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The Insomnia Topic
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The Insomnia Topic

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Rules: You can only post here between the hours of 12:00 am - 5:00 am your local time. DO NOT POST DURING THE DAYTIME. And also tell us why you are still up.

It's 4:23 AM and I've just come to the conclusion that I've been falling asleep and unreasonably crazy hours. If I'm not asleep, I'm in class, if I'm not in class I'm at work, if I'm not at work I'm workING on projects, and then I'm asleep again for somewhere between 2 to 4 hours when my body says "F-You Jon. Rest you stupid SOB." and the cycle starts all over again. :(

i'll be glad when finals are done and Christmas break hits.

Posts: 235
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I'm not an imsomniac, but I think Gaberial is! T_T

Posts: 2417
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I kept on falling asleep and waking up constantly tonight. I figured that would have atleast had gotten me to 6:00, but no, It was really 2:30. Since there was an "ice storm" on tuesday, all classes were closed and now all my finals, even the one that had both tuesday and thursday to work on it, are now all on the same day, and less than 30 minutes apart so no extra time.

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i haven't posted while awake at unreasonable hours becuase i prefer to turn my laptop off and grump while in bed, but for the past week i've not been able to fall asleep before 2am as the building i'm living in seems to be mainly filled with over-excited 18 years olds on their first year of university. ^.x;
as their grades don't matter in their first year, they're all pratying while i slowly go crazy over my workload and the fact that i'm not getting anything done.

but there is a remedy! *holds up a packet of nightol!*

Posts: 2915
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I forgot to post here these last few nights...

It is 12:52am... and I'm desperitely trying to finish 2 packets for Linear Algebra and Differential Equations... I really need these points =|

Posts: 917
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It's 2:11am. I fell asleep after eating Mac and cheese and drinking bourbon. So now I'm watching Alias DVDs.

Posts: 3291
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i fell asleep about 5am this morning after someone seemed to be imitating a pack of wolves somewhere on campus. ^.x;

Posts: 2915
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Okay, so last nights totals are as follow:

Time spent working on Diff Equ : 3:40am
Time woke up to finished Diff Equ: 7:30am

unnnnnnnnnnnngh.... Although I get to go see I Am Legend today, so it isn't a total loss...

EDIT: In Differential Equations class right now... I want to diiiiie =

Posts: 2016
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Currently it's 2:35 AM.

I just finished a night of drinking! :D

EDIT: P.S.: I'm also currently eating stew which was left over from dinner and put into the fridge. So it's cold, and my microwave is broken.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'll have to remember that, Dub - I've been trying to get an answer on your cell 'phone at 1-4am my time, and it's been like trying to nail jello to a wall.

Posts: 1134
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I am awake right now (coming up to 4AM my time). I'm not sure why. I was just kind of in the MoFo IRC chat talking and forgot to go to sleep. :D

Posts: 141
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I've been up late for the past two days studying for a Multivar Vector Calc final and an Orgo Chem final respectively, as well as work on a term paper involving the practicality of traditional Chinese medicine in relation to modern medicine.

Tonight, I'm up because I know I can sleep in until four PM tomorrow-- I mean, today. xP

EDIT: It's 3:57 here, by the way. Wait, no, 3:58, sorry.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

It's 3:45 and I'm supposed to be writing answers for my final test and paragraphs for a paper. However, I opted to watch the X-Files season one disc 7. Mulder mentioned brain eating amoebas in Spirit Lake as a result of Mt. Saint Helen's eruption in 1980. I looked it up, it led me to a page about Lemuria, I followed links and now I'm reading stuff in the local Freemason page, another about conspiracies and mysteries, ancient mystery school, tales of enchanted lands, social security death index on people who have my last name back home and the last tab read The Insomnia Topic.

I'm hungry so I'm eating Danish Butter Cockies yum ^^

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

It is 12:18 MST. I'm just poking around the internets... I woke up at 5pm and thusly I'm wide awake. >.>

Posts: 2398
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hmm, ok

This is the one and only post you wll see an actally drunk tobias. Most of this is coreccted a few times.

It was an experiment to see if my fellow indians were being truthfull, plus a celebration for me leaving the reservation.

I'm sitting here at 1:09 am. I byupassed my ulcer with 2 150 ml zantac and 3 1000ml tums. and became what a normal person would call "completely drunk/" Just to deduce what one thinks at this level.

I can clearly think that I am incapable of driving and need to stay where I am for the night. Anyone that would attempt to drive a car in this condition should lose theior liscence as a minimum. I will never do this again.

I guess it's an insomnia topic but also a rant. Drunk drivers are disgusting. I used to semi excus them saying they were to inebriated to understand their actions. I don't drink, and downed 3/4ths a bottle or rum (to the point of regurgitating). And I can easily tell I have NO business anywhere but passed out in my bed or a couch.

Anyone tells you any excuse for drinking and driveing. Tell them Rico/Tobe said to sit and spin.

It's no fun, don't do it, you can't even play video games. :(


Posts: 419
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Topic starter


hmm, ok

This is the one and only post you wll see an actally drunk tobias. Most of this is coreccted a few times.

It was an experiment to see if my fellow indians were being truthfull, plus a celebration for me leaving the reservation.

I'm sitting here at 1:09 am. I byupassed my ulcer with 2 150 ml zantac and 3 1000ml tums. and became what a normal person would call "completely drunk/" Just to deduce what one thinks at this level.

I can clearly think that I am incapable of driving and need to stay where I am for the night. Anyone that would attempt to drive a car in this condition should lose theior liscence as a minimum. I will never do this again.

I guess it's an insomnia topic but also a rant. Drunk drivers are disgusting. I used to semi excus them saying they were to inebriated to understand their actions. I don't drink, and downed 3/4ths a bottle or rum (to the point of regurgitating). And I can easily tell I have NO business anywhere but passed out in my bed or a couch.

Anyone tells you any excuse for drinking and driveing. Tell them Rico/Tobe said to sit and spin.

It's no fun, don't do it, you can't even play video games. :(

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

Wheee... lookit all the pretty pictures.


It's 3:15! Why am I still up? Why am I not the least bit tired? I've got things to do tomo-- er, later today. I need to finish Christmas shopping, I need to wrap everything, I need to finish my online Christmas card, I need to do laundry, I need to start getting packed...

Hell, at this rate, if I go to bed now, it'll be noon before I wake up (again).

If it weren't for the fact that the people above me are probably asleep, I'd get so much accomplished starting now and just crash Sund-- er, this evening.


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's just about 1 A.M. my time now.

Things to blame for this outrage:
- all things Adult Swim (Death Note, mostly)
- internet hate machine
- leaked Canadian airing of Western Air Temple (it. was. GLORIOUS.)
- shopping for 1gb ram from newegg (way overdue)

Time for me to konk out.

(Oh Fuu, you whiny little minx I'll never leave you <3 wait what it took me 8 minutes to type this jesus)

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

It's 12 past midnight at time of posting. Now I know for many people on this forum that's nothing (there are a lot of brits online atm) but my parents personally hate me being online longer than five hours or past 11pm so it's quite an acheivement for me. Posting now because I don't think I'll be online much longer.

The reason I'm still up? Youtube :D And some miricle which means Dad hasn't booted me yet.

Posts: 1100
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It's 1:15am EST over here, and I'm still awake because... I CAN!

Yeah, I Rule...

Posts: 2915
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why damn it why?

<It is 1:20 something... and I am going to bed. Tomorrow is "Study Monday" so no finals... But I have 2 videos to watch/ write up a 1 pg reply, 2 evaluation papers to write, 1 lab to bs my way through... and one math test to study for... kill me now D:

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Man, people still have Finals?? I got done with all mine last week. Anywho, I'm up at 1 AM because I normally stay up until 2 AM (4 AM for you poor East Coast folk) when school is out. Usually I'm writing or playing videogames.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Once again, it's 3:38 am. I tried sleeping. I laid in bed for 2 hours and no luck. I'm thinking about all the stuff I still need to do for the infernal class. In addition, to the mess I got in my old apartment and how I'm going to manage to finish moving it all while dealing with class. The other factor is having to pack once I unpack my stuff in my new apartment. I'm going to NY on Monday and it's driving me insane. Hope I don't forget the presents I bought.

Speaking of presents I must be the best aunt in the world. I just got my godson/nephew a PSP for Christmas.

I'm currently in my new apartment which is located on campus and next to the Hospital. I've heard so far 2 ambulances and the helicopter... annoying XD


leaked Canadian airing of Western Air Temple (it. was. GLORIOUS.)

hahahaha I saw it as well. Been waiting for it for a while now. Wasn't Suko adorable?

I'm off to finish my bowl of Ramen and well.... keep lurking around here.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

It just turned 12:01am here (Australia time- AEDST).

I'm still awake because I've been posting on here a little bit more 😛 I do intend to go to bed pretty soon..I'm not as tired as I first though (-_-) I've gotta go push my cat off my bed

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

It's currently 3:30 AM, and I've just come back from a night on the town, drunk as a skunk.

Christmas parties at nightclubs and stripclubs are awesome!

Posts: 2610
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It is 1:43 right now, and I just finished watching an illegal version of I am Legend =D I don't really have anything else to say, though.

Posts: 1100
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It's 2.20am and I can't sleep and found myself watching 'Latin Lover'

... God, Help me! XD

Posts: 113
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3:38am....I've been drinking..woo-hoo!! I love me some beers but it's also been very hot so I found it hard to sleep...Now I'm starting to feel the effect of sleep being needed...I may go to sleep very, very soon.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member


I was... I don't remember. And I'm not drunk, the effect of the daquiri wore off long ago.

So, with my last conscious breath this night, I curse Dubs!

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

It's New Year's, there are people outside my window with loud fireworks. However, I have a secret weapon: earplugs! I'm about to go give them a try...

Oh, and five's 80's movie countdown was wrong in many, many ways, but I agree with number 1 :)


Posts: 89
Estimable Member

Merry New Years. I stayed up cuz I wanted to.

Posts: 2915
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It's 2:41am... I got back from a New Years party with my buddy almost an hour ago... I had to use windex to get the obscenity laced comments his buddies wrote on the inside of the car's windows >=

I had a short stack of Pancakes at Perkins around 1am... pretty damn good... now to go and sleep till noon.

Posts: 4607
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I was playing TF2 for a while... a while became a lot... and now it's 4AM almost... wow...

Posts: 1058
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1:11 AM

I blame caffeine! Good night, Mofo.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

It's 2:47am at the time of starting to type this. I'm still awake because for one thing I'm chatting to someone who doesn't live on this side of the Atlantic, and for another I'm RPing as a fat bald man.

I think that's all you need know. =D


Posts: 1044
Noble Member

03:09 :D

Posts: 1055
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It's 1:25am. I woke up at 3pm, so I'm wide awake. WHEEEE

Posts: 113
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1:56am....I should be in bed sleeping but instead I was watching my DVDs...Now I want to play challenge 13 on worms...I nearly won but lost by a TINY bit..I was so mad when I lost cause this level is doing my head there is like 20..Woo-woo!

Aiight..Gunna go do that :D

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

It's 3am and I've just got up Nn

Just another day in the crazy world of Crim.

Posts: 2354
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It's 12:06 AM according to my computer clock. I stood awake past 12 several times (not counting New Year's Eve/Day, which I spent it by drinking alcohol).

January 7/8, 2008: Spent playing Silver's episode in Sonic 2k6 until it was 2:30 AM.

And now, I'm going to sleep. I'm bored.

Posts: 113
Estimable Member

12:24am...I'm trying to find the last COG in Gears...It's making me grumpy!

Posts: 3291
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i feel asleep somewhere past 2am as someone kept going in and out of the ktichen and letting the door bang.. then managed to oversleep until 1pm. arghh~

Posts: 113
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1:48am...Taking a break from finding the last COG...Gone through Act 1, Act 2 and Act 5 but still nothing..And yea, just doing the sub levels within the Acts that have the COGs.

Posts: 2354
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Why am I awake at this hour when I have to be at work in less than eight hours?

Posts: 2417
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2:00 AM

Arg, a new semester starts up again today and I can't get any sleep. And its two hours earlier than usual I have to be there.

Posts: 3291
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i didn't sleep at all well last night.. you know those kinds of nights where you're really tired but end up tossing and turning and trying to find a comfortable position but can't? yeah. ^^;

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

It's 4:13am here in Blighty.

I'm still awake because I'm in the RP Room and I'm nattering to folk online, because I have no job and thus need not worry about the consequences of burning the midnight oil.

Note that I will probably still be awake at 8am, considering I slept from midday to about 8pm earlier on yesterday. 8D


Posts: 2232
Noble Member

I'm up right now because I got to sleep about half five last night and had to get up early for an exam, then went back to bed, now I'm trying to shake of the booze that I foolishly indulged in, so I can properly revise for my exam tommory. A small amount is fine and kinda helps, relaxing and cutting stress and all. Unfortunatly Police Camera Action was on, so I stayed in the front room longer than I planned.

So yeah. Bollarks.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Well it's 1:05AM right now, which is nothing compared to yesterday, where I was up till 4:30AM photoshopping. I love my late night photoshopping insanity. Only problem is by the end, I tend to be so frustrated with the picture and sleepy that I rush the background or something and I end up disliking it in the long run.

Thankfully I finished my latest one by 12:30, so I wasn't quite tired yet 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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lol 1:20... Brawl update is done... Bed and Advance Wars beacon...

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