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See Craig? Woulda been screwed either way!

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Posts: 565
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Britain is bracing itself for further disruption as fresh bands of snow sweep across parts of the country... at risk of seeing up to 12 inches (30cm) of snowfall.

See Craig? Whether you left or stayed, mother nature's cold ass was going to put the hurt on ya, anyway. You just braved through it first. Godspeed.

How are you Britanian's doing?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Its anarchy at the moment. I'm speaking to you from one of the last computers still connected on the internet.

They've just burnt Gordon Brown for being a witch. Something about spending money which doesn't exist yet...

Apparently in Scotland this has been seen as a tropical holiday for them.

In all seriousness though, I haven't seen snow this thick. A bit of a shock to the system.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Here at THS' house it's bloody miserable cause it's melted already. Bloody coastal towns *shakes fist*

I heard it's still pretty thick in Leicester though so I'll have to update on that when I get home tonight. The trains should be fine for my route according to National Rail.

Also London is freaking out because they don't know what snow is, the silly sods.

[Edit] Okay Leicester's pretty dissapointing. Only 1-2 inches. I was expecting at least four by how everyone was talking.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Hi for Croydon!

Also Craig has always been =/ @ london slush snow, and for the first time in almost 2 decades the snow has settled to a decent amount in london

Also London is freaking out because they don't know what snow is, the silly sods.

Nothing important happens up north

Posts: 565
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The hell? Did your snowman take the slimfast challenge? Jeez, even snow is sending out a "BE THIN" message out there. 😛

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

One word...Dead Cold. Oh, wait, that's two words!

Ah well, had to emphasise the point somehow! XD

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

There's plenty of snow up here in the north west, and the north of Wales is covered, as usual. Public services've gone to pieces - although I should imagine that anyone from Illinois is wondering what the fuss is about when, as usual, the country falls apart over half an inch of snow.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Wow... It like never snows down here in Georgia... o_o
Seriously, the last time was like three years ago and it was a quarter of an inch, so I rather envy you guys >=C

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

I'm envier of you guys.

The last time it snowed in Florida, it was like 16 years ago.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

It's snowing right now in CT, I just drove home from school in it.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

It snowed here in Italy too, but since the city I live in is slightly warmer than the surroundings (because of the nearby lake I guess...) the snow melted right away.
As soon as you leave the city everything is snowed in. :/

I hope by next week this mess is over though.. I don´t want to be late for my finals. x.x

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

It's been nothing but light flurries here in NJ up until I left work for the commute to class. Then there were the big, fat snowflakes that stuck to the ground. Now that I'm out, it all looks pretty clear. I'll have to wait till I get home to see if anything else is up, but I don't even think I got an inch.

That doesn't do anything about parts of the sidewalk covered in ice, though. D:

Posts: 955
Noble Member

It's true. Craig and I have been giggling for the past few days, looking out at the eight or so inches of snow that have settled for the past four weeks. If we had another eight inches dumped on our heads overnight, pssh. I can guarantee we'd still have school tomorrow and I'd have to haul butt to get to work on time.

Oh, and the bitter arctic temperatures over there can go stuff it. YOUR LOWS ARE OUR HEAT WAVES. That is all. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

We haven't seen any snow, and I hope it stays that way.

That said, we down here in the South have had to put up with 40 degree temperatures with even lower wind chills. Honestly, I could deal with 40 or 50 degree weather if there weren't any wind. The wind is the worst part of it. It's murder trying to ride a bike when the wind is blowing at you from the front and the sides.

If we had another eight inches dumped on our heads overnight, pssh. I can guarantee we'd still have school tomorrow and I'd have to haul butt to get to work on time.

Perhaps you'd like to move down here. Since we hardly ever get snow here, if we ever get a really heavy snowfall like a lot of places have been given, they generally cancel classes on all academic levels. Even senior colleges. Unfortunately, snow days are very rare here.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Snow days? Here we got a couple of cold days as in it was 30 below zero and they wouldn't send kids to the bus stops hence no school. In reality, it was too cold for some buses to run as they refused to turn on.

I miss the 6 + 14 inches of snow I had in CT. I want more snow here in NE although it's a pain to walk to work/school in it.

PS: Awesome snow man Creo ^_^

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It never snows where I am. I'm cool with that though (pun intended).

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Australians get all the luck. So did I until my family and I moved to New York some fourteen years ago.

Question: Do Brits (UK-ians) complain for just about everything or is it just me?

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Yeah we're only really happy when we're complaining.

It's in our culture. 😛

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well that would explain where many Americans get their whining from.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Brits complain, Usians whine But lots of people have been just enjoying the time off to piss around with the snow.

Also since this hasn't happened in almost two decades would it be worth spending the billions in snow clearing equipment? and who would be willing to pay for this equipment?

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

I'm pretty sure the average Briton would turn into a pile of jibbering mush if confronted with Nebraska weather.

Case in point: last Saturday. At 3pm, it was 50 F. Nice weather, lots of people washed their cars. By 6pm, it was below 30 and snowing again. The next day, 6 F with wind chill.

I don't think the weather here is bipolar. I think it knows EXACTLY what it's doing.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

We haven't seen any snow, and I hope it stays that way.

That said, we down here in the South have had to put up with 40 degree temperatures with even lower wind chills. Honestly, I could deal with 40 or 50 degree weather if there weren't any wind. The wind is the worst part of it. It's murder trying to ride a bike when the wind is blowing at you from the front and the sides.

If we had another eight inches dumped on our heads overnight, pssh. I can guarantee we'd still have school tomorrow and I'd have to haul butt to get to work on time.

Perhaps you'd like to move down here. Since we hardly ever get snow here, if we ever get a really heavy snowfall like a lot of places have been given, they generally cancel classes on all academic levels. Even senior colleges. Unfortunately, snow days are very rare here.

To quote SSS, your lows are my heat waves!!

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

We haven't seen any snow, and I hope it stays that way.

That said, we down here in the South have had to put up with 40 degree temperatures with even lower wind chills. Honestly, I could deal with 40 or 50 degree weather if there weren't any wind. The wind is the worst part of it. It's murder trying to ride a bike when the wind is blowing at you from the front and the sides.

If we had another eight inches dumped on our heads overnight, pssh. I can guarantee we'd still have school tomorrow and I'd have to haul butt to get to work on time.

Perhaps you'd like to move down here. Since we hardly ever get snow here, if we ever get a really heavy snowfall like a lot of places have been given, they generally cancel classes on all academic levels. Even senior colleges. Unfortunately, snow days are very rare here.

To quote SSS, your lows are my heat waves!!

Yeah? Well your heat waves are my ice waves!

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

We haven't seen any snow, and I hope it stays that way.

That said, we down here in the South have had to put up with 40 degree temperatures with even lower wind chills. Honestly, I could deal with 40 or 50 degree weather if there weren't any wind. The wind is the worst part of it. It's murder trying to ride a bike when the wind is blowing at you from the front and the sides.

If we had another eight inches dumped on our heads overnight, pssh. I can guarantee we'd still have school tomorrow and I'd have to haul butt to get to work on time.

Perhaps you'd like to move down here. Since we hardly ever get snow here, if we ever get a really heavy snowfall like a lot of places have been given, they generally cancel classes on all academic levels. Even senior colleges. Unfortunately, snow days are very rare here.

To quote SSS, your lows are my heat waves!!

Yeah? Well your heat waves are my ice waves!

Well your heat waves and your ice waves both come crashing over here T_T

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

*sigh* Personally, I wouldn't mind some snow. I'm far enough north in the state that we could get some stuff from Georgia or Alabama, but no. Every time it's gotten cold enough for it this winter, the air's been completely dry. No precipitation whatsoever. The first rain we've had in months was in 50-60 degree weather. Oh, well, at least the temperature's gotten cold a few times this year, as opposed to last "winter."

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

We haven't seen any snow, and I hope it stays that way.

That said, we down here in the South have had to put up with 40 degree temperatures with even lower wind chills. Honestly, I could deal with 40 or 50 degree weather if there weren't any wind. The wind is the worst part of it. It's murder trying to ride a bike when the wind is blowing at you from the front and the sides.

If we had another eight inches dumped on our heads overnight, pssh. I can guarantee we'd still have school tomorrow and I'd have to haul butt to get to work on time.

Perhaps you'd like to move down here. Since we hardly ever get snow here, if we ever get a really heavy snowfall like a lot of places have been given, they generally cancel classes on all academic levels. Even senior colleges. Unfortunately, snow days are very rare here.

To quote SSS, your lows are my heat waves!!

Yeah? Well your heat waves are my ice waves!

Well your heat waves and your ice waves both come crashing over here T_T

Well, at least we're all in good company when it comes to weather woes.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

Indeed we are. But I like how its 90F one day and then the next morning its 15F. Really nice of mother nature to do that you know?

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I still say Mother Nature is either PMSing or going through menopause.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

After a few days of cold, it's been warming up. Yesterday was 43, today is like 48, and now tommorrow it'll be near 60. I should be celebrating, but if it gets really cold again, I'll get sick.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I still say Mother Nature is either PMSing or going through menopause.

When wasn't Mother Nature either PMSing or going through menopause? Rhetorical question. Don't answer it.
