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So Dragonball movie?

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Posts: 1402
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i guess if you see the movie shutter, you'll get to see the trailer for the live action movie... i got this all from wikipedia so i was just wondering if it's a joke or not.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Yeah, the movie's definitely for real. All I can remember off the top of my head is that Chow Yun Fat and Emmy Rossum are starring.

Posts: 1982
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Wow, you made the 2nd DBZ-related topictoday.

I made the first.

...I do'nt know what compelled me to point that out.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Wait Dragonball or Dragonball Z.

Because if it's the former, I wholeheartedly approve, the latter, LOL

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

It's Dragonball.

The story is as follows; Goku has to find all the Dragonballs before (the evil!) Piccolo does. Hurray basic plots.

Posts: 2915
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And supposedly Piccolo is green........

Posts: 2234
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Dragonball and Dragonball Z are the same thing, Crim, and they're both awesome.

DBZ less so after the Freiza saga although I still liked the beginning bits of the Android saga.

The movie's an amalgamation of the Lord Pilaf and Demon King Picollo sagas. Sounds a bit of a shame that we won't probably won't get any Red Ribbon stylised movie, although you could imagine the lol with Commander Black.

From what I've heard I'm cautiously optimistic although I hate how Goku is supposed to be a 'bullied teenage highschooler'. Why the hell can't they stick with him living by himself in the wilderness?

Posts: 3291
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oh hey, it's Big Green! oo

Posts: 4885
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Eh. I'll watch it.

I've been a closet DB/Z fan since I was 14 and it never grew off me, no matter how much I pretend it did.

I'm torn between wanting to see a big energy attack crazed awesome fest or the continuity critic in me knowing Makkenkosappo is Picollo Jr.'s signiture move and not Demon King's.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

I know they are the same story, Pach, and yes, DBZ is awesome. It's just the very thought of a live action DBZ makes my laugh, it's just too much and I don't think it could be pulled off at all without extreme levels of unintentional hilarious. The powerlevels are too far over 9000. Dragonball on the other hand is pure unadulterated love, and a Dragonball movie is a sweet prospect.

I too would rather a Red Ribbon saga, but frankly, Piccalo is more suited for the big screen, you couldn't really fit the RR into a movie, I dunno. It's going to be fun seeing if he still has stretchylimbness.

And Goku is a troubled teenager? Laem.

Final thoughts: It better have Yamcha }=O

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

The details that were floating around over the net ago said that Yamcha was in.

No word on Kuririn or Tenshinhan, though. =(

Posts: 3666
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I thought the existance of this had been known for a while? o.o I'm not personally interested, I lost interest in the series after it jumped ship to Toonami halfway through the Buu saga and I didn't have it and no longer care about it, but I just thought I'd mention it because related articles keep seeming to crop up on Kotaku and the like.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

I'll probably see it just so I can say I did. And possibly get two hours of hilarity.

But my primary reason for wanting to see it is so that I can see James Marsters, aka Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as Piccolo.

Posts: 2191
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Now watch how it will take the entire movie for Goku to power up. o.o

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Posts: 1694
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But my primary reason for wanting to see it is so that I can see James Marsters, aka Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as Piccolo.

Brainiac, eh? That's cool. He can be pretty evil.

Should be amusing at the very least.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

And supposedly Piccolo is green........

As was Blanka in the first Street Fighter movie. >_>
