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Rude people
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Rude people

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Posts: 955
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You know what grates on my nerves more than Haruhi Suzumiya?


We see them every day in our grocery stores and in our banks, occasionally in our own message boards. These people have to be stopped at all costs. At the same time, they can give us great stories to rant to friends about sometime after your encounter with such rude people. While there are many different varieties of rude people, I want to focus on one specific subgenre that I know we can all identify with at some point.


You know the kind I'm talking about. The ones who weave in and out of traffic, speeding with no regard for others on the road only to get three lengths ahead to the next red light. The ones who honk at you for obeying the right of way.

So tell me. What's your biggest pet peeve about careless and obnoxious drivers or cars in general? Any stories? I've got a few, but I want to see other posts before I share mine 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

The first person that came to mind upon reading the topic was 'Rudie'.

Which immediately brought this to mind.

(I still maintain that that was the best stupid topic ever.)

As for the actual topic...

People who don't bother to call and tell me that they're not showing up for tutoring.


Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I hate it when people can't even say so much as a simple 'please' or 'thank you'. That just grinds me the most.

Also, I had thought of Rudie/Troy too, lol.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

"Hi, Nel. I'm the driver in front of you. See how the speed limit reads 55 mph? Yeah, well I've decided to only do 25 here. In a no passing zone. And when you finally do pass me, I'll pull out all the stops to pass you so I can go 25 in front of you again. And when you've finally gotten rid of me, I'm certain a giant semi will cut you off, almost killing you and slowing you down further. By the way, what's a turn signal?"

Pretty much what happens whenever I drive home from college and vice versa. ^_^;;

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

The type of driver that really agitates me are the ones who pass me then slow down to the point where I have to pass them. There was one time when I was practically playing leapfrog with a car.

I also hate it when people ride my bumper. You have no idea how tempting it is to just slam on my brakes and make them cover the damage. But then I'd be out of a car for a while.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I get the feeling rude drivers is going to be a rampant theme here. I've had other things that bugged me but as time passed, I realized they don't bug me much at all but rude drivers are...*insert various words here*

This weekend alone, I've had 3 incidents where I had the right of way by a long shot and nearly got into an accident because of the other driver disregarding common sense. It's why I drive a lot more cautious around people...

Posts: 2915
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I don't know about other states, but here in Minnesota, the left lane is considered the fast lane. Typical speed is greater than the speed limit, by at least 5mph.

One of my pet peeves is people who won't merge over to the other lane when they see you are coming up faster behind them. Forcing someone to get over into the right lane to pass you only aggravates people.

Another hate is people do not use on ramps to speed up. Nothing is scarier than trying to get on a 60mph highway behind someone going 30mph tops... OH GOD I AM GOING TO DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE... Also waiting till the last possible minute to get into/ out of the off ramp lane D:

Oh, and my final one? Hot chicks driving cars. I swear, 7/10 times I see a hot chick in a car and think "damn, she is pretty attractive"... and then she takes a puff of a cigarette =| Total mood killer for me

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Drivers using cell phones can go die please. Don't take me with you, kthxbai.

Posts: 2438
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Turn signals. Maaaan I wish people would use them more often.

That's it for me.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

The Rudie topic also came to mind to me as well. o_o

But uh... I don't drive since I don't have a car XD

But I do have some rude experiences, such as I was walking down the road (There's a LOT of empty road where I live...), and some drunk dude throws a half-empty beer can at me from his truck, screaming at me to "Get a [explitive] car you [moar explitive action ^_^ ]" just because I'm walking and not driving... people are just rude...

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Ooh ooh I have one!

So, this one time my mum was driving along a country road, and she saw a farm tractor and trailer backing out of a gate to get on the road. Being the considerate driver she is, she of course stopped to let him out - well, and also because he was pretty much already halfway out anyway, so there was no way past him as it was a narrow single lane road. So she's sat there as he backs out. And continues to back out. Hey, that trailer's coming pretty close to the ca--CRUNCH. So she does the first thing that comes to mind, and blares the horn. The tractor stops... and then BACKS INTO HER SOME MORE. She blared the horn again, and this time the ape driving the tractor stopped and got out, presumably to see why 1. someone was blowing their horn and 2. why he was having difficulty backing up.
End result? My mum's Volvo 340 which had been pretty much the most reliable car she's ever owned, was written off as the front of it was crunched in and the repair costs would've exceeded the car's value by this point in time. She was pretty upset about it. The idiot driving the tractor was held liable.

Oh and another one. My brother Andy drives buses for a living. Or rather, he used to. But just a few weeks ago he was driving along, when this guy driving a truck suddenly decided he absolutely had to pull out in front of a TEN TONNE COACH WITHOUT INDICATING. The end result was predictable enough - Andy's bus walloped the truck rather nicely. Thankfully no-one was hurt, but my brother's career was - despite the fact the accident wasn't his fault, he lost his job over it. Though perhaps somewhat ironically he now has a new job - as a driving instructor. :3

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Turn signals. Maaaan I wish people would use them more often.

That's it for me.

Damn right!

A few weeks ago it was dark when I had to walk to the train station to meet my Brother, as I was walking down the street I had to cross over and a car was at the corner, he/she didn't indicate so I assumed it was going straight ahead, and it turned right around and nearly hit me. A real deer in the headlights moment for me, but managed to dash away safely.

Alternatively on another similar moment, I went to cross the road as a van was indicating to turn right, and just went straight ahead nearly hitting me.

Who the spork gives these bastards licenses?

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

Hmm... when I first entered this topic I was under the impression it was about rudeness in general... but it seems to be about cars, so I'm going to assume that it is. Anyway...

When it comes to rude drivers, yeah it is kinda absurd that drivers who don't follow the rules of the road are mad at those who do, but there seems to be more of a focus on those who are rude to other drivers than those who are rude if not worse to non-drivers. I recall last summer reading a newspaper story about some driver in St. John's who hit a cyclist, breaking her arm, then blamed her for the accident and refused to help her up. When talking about this to some people from my hometown, they chalked it up to it being because they're crazy since they're people from "the city." I'm not as inclined to blame city-people so much as city circumstances (such as the higher traffic leading to more road rage) and even then, I don't think it's necessarily cities themselves that should be blamed, but something else that seems to cause so many other problems... our society's overuse of automobiles. After all, even in small towns where the traffic isn't as bad, automobiles are still harming the environment by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and they're still using a non-renewable resource that won't last forever... though ideally those problems could be solved by using hydrogen-fueled cars instead and having water electrolysis stations next to gas stations...

It seems to me like people just try to avoid blaming automobiles. Some people say that if there was no drinking there'd be no drunk driving... if there was no driving there'd be no drunk driving either, and sober driving isn't necessarily all that safe, either. People will pass laws against smoking in public places or even bars because it pollutes other people's air, but so does driving when it's on a scale as large as that in big cities like Toronto. People will say that slippery road conditions "caused" an accident, but car accidents kill people even when the roads aren't so slippery. And when gas prices go up, some people will blame oil companies (though I guess they're an easy target) instead of switching to public transit. (Though granted, public transit isn't available everywhere, but I'd think towns small enough to lack public transit would probably tend to be safe to ride bicycle in... I'm not really sure though...)

That said, I haven't personally experienced what it's like to have to deal with rude drivers, since I don't really drive, myself. I haven't gotten around to getting my license yet, but I'm hoping that even when I get it I'll still avoid driving, for the environmental reasons, safety reasons, etc...

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

It's not just in cars that people don'tunderstand the way traffic works, it seems.

Waay too often, one can be in a Walmart or some such, and some moron's left their damn shopping cart in the middle of a four-way intersection, like between aisles in a department. It's annoying, but fine, we usually think, just push it out of the way. Man, are some people defensive about their shopping carts. You'd think we just rammed it into them and cussed them out, the way some people freak out about it. Do they think we're trying to steal from it or something?

'Course, it isn't just shopping carts. People themselves can block an intersection. I hate it when people stand in the center of a doorway, intersection, or turn, and sit and chat with their damn friends, or on their cell phone, or just stand there and text. And then will royally explode at you even if you politely say "Excuse me." I mean, "Excuse me"?! How dare you talk to them like that! Right?

Seems to happen in school, too. All the classes only have one doorway, and there's always someone in it talking to their damn friends - They want to be in the dooway so they can talk to their friends from another class as long as possible without being written up for tardiness. And if you ask them to move, they'll just lean against the doorframe and expect you to walk by - which'd often enough be fine, if everyone weren't wearing a backpack that ends up blocking the doorway anyway. So either you stand there and wait for them to actually move, and look like an ass, or bump into their backpack, which shoves them around, and...look like an ass. Couple that with the school's odd reluctance to unlock both doors of a double-doorway, despite the fact that hundreds, if not thousands (depending on which door it is) of students are going to be passing through it...and traffic jams that block entire wings of the building happen.


As for drivers, I don't drive, because of lazy reasons, lack-of-destination reasons, etc.

Either way, people in traffic are rude bastards. 😛 Fortunately, it's much less expensive to shove them when they're on foot...

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

After today, I must add:

-Jaywalkers. Please, assume that you can just dash out into the street without checking first and because you have the right of way and there's no way that a driver who's coming won't be a good driver and might not be paying attention.
-People who drive through a parking lot like it's the freeway.
-People pulling out of their driveway without looking.

Posts: 955
Noble Member
Topic starter

Ahhh, the sound of other people as irritated as I am about rude drivers. 😀 It makes me smile. Keep the stories coming! They make for great reads 😀

Anyway. One of my biggest pet peeves is when you're driving with multiple lanes of traffic, and someone in the farthest left lane crosses in about 100 yards -all- the way over to the farthest right lane to exit off a highway or something at the last minute. x_o; Sometimes I wonder if they're running on blind luck, gambling their lives/cars and others around them to make a turn without backtracking.

I also have a great story that I'm just gonna c/p from my LJ from a couple months ago when Craig and I went to visit the camp I worked at for the past couple summers:

Because of where I live and where camp is, I pretty much have to take one highway all the way from little ol' Illinois to the humble CFL [in Wisconsin]. Sure, it's 3 and a half hours of highway, but my point is, there aren't many turnoffs or anything. And it is indeed a 3 and a half hour straightshot, as long as there are no accidents or construction or anything.

Well, there happened to be a pretty epic accident about two miles ahead of us in the middle of the interstate in the middle of Freaking Nowhere, WI. Stopped traffic dead for a good hour or so to the point where everyone around me turned off their cars and got out to stretch their legs, gossip about the accident, pet some strangers' dogs, and make comments about rude people driving around this awful jam on the right hand shoulder. I noticed I was in the right hand lane and looked to Kitty with a devious grin.

I definitely got this idea from my parents, who both have their own stories to tell about people driving up along the shoulder and their... creative ways of stopping them. Point is, I decided it would be a good idea to back up a little and park as much of Stormy as I could in the shoulder. There were no sirens for cops or firetrucks or anything, and I figured if there were, I would definitely move. My goal is to block [rude people], not statesmen. Other people around me saw what I was doing and gave me plenty of space to move back if I had to.

There were many people way far behind who pulled up on the shoulder but merged back into traffic when they saw me. Lots of people blocked it with their own bodies as they stood in the shoulder discussing everything, watching as their children played in the grass to the side of the road, etc. One lady ended up making her way in an SUV and motioned for me to move my car. Her excuse? Diabetic, pregnant, with a gallon of gas and she can't deal with this heat.

Though I'm a PW fan, I'm not a big fan of lawsuits. So I let her pass with faith that she stuck to her word and made it to the next exit.

And then the next lady came. This time I decided I didn't want to start no trouble outside my car 'cause this lady meant business, so I stayed in my familiar territory. Her excuse? It was 1:50 and she needed to catch a plane by 2:30. No medical emergencies, just needing to catch a plane. And I decided she would just have to wait like the rest of us. The conversation roughly went as follows:

Lady: Who says you have the authority to decide what I can and can't do?
Me: **shrugs** Well if we're all stuck in traffic and we all have places we need to get to by a certain time....
Lady: You don't have the authority to tell me what to do
Me: And if I don't, the cops ahead taking care of the accident will, and I would really hate to see you get in trouble, miss.
Lady: What do you care what happens to me? Why do you care about any of these people here?
Me: Because that's the kind of person I am? I'm a nice person and--
Lady: If you were a nice person, you wouldn't be illegally parked in the shoulder blocking all this traffic.
Me: **gestures around** I'm only blocking one person, and I'm pretty sure we're all illegally parked, miss--
Lady: I've got your license plate number, I can have you written up--
Me: While you're parked in the shoulder as well? I'm sorry miss, I'm not moving. Please get back in your car and wait like the rest of us.
Lady: **huffily** You're a [freaking] [butthole], you know that?
Me: **and I just smile** Thanks, miss.
Lady: You're welcome. I've got your plate number.
Me: **still with a pleasant smile** I've got yours too.
Lady: **muttering under her breath as she walks to her car. She takes a look at my plates for presumably the first time, 'cause otherwise she would have noticed...** OH! She's from ILLINOIS! THAT's why! **more muttering that I can't hear 'cause she's in her car now. And she turns it back on, runs her car up as close as she can to my bumper halfway in my spot so now she's apparently illegally parked as well and now I can't move back if I needed to**

But it didn't matter, as traffic started moving about ten minutes later anyway. Kitty was freaking out in the seat beside me, but I think he's just police-paranoid right now and worried that a simple traffic violation will get him deported. Which really isn't the case, as he wasn't the one driving. Anyway, so I get out and get some pictures of the car with my cameraphone as "evidence just in case". Meanwhile, another car flags me over a few lengths back filled with a couple 30-some-year-old guys:

"What excuse did the first one give you?"
"Diabetic, pregnant, with a gallon of gas"
"You bought into it?"
"I don't want to deal with the consequences if she told the truth"
"How about this one?"
"She has a plane to catch."
"You letting her through?"
"Hell no!"
"Atta girl! **highfive to the nearest guy**"

The lady didn't get off at the airport exit just ahead as she promised. In fact, she waited to go to the rest stop about five exits ahead, so I'm quite glad I didn't let her through.


So yes. That's my other big pet peeve in driving. Ain't nobody driving on the shoulder to cut a mile of backed-up traffic while Tricia's around. 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

:claps Sagey has anyone tell you about how awesome you are; I would have love being a fly on the wall seeing that!

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

My biggest pet Peeve about careless and obnoxious drivers Shadowed Spirit Sage, is both the road rage, and the road rage related stuff.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

People who drive right up my arse. Argh! I'm a learner damnit but that doesn't mean you should act like I'm driving at 10mph. I'm driving just under the speed limit thxbye

Also people who don't indicate or indicate for too long. Both are misleading and both leads to you crossing a road as the car is turning in because you thought he was turning three junctions away >=(

Also people with unce unce music and dedicated speakers in their car. Anything with a very strong bass beat. Very annoying to everyone nearby, especially when they stop for traffic lights and you're stuck listening to it for longer than 5 secs

Oh and don't get me STARTED on people with supermarket trolleys. To name one particular incident, a collegue of mine was kneeling on the floor stocking a shelf when a woman rammed a trolley into her leg. But rather than say sorry, the woman rammed it into her leg harder until the trolley wheel went over. My collegue was like "Excuse me, that's my leg" but the woman totally ignored her. Luckily people with ignorance and rudeness that severe are very very rare.

And a final supermarket note, all the kids seem to be suicidal. They love nothing more than diving onto the floor in front of your roller of bread baskets as you're pushing it, causing their mother so start screaming. Oh yes. Well, when it happened to me she didn't scream she was like "TOM GET UP RIGHT NOW" but yeah anyway they do kamakazi in front of you.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

I drive 55 miles to school on the highway and then 55 miles back home. If you really want to see rude drivers, come to Connecticut and drive Rt. 8, a 2 lane highway. Now, the worst part is that lately I've been carpooling with a guy who saves me half the drive, however this guy is such an impatient, irresponsible driver... holy crap. he's one of THOSE people, and I hate driving with him, but I like saving 65% of my money rather than wasting it on gas.

Edit: Yeah, my pet peeve is lack of signal light, that is AFTER seeing people on the phone. I really wish i could shoot out the tires on people when i see them talking on the phone while driving. And here in america, the drivers side is on the left, so wouldn't you think they would use their right hand so that you can't see the phone RIGHT THROUGH THE WINDOW? =P

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i've been nearly knocked down by idiots driving with only one hand while they make a phonecall or even write text messages. fortunately i'm paronoid of drivers near turnings, so usually watch the driver, not the car when crossing a road.. ox; it's illegal anyhow.

when i was much younger i was in the car with my parents, looking out the window and singing along to some song as we drove along a motorway.. noticed a car alongside with two small children in the backseat who were not wearing their seatbelts and moving all over the back of the car.. ><; made a comment to my mum about this as i looked, the woman driving the other car seemed to notice and started to yell and make gestures at us. oO; i just made 'wear a stupid seatbelt!' geatures back. o@;

my driving experiance isn't much, but i found that most people keep well away from learner drivers.. so i pretty much ruled the road if i managed not to stall the car at stupid times. i did notice a lot of people who let their dogs run loose around their cars as they drive. i'd be trying to do the whole 'mirror, signel, manover' thing and kept being distracted by some small lapdog bouncing around frantically on the cover of the boot of the car in front.

also about supermarkets.. hate it when you're queueing up to pay for your food and the people behind you keep pushing into you. it's not going to make the line go any faster and it annoys me. ><; especially the old lady who insisted in pushing her trolly firmly into the backs of my legs. trolly raaage~
but with people with just baskets who do this, i just casually step backwards 'accidently' and bump into them in return. >>;

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Just to make sure when you guys say supermarket trolleys; you are talking about shopping carts, or buggies, right?

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Shopping trolley. Carts make me think of coal mines and buggies of babies.

If I can branch out a little further on the rudeness theme, sitting on a replacement rail coach with the person sitting behind you loudly swearing in every single sentence on his phone is pretty unpleasant.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I walk to school; and I have to cross a relatively busy street to get there. No problem, I just wait for the light, make sure there isn't an idiot flying down the road or something, and cross.

Now; I know people are just trying to be nice, here, but unless it's like, pouring rain or something, I hate it when they stop in the middle of the damn road to let me run by. That's not why I'm waiting at the curb and it pisses off all the drivers behind them. Besides, I'd jsut have to stop in the middle of the street anyway, and wait for the other side to either do the same or for the light to switch.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Rude People are just part of life.....But Rude People that Cuse...SHould be feed to the Rancor!

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

My biggest pet peeve? Idk I have a few.

1. Those stupid Middle school kids throwing there littlering papers in my yard. My mom's Boyfriend tries his hardest to make it look nice and they (censor) it up! Then when I see them doing it and tel them "pick it up" they say some more bad words. (Manily the N word kids like 12-14 using the N word already Oo)

2. The N word I hate that word i hate hearing it it can be a nice day and I can her some idiot shout it across the street for no reason.

Can't really say anything for driving since I'm too young to drive (But I can get my temps) I wish I can drive.

3. My(Younger) Brother and (older) Sister calls me gay I'm not gay it's everday too then they have the nerve to say it infront of my friends (They go as far as calling my friends gay)

I have more but am too lazy to type it all at once =P.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Start that late in your neck of the woods? They start it around age 4 or 5 out on that reservation I used to live on. And get used to the gay thing, unless you can rattle off how much you bench, discuss alcohol at LENGTH, and name the last 4 girls you slept with then obviously you must be gay. Yeah, I'm serious, these retards around here don't think I couldn't possibly be gay purely because I will ingest alcohol and play paintball.

Bad drivers, don't have much on that, I live in Cowpie, Oklahoma. Thats means if enough cars are at the light to block the turn lane, it's gridlock. *shrug*


Posts: 111
Estimable Member

XD Tobi Kids over here start saying the N word around 3-6 years old.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

The best way to get over childish calling-each-other-gay is to not really care.

In fact; short of doing a ton of insanely stupid stuff to "prove" otherwise or just beating the hell out of whoever says it to you, I think it's the only way. 😛

Posts: 1058
Noble Member

I'm so rude in general. Sage, I bet you're so sad to find out some ppl are actually attracted to that sort of thing. D: Or do it on purpose and enjoy it. Or maybe you knew and this was like scratching a blackboard. * away*

People's reactions are priceless, and if you know they'll recover (they all do) being obnoxious on purpose is fun so is acting like its not on purpose

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

It's pouring down with rain. I've only got my light jacket on and no umbrella because it didn't look like raining when I left the house. I'm coming up to a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING </emphasis> when I see a lady coming in a big, luxury Goverment vehicle. No worries, it's raining and it's a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING </emphasis> so surely she'll stop, both out of common courtesy and because being a Government employee, she'll know it's the right (and legal) thing to do, right? Let's just say it's a bloody good thing I'm incredibly cautious of people in cars, because the stupid ***** in her nice big, plush, comfy, heated car just plowed right through the PEDESTRIAN CROSSING </end emphasis>, leaving poor old me stuck in rain for that little bit longer.

Nice job lady. Can't wait for Karma to come back and bite you.

Posts: 15
Active Member

I hate it when you open the door for someone and they just walk through without saying a word- as if it wasn't a courtesy but something expected. Or worse yet, when entering through a door some people that exit don't wait for you to pass but practically shove their way to get through that door.

Posts: 955
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Topic starter

Oh man, Tricia Justice comes back with a vengeance today. 8DDD

My commute to school consists of two main roads - one north and one east (west/south coming home). The vast majority of the east/west road is two lanes, one for either direction.

So I'm stopped coming home at the light before it merges from two to one lane. As we accelerate, I see a pretty nice opening between this lady in a sedan and a big red Chevy ahead. I cheerily accelerate, checking my mirrors to make sure it's safe to shift into that lane.

Sedan lady must've opened her eyes and seen me wanting to take that one car length spot and accelerates till she's riding on Big Red Chevy's tail. I give her a weird look and accelerate further, knowing if I keep my nose far enough ahead, she'll eventually have to back off and let me move between her and the Chevy.

Um, no.

She ends up running me off the road into that gravel/grass bit until I can move behind her. I freaking lay on the horn until I'm successfully behind her. I made a vow to curse every single light on the way home to be red. Lo and behold, every light changed as we approached it. She sped on ahead until she was practically sitting in Big Red Chevy's backseat. Oh no, I wasn't done with her.

Every time we stopped, I made sure to lean forward on my steering wheel and -stare- at her. I even went so far as to wave pleasantly with a big grin at one light.

She made it a quick point to turn off onto the nearest connector road. I could tell it wasn't planned by how unpredictably she sped off, no turn signal attached.

Jeez. The past few days have been full of really stupid people driving our state roads. >>;;

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

Sage your story made me giggle.

NEW: Some people in the chat already know this but I have to take pill everynight cause I suipposedly have ADHD.My sister being the loving caring- oh f it the ***** asks my mom everyday the same question.

"Hey now that Phil's taking pills are you gonna get a check?"

Basiclly she's calling me retarted and will openly say that to me everytime i get frustrated.

I ENVY people who are only childs.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Phil, ADHD and mental retardation are so widely different topics, the only real link to either of them is that they occur in the brain. Just call your mom an idiot and get it over with.

If you need more useful advice, IM me. 😛

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Is ADHD even a real... whatever it is!?

I heard the drugs for it are pretty bad, too...
