

-Elektra-210-1 %

-Emma Frost-503-2 %

-Gambit-1828-9 %

-Ghost Rider-1272-6 %

-Green Goblin-641-3 %

-Iron Fist-510-2 %

-Juggernaut-533-2 %-
Moon Knight-367-1 %

-Ms. Marvel-981-5 %

-Nightcrawler-926-4 %

-Psylocke-1064-5 %

-Punisher-453-2 %

-Rogue-567-2 %

-Silver Surfer-579-2 %

-Squirrel Girl-818-4 %

-Thanos-318-1 %
-Venom-2047-10 %


-Bass.EXE-805-3 %

-Batsu-350-1 %

-B.B Hood-732-3 %

-Cammy-582-2 %

-Captain Commando-680-3 %
-Chuck Greene-287-1 %

-Classic Mega Man-902-4 %

-Date Masamune-455-2 %

-Edward Falcon-225-1 %

-Frank West-1003-4 %

-Gene-1122-5 %

-Guile-305-1 %

-Jin Saotome-578-2 %

-Jon Talbain-782-3 %

-Juri-813-4 %

-Ken-399-1 %

-Leon Kennedy-648-3 %

-M. Bison-605-2 %

-Mega Man EXE-497-2 %

-Mega Man X-2354-11 %

-Phoenix Wright-1953-9 %

-Ryu (Breath of Fire)-730-3 %

-Sigma-724-3 %

-Strider-1698-8 %

-Vergil-984-4 %

You can vote for up to three characters from each group this time. Poll ends March 5th!

Posts: 1758
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Topic starter


Most of the ranks at the top are basically decided, but there are notable battles:

Somebody spammed up both BB Hood and Juri and now Mega Man Classic needs about 100 votes to get 6th. Juri seriously? Support classic!

Squirrel Girl has a 70 vote lead over Blade to stay in the top 10 and thus be more likely to catch Capcom staff attention!

Sigma and Ryu are close at #12.

Bass.EXE is 4 over Talbain to take the #10 Capcom spot, so any vote for Bass.EXE could decide what the bottom of the list is.

Nightcrawler, Dr. Strange, and Cyclops are competing around #7.

My votes: Classic Mega Man, Bass.EXE, Sigma, Nightcrawler, Dr. Octopus, Squirrel Girl

Keep in mind it is just a suggestion poll, not necessarily by vote. Higher ranks may lead to more consideration however.

Refreshed rank list:

-Venom-2228-10 %

-Gambit-1992-9 %

-Carnage-1428-6 %

-Ghost Rider-1372-6 %

-Ms. Marvel-1226-5 %

-Psylocke-1203-5 %

-Cyclops-1060-4 %

-Dr. Strange-1053-4 %

-Nightcrawler-1030-4 %

-Squirrel Girl-887-4 %

-Blade-813-3 %

-Green Goblin-694-3 %

-Silver Surfer-646-2 %

-Rogue-625-2 %

-Dr. Octopus-611-2 %

-Juggernaut-586-2 %

-Emma Frost-561-2 %

-Iron Fist-550-2 %

-Cable-510-2 %

-Punisher-505-2 %

-Black Panther-490-2 %

-Daredevil-488-2 %

-Moon Knight-406-1 %

-Thanos-347-1 %

-Elektra-239-1 %

-Mega Man X-2554-11 %

-Phoenix Wright-2103-9 %

-Strider-1854-8 %

-Gene-1186-5 %

-Frank West-1103-4 %

-Vergil-1091-4 %

-Juri-1057-4 %

-B.B Hood-987-4 %

-Classic Mega Man-960-4 %

-Bass.EXE-878-3 %

-Jon Talbain-874-3 %

-Ryu (Breath of Fire)-788-3 %

-Sigma-784-3 %

-Captain Commando-765-3 %

-Leon Kennedy-733-3 %

-Cammy-670-2 %

-M. Bison-661-2 %

-Jin Saotome-607-2 %

-Mega Man EXE-539-2 %

-Date Masamune-495-2 %

-Ken-462-2 %

-Batsu-377-1 %

-Guile-327-1 %

-Chuck Greene-320-1 %

-Edward Falcon-245-1 %

Chao list reordered:

-Venom-2047-10 %

-Gambit-1828-9 %

-Carnage-1304-6 %

-Ghost Rider-1272-6 %

-Psylocke-1064-5 %

-Ms. Marvel-981-5 %

-Dr. Strange-967-4 %

-Cyclops-964-4 %

-Nightcrawler-926-4 %

-Squirrel Girl-818-4 %

-Blade-710-3 %

-Green Goblin-641-3 %

-Silver Surfer-579-2 %

-Dr. Octopus-570-2 %

-Rogue-567-2 %

-Juggernaut-533-2 %

-Iron Fist-510-2 %

-Emma Frost-503-2 %

-Cable-464-2 %

-Daredevil-446-2 %

-Punisher-453-2 %

-Black Panther-407-2 %

-Moon Knight-367-1 %

-Thanos-318-1 %

-Elektra-210-1 %

-Mega Man X-2354-11 %

-Phoenix Wright-1953-9 %

-Strider-1698-8 %

-Gene-1122-5 %

-Frank West-1003-4 %

-Vergil-984-4 %

-Classic Mega Man-902-4 %

-Juri-813-4 %

-Bass.EXE-805-3 %

-Jon Talbain-782-3 %

-B.B Hood-732-3 %

-Ryu (Breath of Fire)-730-3 %

-Sigma-724-3 %

-Captain Commando-680-3 %

-Leon Kennedy-648-3 %

-M. Bison-605-2 %

-Cammy-582-2 %

-Jin Saotome-578-2 %

-Mega Man EXE-497-2 %

-Date Masamune-455-2 %

-Ken-399-1 %

-Batsu-350-1 %

-Guile-305-1 %

-Chuck Greene-287-1 %

-Edward Falcon-225-1 %

Posts: 1758
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Apparently it's ending tonight, which is weird since the first was midnight inclusive.

Anyway, Bass.exe is up with the top 10 by only 1 vote!

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

What's the difference between the Refreshed Rank List and the Chao List reordered?

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

Voted Gambit, Nightcrawler, Squirrel Girl, Mega Man, and Phoenix Wright.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Man what @ people voting Venom, Gambit and Carnage. I mean, seriously?

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I'm a Gambit fan, so naturally I voted for him. However, Venom and Carnage should definitely be left OUT!
