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seems sad but when it all clears up, Im going to laugh later

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Posts: 182
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My ex from two friggin years ago got mad becuase Im dating another guy, so he stole my cell and made up this whole story about me commiting suicide and all this jazz while i was out of town. when I got online to talk to him he started cursing saying how this isnt funny and he also made a Memorial of me saying how I should rest in peace, but I got it all cleared up...

the thing jelouse people do >>

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Now is it me or are you totally not the type to kill yourself.

Whoever beleives you'd do that must barely know you at all o.o

Posts: 1037
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That was kinda irrational of your ex to do. o.o
Especially since he hadn't been dating you for 2 years.
At least you got it all sorted out.

Posts: 3468
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my two-year-gone ex is convinced I hate her guts and is more than happy to tell everyone this (right in front of me). my attempts to convey my (it's not acting if it's truly how you feel, right?) I-could-not-care-less-about-you get-over-it-already attitude via not playing her game doesn't seem to work, but I haven't done more about it.

I laughed about it at the present time, I laughed about it afterwards, and I laugh about it now. Don't worry too much, just find humour in it.

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sadly, some people just can't let got of their fave grudge/snit and coddle it like some precious toy. i've had someone telling people that i'm a vicious rumour spreading etcetc behind my back, all over some misunderstanding from years ago. pot, kettle, black. ^^; i just ignore it, they'll forget eventually.

although telling everyone that you died was rather extreme, i'd keep away from the guy. oO;

Posts: 5035
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Yea he's a freak.

Posts: 3468
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Something tells me it's ex for a reason

Posts: 182
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he was waaaaay controlling and selfish, he used to get mad even when i hugged teddy bears!

Posts: 2915
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Poor Purdy = I'm just glad you got out of that relationship

Posts: 2398
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I don't associate with other people on anything close to personal level anymore.


Posts: 2016
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Jeeze,what a loser.

TWO YEARS? Talk about living in the past.

Posts: 419
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I don't associate with other people on anything close to personal level anymore.


granted, i got brained in the head by a falling coconut, but in all honesty - to switch it around a bit - what pretty girl doesn't want to get brained with some guys giant falling nut in the heat of the moment?


BA-DUM-TISH!!!!!!!!! :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Ladies and gentlemen, Dubs. He'll be here every night this week. At least according to his contract

...Whats this in fine print about midnight rendezvous with... me?

Who signed this contract?



Posts: 1037
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Jeeze,what a loser.
TWO YEARS? Talk about living in the past.


Posts: 2809
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he used to get mad even when i hugged teddy bears!

:eek Please, please, please, tell me that was an extreme exaggeration because if it isn't then he needs to see a great, not good, psychiatrist and/or be locked up!

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

You should leave a @#%$ in his bed.

I don't know where that came from, kinda a spur of the moment idea. ^^; But seriously... that guy needs to either move out of his parents house, or if he already has, then maybe move back in...

Posts: 182
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the teddy bear thing was not an exaggeration sadly... Id be holding one and he'd say something along the lines of - " that better not be a guy teddy bear!" or " You love that thing more then you love me!" and he'd start crying or drinking.
You think this is bad, you should have seen him a week after we broke up. ><

Posts: 3756
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That's either sad or hilarious. :( / :lol @ Purdy

Posts: 182
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it is in a way..seeing how he's the one that broke up with me... funny how the tables turn =p

Posts: 1694
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Methinks he's got an inferiority complex, and doesn't like the idea of being replaced. From what you've said, it's good the relationship ended.

On a lighter note, darn you Dubs! I almost choked on a chicken strip because of you.

Posts: 182
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mmm..chicken strips!

Posts: 1694
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Yeah, they're good when they're going down. They're not so good when they're coming back up.

Posts: 182
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if they're seasoned right! =D
jk that was disgusting ><

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