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In all my years, I'd never thought I'd actually live to see a resonance cascade scenario!

Posts: 5772
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"Sir, it's as we feared. The Dark Knight is poised to overtake Titanic in overall ticket sales in a few days. What should we do? The reputation of our studio is at stake!"
"Alright gentlemen, we no longer have any choice. Employ the Super Hadron Collider! And may God have mercy on us all!!"

To be honest, I have no real opinion about this.

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GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:21):
10 hours 38 minutes left
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:21):
time sure flies
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:21):
darklordpeaches.u says to (18:21):
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:21):
Explain to us in simple engrish!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:21):
we went over this already
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:22):
the Large Hardon Collider
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:22):
WTF is THAT!!!????
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:22):
What does it do!!!
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:22):
WHhy is it important!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:22):
Oh my mistake
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:22):
Large Hadron Collider
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:22):
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:23):
....I already went thrugh that what does it all mean!!!!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:23):
People are afraid when it is activated it will "divide by zero" so to speak
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:23):
...WTF does that have to doe by anything!
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:24):
does that mean it will do nothing!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:24):
have you ever tried to divide by zero before?
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:24):
yes, anything divided by zero equals 0
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:24):
so odes that mean it will cancel its self out?
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:25):
& be a big waste of money!?
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:25):
Or implode & destroy the entire continent!?
darklordpeaches.u says to (18:25):
That would suck.
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:25):
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:25):
Welll mabye it would send everybody to the twilight zone!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:26):
or give everybody superpowers
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:26):
HELL YEA, X-Ray vision BABY!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:26):
And no, if you divide by zero it doesn't "just equal zero"
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:26):
it just can't be done.
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:26):
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:27):
You will get an error
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:27):
so if what htere doing is impossible, it will have error...wich will lead to..what exactly!? & you best not say apocalypese no way in hell im letting the world end before sonic reaches issue #200!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:28):
well now
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:28):
that's not your choice to choose.
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:28):
.....Actually it..Kinda is.....I know people in....well lets just say shadowy, Yet high places!?
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:29):
But seriusly what will this do?
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:29):
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:29):
"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator complex intended to collide opposing beams of 7 TeV protons. Its main purpose is to explore the validity and limitations of the Standard Model, the current theoretical picture for particle physics. This model is known to break down at a certain high energy level."
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:29):
Tell me Tutleboy...What the hell does this thing do! If you don't i will be angered! NO MORE LINKS PUT IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:30):
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:30):
Arikyrenne.u says to (18:30):
the first link from the topic page that was linked earlier doesn't seem to be working for me o.o
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:30):
SO basically its a dimensional barier breakaer??? OMG WHAT IF WE OPEN THE DOORA TO HELL!!!! AHHHHH!!!!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:30):
They have problems half the time
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:31):
I figure it is because there is so many people visiting it
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:31):
just refresh a while it will work
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:31):
...Well with anyluck itlle fissle out & do nothing, & why do those damn scientis always have to mess woth nature, just let the universe do it's thing
Arikyrenne.u says to (18:31):
in, fact, I think that window just froze up for me, so brb as I restart the browser
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:32):
anyway, I have one of these things near me
(18:32):Arikyrenne.u quit the room
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:32):
infact, it is the 2nd biggest of the bunch
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:32):
damn stupid scientists won't realize their own limitations, try to play god, THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:32):
(18:32):darklordpeaches.u quit the room
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:33):
but serieoulsy have the crap they do doesn't even matter, unless their making new tech or mediceine its all pointless!
(18:33):Welcome to YukuChat , Arikyrenne.u!
Arikyrenne.u says to (18:33):
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:34):
My particle accelerator has buffalo
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:34):
that's all that counts
Legionfan44.sonichqcommunity says to (18:35):
..I mean seriously waht are they thinking, hey lets make a divice that could potentially end the world just for the fun of it, serve the idiots right if they blew themselves up or unleashed a plauge of interdimensonal monsters on the world & no one cares about buffalo or PA's
(18:35):ShadowQueen.sonichqcommunity quit the room
GalapagosTurtle.u says (18:35):
eh, pretty much.

Also curse you Psx and your subconscious innuendo.

Posts: 3666
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tl;dr @ chatlog

and yay we get to maybe die at midnight (in britainland)

Posts: 72
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In all my years, I'd never thought I'd actually live to see a resonance cascade scenario!

Better get ready for those Headcrabs and the Combine. Now where's that crowbar?

But seriously, hope it doesn't kill us all.

Posts: 489
Honorable Member

Just to clear things up, in that conversation, I wasn't paying attention to anything.
Anyway, I guess it ends today. Oh, well...
I will treasure the moments of my life for eternity, in bliss or hellfire.

Posts: 713
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If we all die I will eat my hat

Posts: 2232
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Pffft, all that will come of this is drinks with small black holes in them heated by Hawking radiation. *Nods sagely*

Posts: 5772
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A Time Gate is fine, too.

Posts: 2915
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So the page doesn't load.... did we die?

Posts: 608
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Well, CERN's at it again... They're the reason I desisted from a physics major in undergrad. I gotta admit that particle accelerator is cool stuff.

We got until Sept 10 before they try to accelerate and pass a particle through the whole system XD

Posts: 2097
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If this is the afterlife I am somewhat disappointed.

Posts: 489
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If we survive that we have until October 21. That's when the first high energy collisions take place. That's the one I'm really worried about.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Worst case Scenario It rips a hole in time/space unleashing hordes of interdimensional Beasties & Demons Upon the earth! Well guess somebody better call the doctor......but yea im deffinantly gonna have my crowbar & Holy water at the ready when these mofo scientists start there crazy experiments!!!

Posts: 0
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That's not how the universe works legion.

Posts: 608
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Worst case Scenario It rips a hole in time/space unleashing hordes of interdimensional Beasties & Demons Upon the earth! Well guess somebody better call the doctor......but yea im deffinantly gonna have my crowbar & Holy water at the ready when these mofo scientists start there crazy experiments!!!

Crazy experiments? Noooo, we would never do that and tell you about it. These experiments you speak of have already been started

Posts: 5772
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I'm suddenly reminded of The Mist...

Posts: 2438
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You know, I actually read a few letters to the editor about an article on the accelerator, and one of them was a scientist who was glad to see collaboration among so many scientists to advance science - which, apparently, he and several of his US comrades had to leave the US to find funding and support since the US, in his terms, wasn't supportive of basic science as much as in the past.

Another letter to the editor mentioned that the article didn't mention any practical purpose to the collider (citing iPods, toasters and other mundane items as useful), and demanded to know what would be the point of this monstrous device and wondered what the carbon footprint of it was. The overall point of his letter was to criticize the scientists for coming up with something this huge and seemingly useless, yet scientists don't seem to have their priorities on researching energy resources that would help solve the world's energy crisis.

Then the third one was kind of like Legion's response: Something along the lines of "I hope this doesn't blow up the world. That would be the God particle's revenge on humanity for discovering it." The second sentence is more or less word-for-word.

Personally? I must admit that I'd prefer to see advances in areas that would be more immediately useful, but who knows? Maybe there will be huge benefits from the byproducts of this research. And I doubt anything serious will come of it in terms of blowing up the world; it's erroneous to assume the whole world is gonna blow up, much less video game and movie scenarios of freaky cross-dimensional creatures. These scientists are aware that people might think like that, and they're going to take every reasonable precaution in their tests. Maybe this is how people felt when nuclear bombs were first being developed? And at least those were definitely a threat that could be understood as a threat, this thing isn't even a weapon.

And we aren't dead yet, so that seems to indicate good things so far. 😛

Posts: 489
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Someone made a flash game based on the LHC. It's strange though.

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*deploys a Nuke Helix from C&C Generals: Zero Hour*

Posts: 2232
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We should celebrate it's creation by eating spaghetti. *nods sagely*

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Posts: 489
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I'll bring garlic bread.

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Also my friend Jody went through a bizarre personality change from depressive to giddily happy and excited 100% of the time after we didn't all die from the LHC.

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I am hoping it causes the zombopocolapse.

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Posts: 68
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the Large Hardon Collider


Another letter to the editor mentioned that the article didn't mention any practical purpose to the collider (citing iPods, toasters and other mundane items as useful), and demanded to know what would be the point of this monstrous device and wondered what the carbon footprint of it was. The overall point of his letter was to criticize the scientists for coming up with something this huge and seemingly useless, yet scientists don't seem to have their priorities on researching energy resources that would help solve the world's energy crisis.

Yeah, why are those ridiculous scientists researching electricity? I mean there are useful applications like guns and boats, they should just do those.

Then the third one was kind of like Legion's response: Something along the lines of "I hope this doesn't blow up the world. That would be the God particle's revenge on humanity for discovering it." The second sentence is more or less word-for-word.

That would be hilarious if it wasn't so terrifying. What we need is an ignorant moron collider so that people who think God will take revenge for discovering X can be useful.

Anyway, I think there is not so much concern about blowing up the world as collapsing it in THE ENORMOUS (miniature black hole) GRAVITY or particles that react with matter.

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What if we do find a particle that is a part of god's mass?

Posts: 3756
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For those still confused about what this is supposed to do, I present you with....

The Large Hadron Rap.


Posts: 2232
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That's the best rap ever

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Unless you are reading this on September 10, then that would be "TODAY"

IF you are reading this on September 11, well then nothing happened. Nothing ever happens on this day.

Posts: 4607
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Actually something very important DID happen on September 11, but that was pretty obvious.

Also, they're only doing test runs right now. No collisions occur until October.


Posts: 3468
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Large Hadron Collider? Bah. That was so 2008.

We're gonna look back at this and laugh when the Super Large Hadron Collider goes online.

And you know? We'll say the same thing. And we'll look back, again, and laugh, when the even larger Very Large Hadron Collider is built.

...And that one's going to blow up the planet. And the rest of all of existance.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Large Hadron Collider? Bah. That was so 2008.

We're gonna look back at this and laugh when the Super Large Hadron Collider goes online.

And you know? We'll say the same thing. And we'll look back, again, and laugh, when the even larger Very Large Hadron Collider is built.

...And that one's going to blow up the planet. And the rest of all of existance.

Posts: 2915
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Posts: 5772
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Nothing bad ever comes from accelerating particles!

Posts: 679
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I was disappointed to find I still had to go to work today. Oh well.

They'd better not do anything in October, I'm waiting for the Harry Dresden noveletta to be released.


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Atleast spore managed to be released before the world ended.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Don't worry people.

Gordon Freeman is there to make sure nothing bad happens.
And just in case things go bad, Reddits has send him a special package.

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Dudes, there won't be any collision of particles until October 21st. And even then, the chance of our planet being swallowed up by a black hole is incredibly slim. Well, unless you're a religious nutcase or whatever. Personally, I hope this experiment opens up a portal to a parallel universe which contains versions of ourselves which are far wealthier than we are. We'll then enter into this parallel universe, kill our wealthier counterparts and steal their money to buy magic mushrooms. Large Hadron Collider FTW!

Posts: 1413
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Well look like the experiment was a success. Yay.

Posts: 4607
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Don't worry people.

Gordon Freeman is there to make sure nothing bad happens.
And just in case things go bad, Reddits has send him a special package.


Posts: 5772
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Astleyphobia - A devastating neurological condition, it can cause an otherwise normal individual to completely forego clicking Internet hypertext links due to an innate fear of an unknown quantity. In certain extreme cases, the individual is blissfully unaware he's even ignoring links at all.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I'm celebrating tonight with my fellow nerds and physics fans. Bar and beer tonight folks, the LHC has successfully circled accelerated particles.

First beam in the LHC - accelerating science

A historic moment in the CERN Control Centre: the beam was successfully steered around the accelerator.

Geneva, 10 September 2008. The first beam in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN1 was successfully steered around the full 27 kilometres of the world's most powerful particle accelerator at 10h28 this morning. This historic event marks a key moment in the transition from over two decades of preparation to a new era of scientific discovery.

"It's a fantastic moment," said LHC project leader Lyn Evans, "we can now look forward to a new era of understanding about the origins and evolution of the universe."

Starting up a major new particle accelerator takes much more than flipping a switch. Thousands of individual elements have to work in harmony, timings have to be synchronized to under a billionth of a second, and beams finer than a human hair have to be brought into head-on collision. Today's success puts a tick next to the first of those steps, and over the next few weeks, as the LHC's operators gain experience and confidence with the new machine, the machine's acceleration systems will be brought into play, and the beams will be brought into collision to allow the research programme to begin.

Once colliding beams have been established, there will be a period of measurement and calibration for the LHC's four major experiments, and new results could start to appear in around a year. Experiments at the LHC will allow physicists to complete a journey that started with Newton's description of gravity. Gravity acts on mass, but so far science is unable to explain the mechanism that generates mass. Experiments at the LHC will provide the answer. LHC experiments will also try to probe the mysterious dark matter of the universe - visible matter seems to account for just 5% of what must exist, while about a quarter is believed to be dark matter. They will investigate the reason for nature's preference for matter over antimatter, and they will probe matter as it existed at the very beginning of time.

"The LHC is a discovery machine," said CERN Director General Robert Aymar, "its research programme has the potential to change our view of the Universe profoundly, continuing a tradition of human curiosity that's as old as mankind itself."

Posts: 216
Estimable Member

To be honest, I'm getting tired of all the talk about this thing, and all the jokes about it ending the world. There's no chance whatsoever of this happening, and yet people keep joking about it. It was kinda funny at first, but it's getting old really really fast, at least to me. Yes, it's an amazing project and all, but c'mon. The only thing I'm afraid is going to happen is that the whole thing turns out to be a massive waste of time and money.

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But rishi what if there are extra dimensions that allow for the creation of black holes at far less greater energy?

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Freeman's not alone...

Posts: 2016
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Freeman's not alone...


Posts: 3756
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Aren't we all having a wonderful time now?

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