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So that little thing called NaNoWriMo is coming up again......

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Yeah, there's this handy dandy thing called a link, it's at the beginning of this topic and it tells you all about it. It's pretty helpful stuff.

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Yeah, um, you really have no excuse not to have seen it. =/

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!! 😀 😀 to Rapid, Bryan, and Kitty for all getting 50,000! (oh, and I guess to me too 8D)

As a prize, you can all have your lives back.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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"The real prize in NaNoWriMo is the manuscript itself, and the exhilarating feeling of setting an ambitious creative goal and nailing it. And the $1,000,000."

"Just kidding about the $1,000,000!"

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Finished a day early. There was a while I thought I honestly might not make it this year, but I did. So yay for that.

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O_o it was a contest?

then NaNoWriMo isn't a name of a movie.... wow i didn't know all this, i'm totally shocked.. why havent i seen this post before,
so who won, what happened, update this thing!

hmm........... does this mean craig's characters were his own design? i'm really impressed, i dont watch a lot of tv so i just assumed NaNoWriMo was a show i'm missing.
<pat craig's back> you win more of my admiriation now that i understood everything. oh and i'm loving your other fan fiction, did you win last year or this year?

Posts: 44
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Hahaha 🙂 Yeah, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, where the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month about anything and everything.

Most of the characters in Grief are his own creation - Cari, Tamara, and Navi belong to me. At the same time, Tyler and Lee (and a couple others like Irvine and Ethan King) are mentioned in my novel, "Confessions of a Combat Waitress". There's actually a pretty hefty section about Lee - in fact, I'd say he's the catalyst behind my entire plot 8D He and I have been RPing since 2002, and all of our novels take place in the world we've created over the past several years.

By the way, this totally isn't a shameless plug. >>;

And to answer your question, Craig has won every year since 2007.

~Sailor Spirit Sage

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i bet a million bucks bunny knows about this NaNoWriMo thing, she'll laugh when i tell her this funny story
thanks for clearing that out

ahh so the sisters are your idea..... they did seem too strongly developed, i did felt a touch of female creativity in it.
and i remember Ethan King and Irvine's small part in the murder investigation scene.

well, you two are very interesting, and very clever to make that fictional world.. i really thought it was a popular block buster movie i didn't know about, it's just that good of an idea.
and your fan fiction sounds exciting, but you still havent finished it. hurry up, i'm curious more than ever to read it now

as for craig winning so many years, i really believe it, he is that good. i'm glad he gets recognized for his talent, a lot of good people don't, i was worried he wasn't.

thanks again for the explination, keep your team's super writing power pumping, super girl !

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Who on Earth is Bunny? o.o'

Anywho, I won for the past two years. Please do read Tricia's novel, it's worth the read and develops our characters and world really well, also Tricia's one ended before mine. So it's ready to read in it's entirety.

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oh, i thought everyone has to put [Finished] after they're done. and i hated to bother her till she was done
althought i havent finished your "Normal" fan fiction still (it's longer than it looks, but very enjoyable and differnt in style than grief) i'll go read her fan fiction now.

and bunny is cita my bookworm best friend.... i kept telling her there's this really cool movie out there, that someone is writing a cool fan fiction about i even promised to get her the movie that's why i never told her the name. i wanted it to be a surprise.. .... ummmm... don't know if it's good for my image to mention all this.

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You should also totally read my NaNoWriMo novel too. And perhaps check out so that you know a bit more about what this was all about. And then maybe enter yourself next year!

Oh and yeah, as Tricia mentioned, I completed my novel on time as well. When we say people have "won", it means that they completed 50,000 words within the 30 day time limit. So all of us who have been mentioned as managing that have won this year, as have hundreds if not thousands of other people around the globe.

Posts: 1656
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so no one wins for real? craig! tricia! why didn't you two explain this's really kinda disappointing you do all that hard work, try saving them okay? maybe you can use them somewhere else.

oh i'm still reading tricia's fan fiction (her style is much difficult than craig that girl is waaaaaaay too smart and she's younger than me<my jealous meter going up>) i'm also half way through on both her's and craig's ... after i'm done i'll go see yours silver shadow i love confiedent people, although i did go through some of the other fan fictions before and wasn't impressed.... i'll have to check yours in particular.

and as for me competing, that's sooooooooooooo not gonna happen. i don't have that interest in writing and i'd just suck at it for sure this is your thing not mine.

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Why would it be disappointing? The point of NaNoWriMo isn't to win a prize or anything like that; rather it's to get you to write and to discover the joys of doing so - and at the same time to apply just the right amount of pressure on you to squeeze out your creativity into something fun.

With that said though there is still a prize of sorts this year for everyone who won - one of the event sponsors, CreateSpace, gave out promo codes to everyone who managed the 50k to have a free draft copy of their novels professionally printed and then sent to them. So I suppose that in some ways could be counted as a material prize. But really the only prize that participants are aiming for is the feeling of achievement of having managed to do something special and perhaps inspiring. Or at least that's the way I see it - and I still can't quite believe that I managed to write a whole 50,000 words over such a short period of time!

(Also side note - you sure Tricia's younger than you? =P)

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you see, that's why i can't be a writer not even for fun, i'm too competative.. and i don't have that drive you got.... you writers sure got noble traits.

as for her being younger, well her info says she's 20 that's pretty young, and married too how adorable
oh and you better not have hinted out i was less mature, i'm obviouesly older.

Posts: 4885
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Ah, we see your username says 1991 and assume it's your birthyear. Makes me curious as to how old you are if the date is unrelated to you o.o

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how could you assume that!!
what kind of kid has my genuis ........... <i'd put a crying icon if i had one> .. i only put 1991 cause that's the time i first played sonic and loved video games..i thought it was obvious..
is it cause of my spelling???? i can't help it if i'm poor and my education was terryfingly religion based nonesense that can never help me in real life.

Posts: 4885
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Well, internet is not very good at portraying age, gender or race. So you have to go with the information actively displayed before you. As I saw a date, I assumed the date was relative to birthyear. Likewise, your name offers no gender, but your avatar is of a female so it gives the mind a slant towards thinking of you as a girl.

Posts: 1008
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What Craig said. I see the number 1991, I assume it's the year you were born.

That and, not wanting to come across as unkind, the grasp of spelling and grammar someone displays when posting also goes a long way to giving an impression of the person's age, as does the content.

In a nutshell, our current impression of who and what you're like could well be quite far off the mark, but we have very little to go on to correct it - so some misconceptions should be expected 'til we know you better ;p

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Your spelling and grammar are appalling, Sonicsfan1991. But I still love you anyway - if you're an attractive female.

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I just have to say, I have nothing but the utmost respect for everyone who managed to achieve 50000 words in a month. I'm lucky if I get 50 in a week on my current fan fiction. Fraggin' writer's block.

I'd love to try this one year, but I'm horrible when it comes to finishing projects. The two page long list of art projects and practically an entire hard drive full of unfinished (and probably never will be finished) fan fiction is a testament to that.

Kudos to all of you!

Posts: 841
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sonicsfan is ~23 if my calculations are correct. 24 early next year. Zodiac threads are interesting 😀

I could never do NaNoWriMo cause I have the patience of a gnat. Probably why my art is nowhere near it's protential too.

[edit] unless they're even older, as the years of the Ox are '97-'98, '85-'86, '73-'74 etc...

Posts: 1656
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What Craig said. I see the number 1991, I assume it's the year you were born.

That and, not wanting to come across as unkind, the grasp of spelling and grammar someone displays when posting also goes a long way to giving an impression of the person's age, as does the content.

In a nutshell, our current impression of who and what you're like could well be quite far off the mark, but we have very little to go on to correct it - so some misconceptions should be expected 'til we know you better ;p

that really hurts me i know you didn't say anything wrong its just... people always say i look much younger than my age and now everyone here says i have the intellect of a 16 year old.

i was happy that trudi speed got my age right, but when she said its from the sun sign thread, it meant she didnt connect my personality with my age. if i look childish i was hoping my brain isn't ... now im very depressed anyway, my name is Mada and i'm 23 and a woman (good thing i didn't post the dead space pic for my avatar) ..... also it's true my 24th birthday is coming up soon. you all can call me by my name if you like... it's better than sonicsfan1991 right?

P.S: you'd make a good detective trudi, thanks for getting it right <hug's trudi and dramatically runs away>.

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Aww, don't worry, I was paying attention when you mentioned your age in your 'Don't be Shy' thread! And I certainly don't think you have the intellect of a 16-year old (there; not everyone's saying you do)! Whilst what has been said certainly has more than a little truth to it (impressions can be easily misleading online), I didn't think you were 16- either mentally or otherwise. Hope you enjoy your 24th next year & that this hasn't put you off our forum!

Posts: 1656
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thanks gem, i'm glad you don't think little of me.
and of course i'm not put off by all this, i wont have told you guys my name if i didn't love everyone hopefully we can be friends in the future (i'll prove there's more to me than an airhead)

so i mentioned my age before?? wow thanks for remembering <hug> thank you thank you thank you! but why didn't everyone else did?

Posts: 328
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I suspect it has something to do with my visiting reality only once in a blue moon, and this place rather more often. When you spend as much time as I do in transit between reality and other more interesting places, you've got to read the signs, remember the directions, and make sure you take note of details that might be significant later! Other members of the forum tend to shift between reality and other places at a much faster pace, so they don't always stop to note the details!

Posts: 1656
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ha ha ha ... you actually sound cute like that.
although i hope to see you around always.... i wonder whats that other than reality place you spend a lot of time in? and how long have you been around here? your posts are so low.

Posts: 328
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Well, according to the 'joined' date I consulted upon my profile I've been here since the 16th October 2002, which sounds about right. As to where I spend most of the rest of my time, I'm resident in the place known to some as The Unseen World, or more commonly as The World of Dreams- or Dream Realm if you want a shorter title. You can probably imagine why I spend so much of my time there & so little walking the Waking World!

Posts: 1008
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My apologies if it was hurtful at all, I have a tendency to be a little brusque sometimes.

Trust me when I say you're not alone in people having misconceptions about your age etc going solely by what they see you post. I can think of at least one of the members of staff who people probably think is younger than she is.

And as for me, I'd hope I seem as old as I am. Just so long as people don't estimate age by cynicism though, because then they'd definitely overshoot on mine ._.

...getting back on topic, I posted the whole rest of my novel in Carni Isle

Posts: 44
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Bryan: I'm totally reading it when I get some free time, which by the looks of it, will be Monday. I'll give you a critique then 😀

Mada: Trust me, I totally got the same thing when I started here. There was a reason my custom title screamed "My name is NOT Shadow... and I AM A GIRL!!", probably word for word like that too. 8D Of course, that was back when Shadow was a cool character, so everyone just assumed it was Sonic-related (in actuality, it caters to my inner Zelda fangirl, combining my two favorite Sages from Ocarina of Time).

I wouldn't take it personally 🙂 These internets, and the people that reside on them, are really hard to navigate when we have few clues to work from. As my husband would say, "now we know, and KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!"

As for me, I'm a couple photos away from getting that free proof copy of my novel ^__^

~Sailor Spirit Sage

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<slam pat silvershadow's back> don't pay me any mind, i'm being silly i stopped thinking about it after i started posting on the other threads (and gem was sweet too) your too nice to apologize when you clearly done nothing wrong.

and super girl i'm going to devour you, what the hell is that fan fiction?!!! i can't finish it did you have to write like bunny's novels? and i think i passed 3 words i never used before (maybe more but i'm too proud to admit it) i'm glad i'm reading it, i see the connection to the world where both your story and craig's is set. but you are much different than him, his writing is easy to read and grasp, yours i have to read it carefully, i can't even listen to music while reading it
and your character is nothing like your personality. i'll have to finish it to say more.

silvershadow, your story better not be as difficult as tricia's or i'm not gonna go to the arcades this week.

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that really hurts me i know you didn't say anything wrong its just... people always say i look much younger than my age and now everyone here says i have the intellect of a 16 year old.

Hey, chill. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. What matters is what YOU think of YOURSELF. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I do whatever whenever. Just for the record though, I don't think you have the intellect of a 16-year-old. Your spelling and grammar have no TRUE bearing on your intelligence - and ANY people who say otherwise are gonna get their asses kicked by me. So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I don't think you're stupid. Far from it, in fact. You are open-minded but not indiscriminately so, you are extremely approachable and you apparently have a type of innocence which I struggle to adequately define. I believe that these are all equally valid expressions of intelligence. As for looking younger than your age, take that as a compliment babe. Legions of people throughout the ages have sought to drink from the fountain of youth, yet have never triumphantly imbibed the intoxicating ambrosia contained therein.

i was happy that trudi speed got my age right, but when she said its from the sun sign thread, it meant she didnt connect my personality with my age. if i look childish i was hoping my brain isn't ... now im very depressed anyway, my name is Mada and i'm 23 and a woman (good thing i didn't post the dead space pic for my avatar) ..... also it's true my 24th birthday is coming up soon.

Your brain isn't childish. Child-like perhaps, but not childish. There is a fundamental difference between being child-like and childish. Being child-like entails a constant sense of wonder, a lack of cynicism, a lack of apathy and a sincere love for everyone and everything. In my opinion, you have successfully combined the innocence of a child with the maturity of an adult. You are a truly wholesome person and such people are very, very rare in this world. So don't be very depressed. Be EXTREMELY depressed! Nah, I kid! I kid! Don't be depressed at all. Why? Coz Uncle Rish got yo back! Also, happy 24th in advance Mada.

you all can call me by my name if you like... it's better than sonicsfan1991 right?

P.S: you'd make a good detective trudi, thanks for getting it right <hug's trudi and dramatically runs away>.

Yeah, 'Mada' is INFINITELY BETTER than 'Sonicsfan1991'!!!!! Don't mind me, I'm a douche.

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That's actually very interesting critique - I've been writing that character for so long that it just feels natural to write in the way that she thinks and speaks, so I never really stopped to think about how difficult it would be for others who have never encountered the character to grasp and digest. But that also means that I've achieved my goal - because that character, and consequently her narrative, is supposed to be VERY difficult to grasp and understand, simply because she's more intelligent than probably all of us on the forum combined.

So I guess I'm sorry I made it difficult, but at the same time, thank you for reminding me how difficult it was 😀

~Sailor Spirit Sage

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Naa, mine ain't too difficult to digest. People who've read it so far seem to have enjoyed it too, so that's a plus.

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that really hurts me i know you didn't say anything wrong its just... people always say i look much younger than my age and now everyone here says i have the intellect of a 16 year old.

Hey, chill. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. What matters is what YOU think of YOURSELF. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I do whatever whenever. Just for the record though, I don't think you have the intellect of a 16-year-old. Your spelling and grammar have no TRUE bearing on your intelligence - and ANY people who say otherwise are gonna get their asses kicked by me. So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I don't think you're stupid. Far from it, in fact. You are open-minded but not indiscriminately so, you are extremely approachable and you apparently have a type of innocence which I struggle to adequately define. I believe that these are all equally valid expressions of intelligence. As for looking younger than your age, take that as a compliment babe. Legions of people throughout the ages have sought to drink from the fountain of youth, yet have never triumphantly imbibed the intoxicating ambrosia contained therein.

i was happy that trudi speed got my age right, but when she said its from the sun sign thread, it meant she didnt connect my personality with my age. if i look childish i was hoping my brain isn't ... now im very depressed anyway, my name is Mada and i'm 23 and a woman (good thing i didn't post the dead space pic for my avatar) ..... also it's true my 24th birthday is coming up soon.

Your brain isn't childish. Child-like perhaps, but not childish. There is a fundamental difference between being child-like and childish. Being child-like entails a constant sense of wonder, a lack of cynicism, a lack of apathy and a sincere love for everyone and everything. In my opinion, you have successfully combined the innocence of a child with the maturity of an adult. You are a truly wholesome person and such people are very, very rare in this world. So don't be very depressed. Be EXTREMELY depressed! Nah, I kid! I kid! Don't be depressed at all. Why? Coz Uncle Rish got yo back! Also, happy 24th in advance Mada.

you all can call me by my name if you like... it's better than sonicsfan1991 right?

P.S: you'd make a good detective trudi, thanks for getting it right <hug's trudi and dramatically runs away>.

Yeah, 'Mada' is INFINITELY BETTER than 'Sonicsfan1991'!!!!! Don't mind me, I'm a douche.

Quit flirting with her Rishi

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Quit flirting with her Rishi

it didn't seem that way, it was more of warm friendly honest words of comfort btw hukos since i can catch you in a converstation..where is fear of the dark?! what's iron maiden without it, and can you add the old scorpions songs like alien nation and such... wonder what you'd review on them will be (didn't reply to your thread cause i was waiting for you to add more).

back to rishi:
thanks so much for the kind words writing that much means you care that much, you're too kind.
but i really don't find myself as child-like or innocent ... why i keep getting the same remarks?

<As for looking younger than your age, take that as a compliment babe. Legions of people throughout the ages have sought to drink from the fountain of youth, yet have never triumphantly imbibed the intoxicating ambrosia contained therein.>

yeah well when your the youngest in your family, you always dream of being an adult and being treated like one. getting my age wrong pushes my buttons (also i'm having a hard time getting a job for that reason). but anyway thanks rishi <hug> if your there for me, then i'll be there for you anytime!

oh and super girl, i didn't mean you should change your writing just cause it's hard for me. you're doing okay, it's just i go for easier reads cause i'm not a novel reader. but i'm enjoying the reading, i got a few more pages to go. and it really is true to it's title anyway i'll give you my full comment when i'm done, hopefully today. so waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!

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Quit flirting with her Rishi

Screw you.

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Sonicsfan x Rishi DISCUSS


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For the love of God, Rose Dust, don't encourage him ._.

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Naa, mine ain't too difficult to digest. People who've read it so far seem to have enjoyed it too, so that's a plus.

i just finished reading super girl's fan fiction now i'm free to read yours.... although since i havent been sleeping, i'll have to read it later at night when i stop seeing those imaginary bunnies
but really i want to be fully enegized to give it all my attention.

<Sonicsfan x Rishi DISCUSS

*maimed* >

huh? discuss what?

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Sonicsfan x Rishi DISCUSS

Nothing to discuss. Move along. *listens to some MJ songz*

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Rishi, the more you comment, the more likely us talking about it becomes.

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Wasn't this thread about that prizeless competition?

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Wasn't this thread about that prizeless competition?

ha ha .... that is soooooooooooooooo funny good come back <high fives>

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ha ha .... that is soooooooooooooooo funny good come back <high fives>

I wasn't trying to be funny, but lady, you're awwwwwwwwwwwwwright.

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sonicsfan1991 wrote:

Quit flirting with her Rishi

it didn't seem that way, it was more of warm friendly honest words of comfort btw hukos since i can catch you in a converstation..where is fear of the dark?! what's iron maiden without it, and can you add the old scorpions songs like alien nation and such... wonder what you'd review on them will be (didn't reply to your thread cause i was waiting for you to add more).

I'm doing them in chronological order, and since Fear of the Dark is from Iron Maiden's album of the same name, it won't come for a while, it being their ninth studio album and me only being on their fifth.

Also, I"m really only going to do bands I really enjoy and I never was much of a Scorpions fan :/

Feel free to reply to it though! Also, my comment to Rishi was in jest

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ohhh no scorpions oh well it's your thread, and cool about fear of the dark, i'll be eagerly waiting that

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Quit flirting with her Rishi

Screw you.

Sorry for you Rishi, I cannot be seduced by the exotic temptations you so use to your advantage!

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Sorry for you Rishi, I cannot be seduced by the exotic temptations you so use to your advantage!

Yeah, you go do that!

Posts: 1656
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Sorry for you Rishi, I cannot be seduced by the exotic temptations you so use to your advantage!

Yeah, you go do that!

Oh not the satsfiying reply i was hoping for .. (real drama is tasty )

Posts: 1986
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Sorry for you Rishi, I cannot be seduced by the exotic temptations you so use to your advantage!

Yeah, you go do that!

u make no cents

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