I'm in the mood to read me a webcomix but there are so many out there I don't know where to start. Actually I found one called Crimson Dark which started in 2006. I read the entire archive in about 3 hours. So now I'm left with nothing to read again! Anybody here read or make webcomics that I can peruse?
Oh and since this topic is called Sturgen's Law and webcomics. Do any of you guys know of any particularly bad webcomics? Its the general rule that 90 percent of any craft that has no limits as to who can make it, is crap. (fanFICTION) Sometimes digging for that fruitful 10 percent can be tiresome.
I don't think it's possible for a webcomic to be any worse than Powerup Comics. I'm still consistently amazed at how terrible it is with each strip I read. The comments can be pretty funny sometimes, though. I linked to the first comic so you can witness the horror chronologically.
As for good comics, some of my favorites are:
Dinosaur Comics
Dr. McNinja
Thinkin' Lincoln
And for some darker humor, there's Lucid TV and The Perry Bible Fellowship. Though these are all comedy-based and, aside from Dr. McNinja, have no story... so they're pretty much unlike that Crimson Dark comic in every way. 😡
I generally read Errant Story, MegaTokyo, Nuklear Power, and PvP.
Errant Story is a medieval fantasy setting following a party of two humans, an elf, and a half-elf. I'm not sure how much longer this one will be going, though. The guy behind it has done other strips that seem to have a finite story line, and this one seems to be reaching a point where it could be the end of the story.
MegaTokyo is about a couple of Americans who end up getting stuck in Japan after going over for the TGS. It follows their attempts to make friends and a life in Japan.
Nuklear Power (also known as 8-bit theater) started as a parody of Final Fantasy and is done in old Nintendo-esque (hence the 8-bit title) graphics. It, too, seems to be approaching an end-story, though.
PvP follows a small gaming magazine company. It started as just a strip about gaming jokes, but has expanded over time to include other things, such as two characters getting married, attempts at playing D&D, and such.
I have a daily trawl, and several bookmarks I check on occasion. The daily trawl is mostly linked from others, because I'm lazy like that, this isn't to say they update daily, but I can't be bothered with scheduals.
I start with Sluggy Freelance which if you don't know what it is by now, then you don't read webcomics.
Then I move to Schlock Mercenary, IMO one of the best out there and has been going like, 8 or nine years solid daily updates, about a mercenary crew. IN SPAAAAAAACE.
From there it's Erfworld, Girl Genius, Order of the Stick, Penny Arcade, PvP, Shortpacked, Starslip and The Whiteboard. From Shortpacked, I hit Dr McNinja, Questionable Content, Something Positive and if I'm feeling zesty Scary Go Round.
From those I'll sometimes move on to XKCD and Goats.
After that I always check SSDD, which I won't link to as it's rather crass ;3
My bookmarked ones will take forever to type.
Actually quick question. I'm looking for a webcomic that was/is linked on Dr McNinja and it was about a warrior girl thing and in onw of the strips she says something like "if you strike me down, people will come to get you" and before she is killed, someone kills the person and she says something like "That rarely works so quickly." What was it? The archives was a drop down menu if I recall correctly.
Also I generally only read Dr McNinja and Crtl Alt and Del. The former because its so damn awesome and latter because its a train wreck and I cant stop.
http://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic1.php - Awkward Zombie is nice. I've seen her work on DeviantArt.
Rabid Rodent wrote:
I don't think it's possible for a webcomic to be any worse than Powerup Comics. I'm still consistently amazed at how terrible it is with each strip I
read. The comments can be pretty funny sometimes, though. I linked to the first comic so you can witness the horror chronologically.
HOLY *^%$.
I've heard of this and how it's racist, sexist, and every other -ist you can think of, but wow.
That was incredible. It managed to get worse with nearly every comic. Towards the end my jaw was dropping, which is quite a feat since I was expecing it to be horrible. It goes beyond anything you can possibly expect. I do think that the author may be making it bad intentionally, but if he is it is by far the most believable troll ever.
It may not be possible to make a webcomic (or... any type of art whatsoever) worse than that. You might cite more overtly offensive things, but they would not be as banal simply because they would be acts of rebellion or would be unusual. This may actually be the worst thing ever authored, or that ever will be.
Forgot to till you about the sheer awesome that is Solomon Stone. (warning: swearing)
Chugworth Academy and Boss Noodle are bad. I just finished reading what there was of Boss Noodle and TRIED to read as much Chugworth as I could before I raised the white flag of surrender.
Read Crimson Dark It's so much better!!!
And yes Sinfest is quite good.
I don't how anyone else feels, but I gotta admit: I've never been a fan of VG Cats. To me, this webcomic is the embodiment of unfunny. It composes nothing short of juvenile humor, repeated jokes I've heard numerous times elsewhere, and attempts at humor that tries too hard. There are a few gems every so often, but it's so rare in-between. I can understand why he has a lot of fans though; who doesn't like the risque nature of the comic? I personally could take all the violent and tasteless jokes if they were in anyway hilarious. Which they aren't.
As for good comics? Well, lately I've been reading Goodbye Chains though I haven't decided if it's super good. Then again, I don't read a lot of webcomics, so my opinion may not be as valid as other's.
some of the VGcats comics make me laugh, other ones are such a vauge referance that i had to get someone to explain to me what the heck it was about (especially one with the potato guy and the peas), others i'll agree he's trying a bit too hard.
of the webcomics i've been following lately, these aren't so bad. (although some have strong language/mature situations at times)
http://lackadaisy.foxprints.com/index.php - the artwork! <3
Hiiisssssssss @ TwoKinds
Meh, I dunno if it's anywhere near the top 10%, but TVTropes lead me to Questionable Content and I've been enjoying the story so far. The first 500 are a rather insipid "Will They Won't They" bit, but starting at 500 (which is where I started) the chick finally tells him why they can't be together and everything changes. Check it out, I guess.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
Hiiisssssssss @ TwoKinds
it's cute. o-o
TwoKinds is stupid,diluted,contradictory,and pointless fake furry porn nonsense
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
furry porn
That was all I read.
That was all I read. <3
Dr. McNinja is amazing. It's the only comic I read which consistantly makes me laugh.
I love Scary Go Round the best though, which I'm linking cause it ain't been yet. Scary Go Round is a very british comic though with lots of lovely Northern English dialect so a non-Brit may have trouble even understanding what they're saying in places. There is a thread in the forum especially for asking what things mean though! I love the art techniques, and I prefer the hand-drawn ones to the ones done in Illustrator. And don't be put off that the current story line includes MJ, cause it started before his death and there's nothing John Allison can really do about it now.
Bad comics? Ummmm well I can't help but enjoy reading Dominic Deegan, despite it's terribly obvious plot armour, cheesy jokes, unnessessary cliffhangers, dull storylines and Sympathy/God-Mod Sue main character who has taken over the comic's namesake as leading character. Why do I like it??? EVERYTHING SAYS I SHOULDN'T.
Well, I still read Sequential Art from time to time. Also this from the same artist, whenever it's updated.
Hmm, no one's mentioned hiimdaisy? Her breakdowns of the Ace Attorney and Metal Gear Solid series is GOLDEN.
Also Dresdan Codak from time to time. I like the art.
it's never contained any porn, but fine. *removes link*.
it's never contained any porn
Hm, maybe that's the point DB was making. *sly grin*
We have an example of both ends of the spectrum! Remember Ozy and Millie, which, at its height, was probably the best webcomic on the net? DC Simpson went on to start Raine Dog, a pretentious self-insert that attempts to make a point about how humans treat other species, but mostly just meanders without (so far) really establishing much, and angered some when the self-insert got into a cross-species romantic relationship with a very young human boy, culminating in a rather creepy page.
Oh God. I've read Raine Dawg. I never liked Ozy and Millie but Raine Dog looks to be about 10 times worse! Just because your dog is sentient doesn't mean you flirt with them or kiss them. Dogs lick their privates with that tongue. And they don't even have lips!
It's Pound Puppies after DC Simpson mangled it with his insanity.
Also @ ChibiBecca I didn't mean for you to remove the link. I just don't like TwoKinds.
Insane? I admire her ideals, which is why it is painful to read her falling so far.
As far as Raine Dog goes. I don't like her ideals very much.
Ozy and Millie bored me as did that other comic with the eagle. But I didn't go "ew" at them like Raine Dawg.
It's hilarious how the parents punish the dog by getting her neutered but don't get any counseling for their messed up son.
DB Just dosn't seem to like furry comics ;P
Ozy and Millie was a little slice of wonderful in a dreary quagmire of the net. Raine Dog is... not.
On a side not I always thought DC was a guy. Turns out wiki says we are both right o.o
Its not that I don't like Furry Comics. I knew someone would try to say that eventually. I just think a lot of the ones I find are horrible.
I found a new webcomic, it's pretty well written and but it is like... crazy furry porn so I can't tell you what it is
We have an example of both ends of the spectrum! Remember Ozy and Millie, which, at its height, was probably the best webcomic on the net? DC Simpson went on to start Raine Dog, a pretentious self-insert that attempts to make a point about how humans treat other species, but mostly just meanders without (so far) really establishing much, and angered some when the self-insert got into a cross-species romantic relationship with a very young human boy, culminating in a rather creepy page.
Not enough D: in the world for that one.
Oh Boi I think I stumbled upon something really bad.
La Cosa Nostra
Basic summary: This is Twilight if the story were about the Mafia instead of vampires. Which makes this worse than Twilight because the Mafia is REAL. Hell at least with Vampires you have the leeway of them being fictional so you can say whatever you want. But this chick/whoever made this comic did little to no research on the subject what so ever. She probably saw the Godfather once, read Twilight, decided both were awesome and made this webcomic. People who are intrigued by the mafia would be offended by this. If any of you guys are actual mafiosi, you'd be offended by how awfully emo and inaccurate this is XD
the creator, Darci Robbin's FAQ page reveals how utterly lazy she is.
Q. When does LCN take place?
A. LCN has no set time period. It has aspects of the 20's, 40's, 50's, 60's, modern day, and a bit of the late 1800's with the way immigrants are treated. I would say most of it is a 1940's or modern feel, but certain characters have different decades feel to them.
This translates to: "Doey I dunno. I didn't bother to crack open a book or even wiki some of this stuff. I just wanted to write about emo pretty boys who kill but don't wanna kill even though they are in the Mafia. And they are little kids, not grown men like in real life." A good example of this is the very first chapter. The main character,Saoirse an Irish girl and her family are fleeing Ireland's Great Famine. Ok well that's acceptable enough. That took place between 1840 to 1850, right? Roughly that I guess. And I think a lot of immigrants flooded into America from 1850 to 1930. Roughly. But during a few panels of prologue you'll see a character with a cellphone with a hello kitty key chain. And in chapter 2 a girl is shopping in New York using her Daddy's American Express credit card! Widescreen televisions... There is even discrimination against immigrants for some reason. I know this happened a long time ago but since Darci decided she wasn't going to give the setting a concrete year any potential drama against immigrants coming to America is totally lost. She may have even gotten the name of a baseball team wrong because according to what I've read the Yankees weren't always called the Yankees. (I checked. Not until 1913)
She doesn't even understand the meaning of the term 'La Cosa Nostra' as seen here
I believe the term is used specifically for the Mafia of Sicily to tell it apart from other mafias or other criminal networks. This comic takes place in America. If nothing else she could have wiki'd this.
Miss Darci Robbins aka Eiko-chan (egh) could have done SOME research. Anything would have been better than nothing! And those complaints above are only cosmetic. She apparently did an even worse job researching actual Mafia terms or how the organization works. Be prepared to read something more like an annoying highschool drama show than a crime novel. This webcomic must be aimed at little girls who love anime and don't know or don't care about how much effort the creator puts into their work as long as there are emo pretty boys with slight incestuous tendencies to 'squee' over. Of course in the great anime tradition there are one or two female characters placed in a position of power no woman would have in the mafia in the days of old but-oh right, Darci doesn't believe in research! I would let this slide if Darci was clever about it but nooooo she just sticks them in there when the Mafia has for the most part been exclusively male and only recently have women started playing an active role in its workings. This is worse than Twilight.
*weeps* I wish Lackadaisy Cats would update more often...
EDIT : I think I need to correct myself on the La Cosa Nostra term. Later I found this : La Cosa Nostra - The term cosa nostra, which is sometimes translated from Italian to mean "our thing," originally referred to the general lifestyle of organized criminals in Sicily. When the Mafia moved to the United States, FBI agents listening in on wiretaps heard the term. They began using the term La Cosa Nostra (which is grammatically incorrect) to refer to the Mafia. In time, La Cosa Nostra referred specifically to American Mafioso, differentiating them from "old world" mobsters.
So I guess Darci is right in that respect but I bet it was by mistake.
Nothing Better I'd also like to bring attention to this web comic. It's really good. About a bunch of kids in college but its not the usual stuff you get from the "crazy kids in college!" genre. No talking animals/intimate objects for one thing. The main characters are two females. One a free spirited artist and the other a more reserved homely christian girl, and a bunch of people they make friends with while in college. They're all interesting deep and you get a true sense that these are actually real people. And I really dig the art style.
Must warn there is slight nudity. Mostly a shot of one of the girls topless but its nothing raunchy. Saaaying that though I recall one or two sexual situations. But it's never explicit.