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So, remember when Cartoon Network was only cartoons?

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*insert obligatory 'Cartoon Network is still around?' thought*

Posts: 1100
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See, I wouldn't mind so much if the station wasn't still called CARTOON NETWORK! Sure if it was called the "Oh GWAD I wish we were still Nickelodeon" network, then sure, but...

Posts: 679
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Cartoon Network used to be Nickelodeon? But I thought it was created by Turner?


Posts: 163
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No, CN is a different entity from Nickelodeon. In its glory days, though, Cartoon Network used to be a repository for the cartoons that Nick was kicking off the air in the late 90s.

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It still is.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member I'd rather watch Wild and Crazy Kids again. If you can get the science/discovery channel then this show is useleeeeeeeess.

Posts: 1583
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I don't even remember the last time I turned my TV to Cartoon Network....

Posts: 571
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The Adult Swim shows have changed for the worse. That Tim & Eric show is the most idiotic thing I've seen in a long while and wonder how these douches were able to get a show and a time slot. Plus there are some other weird ass shows like Xavier. I miss the old Space Ghost days. At least Aqua Teen, Squidbillies and my personal fav, The Venture Brothers are still there. But plz, die Tim & Eric.

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Cartoon Network is a creation of Turner Communications to compete with both Disney and Nickelodeon. They still show Bleach every Saturday night, so I'll keep watching until they stop.

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Andrew wk hosting a show where kids blow up stuff?

This could either be epic failure or success, but they will eventually run out of things to blow up.

But yes, cartoon network is not really living up to it's cartoon name.

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they will eventually run out of things to blow up.

Maybe, but just think of how long that would take.

Posts: 1984
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I want more Batman the Bold and the Brave

Posts: 3756
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Yeah, I swing by Cartoon Network sometimes when I'm channel surfing, but the show's I'd like the watch (Batman:BatB and Transformers) are placed awkwardlyin their schedule.

Posts: 1984
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I found a few BatB eps on youtube. and every TF Animated episode is on there too

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I want more Batman the Bold and the Brave

Rumor has it that the second season is coming this fall!

Posts: 5772
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Rumors are a flyin', fueled fooled by people who've lost their jobs mixed with some questionable decisions by the network… but..

NO, CARTOON NETWORK isn't changing its name. Not anytime soon anyways… they were gonna... But I think their reality show idea didn't go as well as they had hoped, so… they're kinda backing out of that idea. Yay for cartoons!

No, Flapjack isn't cancelled. They haven't even started airing our second season yet, which is the best yet. They just had us make up our schedules and budget for third season…

Although they DID pull us off the air in Canada, because we're for too old of an audience or something. Which I think is funny… sorry Canada, your country only wants baby cartoons… ;-:


The system DOES work. 😮

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Late night Saturday has better stuff.
Code Geass
The Big O
Cowboy Bebop
Full Metal Alchemist

The rest is crap.

Posts: 1984
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wait...FlapJack is too mature for Canada kids??

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I don't know about 'mature', but the show consistently does well with older viewers... which is a bit of a sore spot with CN execs who want something that can pull in the age group that worships Spongebob Squarepants. Because attracting the 3-9 crowd means advertisers have to pay more for their spots to air alongside said show, which means more $$ in CN's corner. Or something like that.

Posts: 1100
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Don't be mislead. It's Teletoon CANADA. IT want's baby cartoons, not the Canadian viewers. I think another reason was that Teletoon would switch the scheduling for Flapjack would change constantly (Then again, I never was into the show).

Posts: 679
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I don't know about 'mature', but the show consistently does well with older viewers... which is a bit of a sore spot with CN execs who want something that can pull in the age group that worships Spongebob Squarepants. Because attracting the 3-9 crowd means advertisers have to pay more for their spots to air alongside said show, which means more $$ in CN's corner. Or something like that.

Isn't that one of several reasons why shows like Animaniacs got cancelled? They kept bringing in the wrong demographics for the advertisers? Wish Warners would just finish off the DVD releases rather than stopping dead halfway through...


Posts: 3291
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I'm pretty sure they played Invader Zim in the 3pm children's slot on one of the UK tv channels.. no wonder it got cancelled so quickly, harmless stuff like teletubbies normally gets played at that time. never worked out why they thought it would appeal to children that young.

Posts: 1100
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Because the Executives never really pay attention to the product they are showcasing. If it's animated, no matter WHAT the subject is, it's still for kids because its animated. Which always give the ol 'knee jerk reaction' to when shows like Zim get canned instead of moving to a later time slot (Or Teletoon and Flapjack which aired Saturdays @ 11)

As for Cartoon Network. Why can't they have both. It worked for the first two years of Teletoon, spiting shows based on Day (Pre-School), Afternoon( Kids 8-130, Evening(14-17) & Night(18+). Of course that was before the incident...

Posts: 2610
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That Tim & Eric show is the most idiotic thing I've seen in a long while and wonder how these douches were able to get a show and a time slot...But plz, die Tim & Eric.

I haven't posted here in maybe a year and these two sentences have awoken me...with rage. Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! is quite possibly one of my favorite shows on television right now . I can understand where you're coming from though because of how mentally hilarious some of the segments are, but finding that one nugget of sweet sweet corn immersed in crap is really worth it sometimes. And hopefully season cinco is the last one, as the crap to comedy ratio is falling out of whack =/

Also! on topic, Cartoon Network has been pretty bad lately and I don't really expect things to pick up at all. Current things rarely beat out tried and true nostalgia.

Posts: 633
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well heres some good news for U guys, the ratings fo CNReal have been tanking (some shows worse then others, but still) In fact the only show CN is considering buying a second season of is Brainrush...& they will be airing some more toons in the future, Such as.....

Returning toons
Star Wars: Clone Wars Season 2
Batman B&TB season 2
Secret Saturdays Season 2
Flap Jack Season 2
Chowder Season 3 (final season)
Stoked Season 1

New toons
Cartoon Institute (TBA 2009)
Generator Rex (2010)
Sym-bionic Titan (2010)
Pink Panther & Pals (TBA)
Garfield CGI (2010)
PPGZ (pending approval)

and adult swim has new seasons of Robot chicken, Venture bros & the new show Titan Maxum, anime wise theres still new Bleach & New Moribito starts is August, & they'll most likely Get FMA: Brotherhood once Funi gets an english dub of the show out.

Posts: 5772
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Where's Naruto: Shippuden, Legionfan44? YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE NARUTO SHIPPUDEN!!

Posts: 633
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Where's Naruto: Shippuden, Legionfan44? YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE NARUTO SHIPPUDEN!!

Well Psxphile, the new CEO of cartoon network decided that naruto was "TOO VIOLENT" & should not be shown on regular CN, & Adult Swim for whatevert reason wasn't interested in picking it up. so yea Blame CN's newest CEO Stuart Snyder for the lack of Naruto on CN. Casue kids don't want anime, no they want half-a$$*# reality shows that parody other shows, yeah thank goodness those will most likely be gone within a year.

but yea no shippuden on CN, heck there still debating weather to air PPGZ or not, stupid aniphobic jerk.

Posts: 1402
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i'd have to agree about the shippuden thing, i'm not sure where they are at in japan as far as the anime goes but the manga's got some pretty violent parts. i don't see why adult swim wouldn't pick it up though. bleach is the only show that they're playing new episodes of it seems like.

on the other hand i really don't watch CN outside of adult swim, i don't have any interest in their shows anymore.

Posts: 874
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Where's Naruto: Shippuden, Legionfan44? YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE NARUTO SHIPPUDEN!!

Bah, I can do without Shippuden. It's gotten pretty terribad, especially with Kishimoto's inexplicable infatuation with Sasuke, who might just be the least interesting character in all of everything.

My real gripe is their mistreatment of the Funimation One Piece. I know 4kids made an abomination who's crimes shall not be numbered for they are too many, but dammit it's the best shonen show on the market! Give it the respect it deserves dammit!

Also Adult Swim not picking up Black Lagoon or Gurren Lagann pretty much solidified the idea that they just aren't interested in anime much anymore.

Posts: 1402
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i think people lost interest in one piece because after what felt like two years, they were still in alabasta, and it's taken them forever to go anywhere in the pages of shonen jump. it has more chapters and episodes then both bleach and naruto, but they never went anywhere with it.

kishimoto's obsession with sasuke seems to be weaning due to his new "kill everyone" attitude versus his "avenger" attitude. he's not a very interesting character anymore.

Posts: 874
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I'd say Bleach and Naruto are far worse offenders in the 'is this arc DONE?" department. What with the Filler Hell and Soul Society and all.

Posts: 1402
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agreed, but i was thinking more along the lines of cn would sparingly play new episodes of one piece, so it seemed like the arc took forever.

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CN hasn't aired One Piece in many months. Same with Naruto.
