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The fact there's no topic about the Jena 6 disheartens me

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Posts: 2116
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I've been trying to follow the story, but it only got a day or so's coverage over here, and I don't know enough about general tensions in that part of the country to feel safe commenting.

Posts: 2915
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I can't say I've heard much either, but I haven't been watching the news.

I also can't comment on racial tensions... There aren't too many up here in the north

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea it's pretty big down here[Alabama]. It's crazy to think stuff like this still happens and it's not that big a deal. The world is just a scary place. It really is. I did wear black last Thursday though. It was one of my Sonic shirts but still black. lol

Posts: 2116
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Dub's taught me a bit about the history of the civil rights movement down there, but I don't know much about the state of things recently.

Posts: 1583
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It depends on where you live and how you define "racial tensions." I'd disagree that there aren't many up in the North from my own and others experiences in New York. They're just different from what occassionally makes the news from the Southern states, which in many ways gets an unfair share of the attention on that front of US society/history.

Considering the attention its gotten, I really haven't paid too much attention to it actually. I've had my attention focused on other matters.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Oh there's just as much racism in the North, just more polite about it, and they keep it to themselves until their a far away distance from anything so they can just let it out.

And if people think the fight for Civil Rights was over in the 60's, guess what?

Posts: 3468
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EDIT: Eh, screw it.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I remember this. Good that the one was at least charged as a juvie.

Racism is everywhere and it's very unfortunate that it's still rampant. To say that it'll go away is bullcrap, since we're all just a little "racist" inside. Hopefully the tension and the persecution and prejudices will lessen in the future.

Keep it to stereotype jokes., don't be prejudiced. That's my thing. 😛

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I'm still, kind of pissed that the media and black leadership hasn't blown this story as much as the Imus debacle or Kramer's rant. Here we have an actual case of kids being persecuted because of their skin, but Jesse, Al, and the NAACP ignore for a year because Imus said "nappy headed h-s". Fournately, now since the whole nation is now watching with great scrutiny, these kids might get a fair trial.

Posts: 3468
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Well, okay, but can we remember that they did gang up on another person and beat him?

Posts: 2398
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I had this friend in highschool, he was around two years younger than me. Kid was about five foot nothing and probably ninety pounds. We're talking LITTLE.

I'd played defense for him for several months as although I'm not tall, I have the stature of someone thats 'tough'. There'd been a lot of instances since my hometown was elitist as all hell. Corrupt teachers, staff, bullies, etc... I'd handled all of them to best of my ability since I was well liked and they listened to me.

Then he decided to join football. I had told him it was a mistake, and not just because he had all the physique of a twelve year old, but he didn't listen. Homecoming his sophomore year he decided to mouth off to the jocks.

As far as I know, he still limps.

Did I go on a crusade to have the bullies put in jail? No. I did however push for the longest possible suspension. Yes I helped him with the aftermath of it, but in the end it was his own fault it happened. He went into a situation and insulted a group of people bigger than him, that is sheer stupidity.

Do I think he deserved a permanently limp? No. Do I think this white kid deserved to be beaten to a pulp? No.

Did I think the jocks deserved to goto jail? No. Do I think the black kids deserve to goto jail? No.

This is an instance with no innocent party. One party mocked the other, the other attacked. Unfortunately in our justice system there seems to be very little leniency for a situation were you physically attack someone for words the said.

My own morality would agree with this, physical violence for words is asinine. But that is my own morality, some people think differently. The only problem I have with it is the school picking and choosing which 'hate crimes' it handles and which it leaves to the cops.


Posts: 3468
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Well, Rico, don't high school students who gang up on other high school students go to jail all the time?

Posts: 2398
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Not that I know of. But I'm sure you have a list ready for when I reply, and I wouldn't want to deny you, so I'll play along.


Posts: 2191
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SX, it's usually suspension for beating someone up.

And even if it's usually jail time, who deserve 20 ****ing years? >_>

Posts: 1694
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SX, it's usually suspension for beating someone up.

But only if you're a non-athelete.

Posts: 3756
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What the hell does the nooses in the tree have anything to do with this? This was three months later. o.o

Posts: 3468
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Well, at my school, students who get into fights this violent end up criminally charged all the time. No, I don't have a list, but I go by what I see, and I see students being punished by a court of law, not the school board.

Note that this is sometimes. Two students thwack each other a few times, they'll just end up suspended. Six students gang up on another student and beat the **** out of him? I can see a trial in their future.

And I don't have a comment on the sentence itself.

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But the guy that was beat up sure recovered fast. He was at a party the night after. >_>

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

You know, I can't remember anybody ever actually getting a notable punishment for fighting at our school. At all.
